Which blood vessels are in close contact with body cells ?

 Capillaries and Arterioles Functioning

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 Which blood vessels are in close contact with body cells ?

The blood vessels that are in close contact with body cells are the capillaries.

Capillaries are the smallest and most numerous blood vessels in the body. They are found in nearly every tissue and organ, and their main function is to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells, and to remove waste products such as carbon dioxide.

Capillaries are so small that their walls are only one cell thick, which allows them to be in close contact with the body's cells. This allows for the exchange of oxygen and nutrients from the blood to the cells, and for waste products to be removed from the cells and carried away in the blood.

Arterioles, pre-capillary sphincters are also in close contact with body cells but they are more near to capillaries and they play role in regulating the flow of blood to the capillaries.

In addition to capillaries, other blood vessels such as venules and veins also play important roles in the circulation of blood throughout the body. They are responsible for carrying blood away from the capillaries and back to the heart, where it can be pumped out to the rest of the body.

Overall, the capillaries are the blood vessels that are in closest contact with the body's cells, and their proper function is crucial for maintaining good health and overall well-being.

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