The Great Gatsby: Book Summary

The Great Gatsby: Book Summary

"The Great Gatsby" is a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1925. It is set in the summer of 1922 and tells the story of a young man named Nick Carraway, who has recently moved to New York to become a bond salesman. He becomes drawn into the world of his wealthy neighbor, Jay Gatsby, who is known for his lavish parties and mysterious past.

Gatsby is in love with a woman named Daisy Buchanan, who is married to Tom Buchanan. Daisy and Tom are from a wealthy and influential family, and Tom is having an affair with a woman named Myrtle Wilson. Nick becomes friends with Gatsby and becomes involved in the love triangle between Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom.

As the story progresses, Nick learns that Gatsby is a bootlegger and has made his fortune through illegal means. Tom reveals to Nick that Gatsby is a criminal and was once in love with Daisy's cousin, who killed herself when Gatsby was sent to fight in World War I.

Despite this revelation, Gatsby and Daisy rekindle their relationship and plan to run away together. However, things take a tragic turn when Myrtle is killed by a car driven by Daisy, who was driving under the influence. Gatsby takes the blame for the accident and is killed by Myrtle's husband, George, in revenge.

The novel ends with Nick reflecting on the events of the summer and the ultimate emptiness of the lavish lifestyle that he has been a part of. The novel is a commentary on the decadence and excess of the Roaring Twenties and the corrupting influence of wealth.

The novel begins with Nick Carraway, the narrator, recalling the summer he spent in New York in 1922. He has recently moved to the East Coast from the Midwest to become a bond salesman and is living in a small house in the West Egg neighborhood of Long Island. West Egg is home to the nouveau riche, or people who have recently acquired wealth, while the more established and aristocratic East Egg is home to the old money families.

Nick becomes neighbors with a mysterious and wealthy man named Jay Gatsby, who throws lavish parties every weekend at his mansion across the bay. Despite the crowds of people that attend the parties, no one seems to know much about Gatsby himself, and he is rumored to be involved in illegal activities.

Nick becomes friends with Gatsby and is introduced to his circle of acquaintances, which includes Daisy Buchanan, a beautiful and wealthy young woman who is married to Tom Buchanan. Tom is having an affair with a woman named Myrtle Wilson, who is married to a lower-class man named George.

As the summer goes on, Nick becomes more and more drawn into the world of Gatsby and the Buchanans, and he becomes privy to their secrets and conflicts. He learns that Gatsby is in love with Daisy and that Tom is physically and emotionally abusive towards her. He also becomes aware of Gatsby's criminal past and the fact that he made his fortune through illegal means, such as bootlegging and selling illegal alcohol during Prohibition.

Despite this, Gatsby and Daisy rekindle their relationship and plan to run away together, leaving Tom and the life they have built together behind. However, things take a tragic turn when Daisy, while driving under the influence, hits and kills Myrtle with her car. Gatsby takes the blame for the accident to protect Daisy, and he is killed by George in revenge.

The novel ends with Nick reflecting on the events of the summer and the emptiness of the lavish lifestyle that he has been a part of. He realizes that the people he has been associating with, including Gatsby and the Buchanans, are corrupt and that their relationships are built on greed and deceit. He decides to leave New York and return to the Midwest, disillusioned by the East Coast and the people he has encountered there.

Throughout the novel, the characters' relationships and actions are shaped by the social and economic divides that exist between the East Egg and West Egg neighborhoods. The Buchanans, who are from the East Egg, look down on the nouveau riche residents of West Egg and view them as uncultured and lacking in refinement. This is exemplified by Tom Buchanan's contempt for Gatsby and his criminal past.

However, the novel also critiques the corruption and moral decay of the wealthy East Egg residents. Tom and Daisy are both unfaithful in their marriages and indifferent to the consequences of their actions. They are depicted as selfish and superficial, caring more about their own pleasure and status than the well-being of others.

Gatsby, on the other hand, is portrayed as a tragic figure who is ultimately betrayed by the people he loves. Despite his criminal activities, he is depicted as a romantic and idealistic character who is driven by his love for Daisy and his desire to win her back. However, his love is ultimately unrequited, and he is killed by George in a fit of rage.

The novel is a commentary on the decadence and excess of the Roaring Twenties and the corrupting influence of wealth. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of seeking to attain the American Dream through illegitimate means and the importance of honesty and integrity.

There are several themes in "The Great Gatsby" that are explored through the characters and their relationships.

One major theme is the corrupting influence of wealth. The characters in the novel are all wealthy and live lavish lifestyles, but their wealth is also shown to be corrupting and detrimental to their relationships and moral compass. Tom and Daisy, for example, are both unfaithful in their marriages and indifferent to the suffering of those around them. Gatsby's wealth, which is derived from illegal activities, ultimately leads to his death.

Another theme is the American Dream and the pursuit of success. Gatsby is depicted as a representation of the American Dream, as he rises from humble beginnings to become wealthy and successful. However, his success is ultimately shown to be empty and meaningless, as he is unable to attain happiness or the love of Daisy.

A related theme is the hollowness of the upper class and their lifestyle. Despite their wealth and social status, the characters in the novel are shown to be unhappy and unfulfilled. They engage in reckless and destructive behavior, such as Tom's infidelity and Daisy's involvement in Myrtle's death, and their relationships are built on deceit and manipulation.

Love and relationships are also themes in the novel. Gatsby's love for Daisy is a central driving force in the story, but it is ultimately unrequited and leads to tragedy. The other relationships in the novel, such as Tom and Daisy's marriage and Myrtle and George's relationship, are also depicted as unhappy and flawed.

Overall, "The Great Gatsby" is a commentary on the decadence and excess of the Roaring Twenties and the corrupting influence of wealth. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of seeking to attain the American Dream through illegitimate means and the importance of honesty and integrity in relationships.

In "The Great Gatsby," the characters' relationships are often marked by deceit and manipulation.

One example of this is Tom Buchanan's relationship with his wife, Daisy. Tom is shown to be abusive and unfaithful, and he manipulates Daisy by threatening to reveal her involvement in Myrtle's death if she leaves him.

Gatsby's relationship with Daisy is also marked by manipulation and deceit. Gatsby is in love with Daisy and will do anything to win her back, including lying about his past and taking the blame for Myrtle's death. However, Daisy is ultimately unable to return Gatsby's love and chooses to stay with Tom, leading to Gatsby's tragic death.

Myrtle and George's relationship is also marked by manipulation and deceit. Myrtle is unhappy in her marriage and has an affair with Tom, while George is unaware of her infidelity and is manipulated by Tom into believing that Gatsby is responsible for Myrtle's death.

Overall, the relationships in "The Great Gatsby" are depicted as shallow and unhappy, and the characters are shown to be more concerned with their own desires and interests rather than the well-being of those around them. The novel serves as a commentary on the corrupting influence of wealth and the emptiness of the lavish lifestyle that the characters lead.

There are several symbols in "The Great Gatsby" that serve to enhance the themes and motifs of the novel.

One example is the green light at the end of Daisy's dock. The green light represents Gatsby's hopes and dreams for the future and his love for Daisy. It is also a symbol of the American Dream and the pursuit of success, as Gatsby has worked hard to attain his wealth and social status.

The Valley of Ashes is another significant symbol in the novel. It represents the moral and social decay of society and the negative consequences of the pursuit of wealth. The characters who live in the Valley of Ashes, such as George and Myrtle, are trapped in a world of poverty and despair, in contrast to the opulence and excess of the East Egg and West Egg neighborhoods.

The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg, which are depicted on a billboard in the Valley of Ashes, are another important symbol in the novel. They represent the idea of a higher power or moral authority that is watching over the characters and judging their actions.

Overall, the symbols in "The Great Gatsby" serve to enhance the themes of the novel and add depth and complexity to the characters and their relationships.

There are several quotes from "The Great Gatsby" that capture the themes and motifs of the novel.

One quote that relates to the theme of the corrupting influence of wealth is:

"They were careless people, Tom and Daisy - they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made."

This quote, spoken by Nick, reflects on the destructive and self-centered behavior of Tom and Daisy, and how their wealth allows them to escape the consequences of their actions. It also touches on the theme of the hollowness of the upper class and their relationships.

Another quote that relates to the theme of the American Dream and the pursuit of success is:

"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter - tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And one fine morning - So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

This quote, spoken by Nick, reflects on Gatsby's unwavering belief in the future and his pursuit of the American Dream, despite the challenges and setbacks he faces. It also touches on the theme of the cyclical nature of time and the inability to change the past.

Overall, "The Great Gatsby" is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of love, relationships, and the corrupting influence of wealth.

One key motif in "The Great Gatsby" is the motif of the self-made man. Gatsby is depicted as a self-made man who has risen from humble beginnings to become wealthy and successful. He represents the idea of the American Dream and the belief that anyone can attain success through hard work and determination.

However, the novel ultimately critiques the idea of the self-made man and suggests that success and happiness cannot be achieved through material wealth alone. Gatsby's wealth is derived from illegal activities and is ultimately unable to buy him the love and happiness he desires. He is also betrayed by the people he loves and his success is shown to be empty and meaningless.

Another key motif in the novel is the motif of the corrupting influence of wealth. The characters in "The Great Gatsby" are all wealthy and live lavish lifestyles, but their wealth is also shown to be corrupting and detrimental to their relationships and moral compass. Tom and Daisy, for example, are both unfaithful in their marriages and indifferent to the suffering of those around them. Gatsby's wealth, which is derived from illegal activities, ultimately leads to his death.

Overall, the motifs in "The Great Gatsby" serve to enhance the themes of the novel and add depth and complexity to the characters and their relationships.

There are several symbols in "The Great Gatsby" that represent the theme of the corrupting influence of wealth.

One example is the character of Tom Buchanan, who is depicted as a corrupt and abusive man who uses his wealth and social status to manipulate and control those around him. He is unfaithful to his wife, Daisy, and is indifferent to the suffering of others, such as Myrtle, whom he has an affair with.

Another example is the character of Gatsby, whose wealth is derived from illegal activities such as bootlegging and the sale of illegal alcohol during Prohibition. His wealth ultimately leads to his death, as he is killed by George in revenge for Myrtle's death, which was caused by Daisy while she was driving under the influence.

The character of Daisy is also a symbol of the corrupting influence of wealth. She is shown to be superficial and selfish, caring more about her own pleasure and status than the well-being of those around her. She is also depicted as being indifferent to the consequences of her actions, such as her involvement in Myrtle's death.

Overall, the characters in "The Great Gatsby" are depicted as being corrupt and self-serving, and their wealth is shown to be a corrupting influence on their relationships and moral compass. The novel serves as a commentary on the decadence and excess of the Roaring Twenties and the negative consequences of the pursuit of wealth and status.

There are several quotes from "The Great Gatsby" that capture the theme of the corrupting influence of wealth.

One quote is:

"I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything. Sophisticated - God, I'm sophisticated!" - Tom Buchanan

This quote, spoken by Tom, reflects on his belief that his wealth and social status have given him a sense of sophistication and superiority. It also touches on the theme of the hollowness of the upper class and their relationships, as Tom is depicted as a corrupt and abusive character who is unfaithful to his wife and indifferent to the suffering of others.

Another quote is:

"I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything. Sophisticated - God, I'm sophisticated!" - Tom Buchanan

This quote, also spoken by Tom, reflects on his belief that his wealth and social status have given him a sense of sophistication and superiority. It also touches on the theme of the hollowness of the upper class and their relationships, as Tom is depicted as a corrupt and abusive character who is unfaithful to his wife and indifferent to the suffering of others.

Overall, "The Great Gatsby" is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of love, relationships, and the corrupting influence of wealth. Through the characters and their relationships, the novel serves as a commentary on the decadence and excess of the Roaring Twenties and the negative consequences of the pursuit of wealth and status.

There are several quotes from "The Great Gatsby" that capture the theme of the hollowness of the upper class and their relationships.

One quote is:

"They were careless people, Tom and Daisy - they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made." - Nick Carraway

This quote, spoken by Nick, reflects on the destructive and self-centered behavior of Tom and Daisy, and how their wealth allows them to escape the consequences of their actions. It also touches on the theme of the hollowness of the upper class and their relationships, as Tom and Daisy's marriage is depicted as unhappy and flawed.

Another quote is:

"I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything. Sophisticated - God, I'm sophisticated!" - Tom Buchanan

This quote, also spoken by Tom, reflects on his belief that his wealth and social status have given him a sense of sophistication and superiority. It also touches on the theme of the hollowness of the upper class and their relationships, as Tom is depicted as a corrupt and abusive character who is unfaithful to his wife and indifferent to the suffering of others.

Overall, "The Great Gatsby" is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of love, relationships, and the corrupting influence of wealth. Through the characters and their relationships, the novel serves as a commentary on the decadence and excess of the Roaring Twenties and the emptiness of the lavish lifestyle that the characters lead.

Here is a list of characters in "The Great Gatsby":

1: Nick Carraway: the narrator of the story, a young man from the Midwest who moves to New York to become a bond salesman

2: Jay Gatsby: a mysterious, wealthy man who throws lavish parties and is the object of Daisy's affections

3: Daisy Buchanan: Nick's cousin, a beautiful woman with a wild streak who is married to Tom Buchanan

4: Tom Buchanan: a wealthy, arrogant man who is married to Daisy and has a mistress, Myrtle Wilson

5: Jordan Baker: a professional golfer and Daisy's friend

6: George Wilson: the owner of a garage, he is married to Myrtle Wilson

7: Myrtle Wilson: Tom's mistress, she is married to George Wilson

8: Mr. Wolfshiem: a wealthy man who is Gatsby's business associate

9: Mr. and Mrs. Sloane: friends of Tom and Daisy

10: Mr. and Mrs. Ewing: friends of Tom and Daisy

11: Mr. and Mrs. Hotel: friends of Tom and Daisy

12: Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie: friends of Tom and Daisy

13: Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe: friends of Tom and Daisy

14: Mr. and Mrs. Clay: friends of Tom and Daisy

15: Mr. and Mrs. Smilash: friends of Tom and Daisy

16: Mr. and Mrs. Haag: friends of Tom and Daisy

17: Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins: friends of Tom and Daisy

18: Mr. and Mrs. Whine: friends of Tom and Daisy

Summary and Analysis Chapter 1


In chapter one of "The Great Gatsby," we are introduced to the narrator, Nick Carraway, who is living in a small house on West Egg, a wealthy area of Long Island. He is a young man from the Midwest who has come to the East Coast to become a bond salesman.

Nick tells us that he is a "relatively honest" man and that he has a tendency to reserve judgment on people. He rents a small house next door to a mansion owned by a man named Jay Gatsby. Gatsby is a mysterious and elusive figure who throws lavish parties every weekend at his mansion.

Nick is also related to, and lives near, a woman named Daisy Buchanan, who is married to Tom Buchanan, a wealthy and arrogant man. Nick becomes friends with both Tom and Daisy, and he is drawn into their social circle. He is also introduced to Jordan Baker, a beautiful and successful golfer, with whom he becomes romantically involved.

As the chapter ends, Nick reflects on the strange and lavish lifestyle of the wealthy people he has met on the East Coast, and he wonders what secrets and scandals might be hidden behind their polished facades.


In Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby, the narrator, Nick Carraway, introduces himself and establishes his role as the story's observer and commentator. Through Nick's perspective, the reader gets a sense of the opulent and decadent world of the wealthy elite on Long Island, as well as the contrast between the lavish lifestyle of West Egg and the more reserved and traditional society of East Egg.

The character of Jay Gatsby is introduced in this chapter, and his mysterious and enigmatic nature is established through the rumors and speculation surrounding him. Gatsby's charm and charisma are also highlighted, as he impresses the partygoers with his wealth and hospitality.

The theme of the corrupting influence of wealth and the decadence of the Roaring Twenties is also introduced in this chapter through the lavish party at Gatsby's mansion and the decadent behavior of the guests. The contrast between the virtuous and honest Midwest, where Nick is from, and the corrupt and materialistic East is also established.

Overall, Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby serves to introduce the main characters and themes of the novel and sets the stage for the events to come.

Summary and Analysis Chapter 2 


In Chapter Two of The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, the narrator, begins to recount his experiences with his mysterious neighbor, Jay Gatsby. Nick has dinner with Tom Buchanan, a wealthy and arrogant man who is married to Nick's cousin, Daisy. Tom is rude and aggressive, and he reveals that he has been having an affair with a woman named Myrtle Wilson.

Myrtle is the wife of George Wilson, the owner of a run-down garage in the valley of ashes, a desolate area between West Egg and New York City. Nick and Tom visit the Wilsons' apartment, where they find Myrtle and a group of her friends drinking and partying. Nick is uncomfortable with the situation and leaves early, but Tom stays behind and gets into a fight with Myrtle's sister.

As Nick is leaving the party, he sees a car speeding away and hears a loud crash. He later learns that the car, which was driven by Gatsby, has struck and killed Myrtle Wilson. This event sets the stage for the events of the following chapter, in which the consequences of Gatsby's actions begin to unfold.


Chapter two of The Great Gatsby introduces several important characters and themes. One of the main characters introduced in this chapter is Tom Buchanan, who is depicted as a wealthy, arrogant man with a short temper. Tom is also involved in an extramarital affair with a woman named Myrtle Wilson, which foreshadows the infidelity and betrayal that will become important themes in the novel.

Another important character introduced in this chapter is Jordan Baker, a professional golfer who is friends with Nick Carraway, the narrator of the novel. Jordan is described as being dishonest and careless, and her casual attitude towards honesty foreshadows her role as an unreliable narrator later in the novel.

The theme of the corrupting influence of wealth is also introduced in this chapter, as Tom Buchanan's wealth allows him to behave recklessly and without consequences. This theme will become more prominent as the novel progresses and the characters' relationships with money are explored in greater depth.

Overall, chapter two sets the stage for the events and themes that will unfold in the rest of the novel. It introduces several important characters and establishes the themes of infidelity, betrayal, and the corrupting influence of wealth, which will all be explored in more depth as the story progresses.

Summary and Analysis Chapter 3


In Chapter Three of "The Great Gatsby," the narrator, Nick Carraway, goes to one of Gatsby's lavish parties and meets a number of interesting characters. He sees Jordan Baker, an old acquaintance and professional golfer, and also meets Gatsby for the first time. Gatsby introduces Nick to several of his guests and shows him around his mansion, which is filled with exotic animals, expensive works of art, and other luxurious items.

During the party, Nick witnesses some strange and unsettling behavior, including a drunken confrontation between two guests. He also sees Gatsby and a woman named Daisy Buchanan, who is Nick's cousin, have a brief, intense conversation.

Later, Nick meets Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband, who is rude and condescending. Tom reveals that he is having an affair with a woman named Myrtle Wilson, and Nick realizes that Gatsby is also involved with Daisy.

Overall, Chapter Three introduces several important characters and establishes the tension and conflicts that will continue to develop throughout the novel.


In Chapter 3 of "The Great Gatsby," we see a shift in the narrative focus from Nick to Gatsby. We learn more about Gatsby's past and his relationship with Daisy, as well as the tensions between Gatsby and Tom Buchanan.

At the beginning of the chapter, Nick is invited to one of Gatsby's extravagant parties. As he wanders through the crowd, he notices that many of the guests are people he has never seen before and concludes that they must be "Gatsby's particular friends."

Later, Nick has a conversation with Gatsby in which Gatsby tells him more about his past and his relationship with Daisy. Gatsby reveals that he and Daisy were in love before he went off to fight in World War I. When he returned, he found that Daisy had married Tom Buchanan. Gatsby is still in love with Daisy and has been throwing lavish parties in an attempt to win her back.

The chapter also explores the tension between Gatsby and Tom. Tom is clearly threatened by Gatsby and his relationship with Daisy, and he makes a point of belittling Gatsby in front of others. The chapter ends with a confrontation between the two men at one of Gatsby's parties, in which Tom aggressively confronts Gatsby about his past and his involvement in illegal activities.

Overall, Chapter 3 of "The Great Gatsby" serves to deepen our understanding of Gatsby and his motivations, as well as the complex relationships between the various characters in the novel.

Summary and Analysis Chapter 4


In Chapter Four of "The Great Gatsby," the narrator, Nick Carraway, visits Tom Buchanan's mistress, Miss Baker, and then goes to the apartment of Tom's girlfriend, Daisy Buchanan. At Miss Baker's apartment, Nick meets Jordan Baker, a professional golfer, and they have a conversation about Gatsby. Later, Nick, Tom, Daisy, and Jordan all go to the Plaza Hotel in New York, where they have lunch and Tom and Daisy have a disagreement. Tom becomes angry and leaves the table, while Daisy starts to cry. After lunch, Nick and Jordan go for a walk, and Jordan tells Nick about her past and how she was involved in a scandal at a golf tournament.


Chapter four of "The Great Gatsby" is a significant chapter because it marks the turning point of the novel, when the story of Gatsby's past is revealed to the narrator, Nick, and to the reader. In this chapter, Gatsby tells Nick the story of his past, including how he made his fortune, his relationship with Daisy, and the events leading up to the accident in which Myrtle was killed.

Gatsby's past is revealed to be much more complicated than anyone, including Nick, had suspected. He reveals that he is not, as everyone had believed, a self-made man who had amassed his wealth through hard work and determination. Instead, Gatsby reveals that he was born into a wealthy family, but had lost his fortune after the war. He tells Nick that he made his fortune through illegal means, such as bootlegging and other forms of organized crime.

This revelation is significant because it undermines the image of Gatsby that has been presented up to this point in the novel. Until now, Gatsby has been presented as a romantic figure, a self-made man who has achieved the American Dream through hard work and determination. However, with the revelation of his criminal past, Gatsby becomes a much more complex and flawed character.

Furthermore, Gatsby's past also serves to highlight the corrupt and decadent nature of the society in which he lives. Gatsby's rise to wealth and power is made possible only through his involvement in illegal activities, and his association with organized crime serves to illustrate the moral decay that characterizes the society of the time.

Overall, chapter four of "The Great Gatsby" serves as a turning point in the novel, both in terms of the plot and in terms of the character development of Gatsby. It is a crucial chapter that provides important insights into Gatsby's past and the society in which he lives.

Summary and Analysis Chapter 5


In Chapter Five of The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway attends a party at the home of Tom and Daisy Buchanan, where he meets Jordan Baker, a professional golfer. During the party, Tom becomes aggressive and confrontational, and a physical altercation ensues. Tom leaves the party with a woman named Myrtle Wilson, who is the mistress of Tom's business partner, George Wilson. Nick returns home that night, where he reflects on the behavior of the wealthy people he has encountered at the party and wonders about the consequences of their actions.


In Chapter Five of The Great Gatsby, we see the consequences of Gatsby's extravagant lifestyle and his criminal activities catch up to him. It is also the chapter where the true extent of Gatsby's love for Daisy is revealed.

As the chapter begins, Gatsby is seen throwing a lavish party at his mansion. Many people attend, including Nick, Daisy, Tom, and Jordan. However, the party is interrupted when a police officer arrives and tells Gatsby that he has received numerous complaints about the noise. Gatsby handles the situation smoothly, and the party continues.

Later in the chapter, Tom confronts Gatsby about his past and reveals that he has found out about Gatsby's involvement in bootlegging and other illegal activities. Gatsby admits to these activities and tells Tom that he has done them for Daisy's sake. He says that he wanted to be able to give Daisy the luxurious lifestyle that she deserved.

After this confrontation, Gatsby and Daisy retreat to his mansion and have a private conversation. It is here that Gatsby reveals to Daisy the true depth of his love for her. He tells her that he has waited for her for five years and that he has never loved anyone else.

Overall, Chapter Five is an important chapter in The Great Gatsby because it shows the consequences of Gatsby's criminal activities and the revelation of his true feelings for Daisy. It also foreshadows the tragic events that occur later in the novel.

Summary and Analysis Chapter 6


In Chapter 6 of "The Great Gatsby," Tom Buchanan's mistress, Mrs. Wilson, also known as Myrtle, becomes more prominent in the story. She lives in an apartment in New York City with her husband, George Wilson, who owns a garage on Long Island. Tom frequently visits Myrtle at the apartment, and she becomes increasingly unhappy with her life.

Myrtle starts to drink heavily and becomes more and more abusive towards her husband. She becomes jealous of Tom's wife, Daisy, and vents her frustration on George.

One evening, Tom brings Nick Carraway, the narrator of the story, and Gatsby, to the apartment to meet Myrtle. During the visit, Myrtle becomes drunk and confrontational, and she and Tom get into a physical altercation.

After the fight, Tom leaves the apartment, and Gatsby offers to give Nick a ride back to Long Island. On the way home, they get into a car accident, and Gatsby insists on taking the blame for the accident, even though he was not at fault.

The chapter ends with Nick reflecting on the events of the evening and the destructive power of love and desire.


In Chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby, Gatsby's past is finally revealed to the reader. Nick, the narrator, learns that Gatsby was born James Gatz and grew up in North Dakota. Gatz changed his name to Gatsby when he began his career as a bootlegger and entered the world of the wealthy. Gatsby tells Nick the story of his life, including his time in World War I and his relationship with Daisy Buchanan.

One key event in this chapter is the confrontation between Gatsby and Tom Buchanan. Tom, who is Daisy's husband, has always been suspicious of Gatsby and the way he has been trying to win Daisy back. In this chapter, Tom confronts Gatsby and reveals to Daisy that Gatsby is a criminal. This revelation shocks Daisy and ultimately leads to her breaking off her relationship with Gatsby.

Another important event in this chapter is the death of Myrtle Wilson. Myrtle, who is Tom's mistress, is killed in a hit-and-run accident that is later revealed to have been caused by Daisy. This event further complicates the relationships between the characters and sets the stage for the events that unfold in the final chapters of the novel.

Overall, Chapter 6 is a key turning point in The Great Gatsby, as it reveals important information about Gatsby's past and sets the stage for the tragic events that take place later in the novel.

Summary and Analysis Chapter 7


In Chapter 7 of "The Great Gatsby," Gatsby's funeral takes place. Nick and Gatsby's father are the only people in attendance, and Gatsby's father tells Nick that Gatsby was a good man and that he is sorry for not being a better father to him. After the funeral, Nick goes back to the Midwest, feeling disillusioned and unhappy with the way his life has turned out. He reflects on the events of the summer and how he has changed as a person. He also realizes that the American Dream, which he had always believed in, is flawed and that the pursuit of it can lead to corruption and destruction.


In chapter seven of "The Great Gatsby," the tension between Gatsby and Tom Buchanan comes to a head. Gatsby and Tom get into a physical altercation at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, with Gatsby ending up badly bruised. This confrontation is the result of Gatsby's feelings for Tom's wife, Daisy, and the revelation that Gatsby and Daisy had been having an affair while Daisy was still married to Tom.

At the beginning of the chapter, Gatsby and Tom are in the city to meet with a man named Meyer Wolfshiem, who is a business associate of Gatsby's. Tom is rude to Wolfshiem and dismisses Gatsby's accomplishments, leading to an argument between the two men. The argument escalates when Tom mentions that he knows about Gatsby's past, specifically that he was a bootlegger during Prohibition. Gatsby denies it and the two men get into a physical fight.

During the fight, Daisy becomes distressed and faints, leading to the intervention of a doctor. The incident ultimately serves to reveal the true nature of Gatsby and Tom's relationship and the depth of Gatsby's feelings for Daisy. It also serves to highlight the moral decay and corruption that is present in the lives of the wealthy characters in the novel.

Summary and Analysis Chapter 8


In Chapter 8 of "The Great Gatsby," Gatsby's funeral is held, and only a few people attend, including Nick, Gatsby's father, and Owl Eyes. Gatsby's father tells Nick that he had no idea that Gatsby was so wealthy, and that he thought Gatsby was just a clerk.

After the funeral, Nick goes to New York and runs into Tom Buchanan, who tells him that he and Daisy are leaving for Europe. Nick is relieved, as he believes that Tom had something to do with Gatsby's death.

As Nick is preparing to leave West Egg, he reflects on the events of the summer and the people he has met. He realizes that the world of the wealthy is filled with emptiness and corruption, and that he wants no part of it.

He decides to return to the Midwest, where he feels a sense of honesty and simplicity that he does not find on the East Coast. As he drives away from West Egg, he looks back at the lavish houses and wonders if he will ever see them again.


In Chapter 8 of "The Great Gatsby," several significant events take place. First and foremost, Gatsby's true identity is revealed to Nick and the reader. It is revealed that Gatsby's real name is James Gatz and that he was born into a poor family in North Dakota. He changed his name and reinvented himself as the wealthy and mysterious Jay Gatsby in order to win the love of Daisy Buchanan.

Additionally, the chapter reveals the extent of Gatsby's criminal activities, including his involvement in bootlegging and other illegal enterprises.

The chapter also explores the complex relationship between Gatsby and Daisy, as well as the role that class differences play in their relationship. Despite Gatsby's wealth and social status, Daisy ultimately rejects him, choosing to stay with her husband Tom Buchanan.

Finally, the chapter ends with Gatsby's death at the hands of George Wilson, whose wife Myrtle was killed in a hit-and-run accident that was ultimately revealed to be caused by Daisy. Gatsby takes the blame for the accident, and Wilson kills him in revenge.

Overall, Chapter 8 serves to provide important background information on Gatsby's past and to reveal the tragic outcome of his pursuit of the American Dream.

Summary and Analysis Chapter 9


In Chapter Nine of "The Great Gatsby," Nick returns to the East Egg to find Gatsby's house dark and empty. He learns that Gatsby has been killed in a hit-and-run accident, and that the driver, George Wilson, has committed suicide. Nick attends Gatsby's funeral, which is attended by only a few people, including Gatsby's father and the Buchanans. Nick also learns that Gatsby was not the man he thought he was and that his entire life was built on lies and deceit. Despite this, Nick is heartbroken by Gatsby's death and spends the rest of the summer reflecting on the events that have transpired.


In Chapter 9 of The Great Gatsby, the narrator, Nick Carraway, reflects on the events of the past summer and the effect they have had on him. He realizes that he has been living in a world of illusion and that the people he thought he knew have turned out to be very different from what he thought.

At the beginning of the chapter, Nick reflects on the fact that he has not seen Gatsby in over a month and that he has not heard from him either. He begins to think that Gatsby may be dead and that he may never know what happened to him.

Later in the chapter, Nick receives a call from Tom Buchanan, who tells him that Gatsby is dead and that he has been shot. Nick is shocked and saddened by the news and decides to go to New York to attend Gatsby's funeral.

At the funeral, Nick meets Gatsby's father, who tells him about Gatsby's past and how he became the man he was. Nick also meets Gatsby's former business partner, Meyer Wolfshiem, who tells him about Gatsby's involvement in illegal activities.

After the funeral, Nick reflects on the fact that Gatsby's life was filled with illusion and that he was not the man he pretended to be. He also realizes that he has been living in a world of illusion himself and that he has learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of chasing after dreams that may not be attainable.

Overall, Chapter 9 of The Great Gatsby is a poignant and reflective chapter that serves as a fitting conclusion to the novel. It highlights the idea that life is filled with illusions and that it is important to be honest with oneself and others.

Character Analysis:

~ Character Analysis Nick Carraway

Nick Carraway is the main character and narrator of the novel "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. He is a young man from the Midwest who has recently moved to the East Coast to become a bond salesman. Nick is a thoughtful and introspective character who serves as a foil to the other characters in the book.

At the beginning of the novel, Nick is drawn into the world of the wealthy elite on the East Coast, particularly the world of his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom Buchanan. As the novel progresses, Nick becomes increasingly disillusioned with this world and the moral corruption he sees in it. Despite his reservations, he becomes drawn into the lives of his wealthy friends and becomes close with Jay Gatsby, the mysterious and wealthy protagonist of the novel.

Nick is a compassionate and honest character, and he tries to stay true to his own moral code even as he becomes increasingly drawn into the decadence and excess of the wealthy society in which he finds himself. Despite his reservations about the moral bankruptcy of the people he encounters, he remains loyal to them and tries to see the best in them. Ultimately, it is his moral compass and his ability to see the good in others that allows him to weather the storm of deceit and corruption that surrounds him.

~ Character Analysis Jay Gatsby

Jay Gatsby is the main character of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby." Gatsby is a mysterious and enigmatic figure, and Fitzgerald does not provide much information about his past. However, it is revealed that he was once known as James Gatz, and that he changed his name in order to reinvent himself and become a more successful and wealthy individual.

Gatsby is known for his extravagant parties and his immense wealth, which he acquired through illegal means. Despite his success, Gatsby is deeply unhappy and unfulfilled, as he is unable to win back the love of his life, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby's obsession with Daisy ultimately leads to his downfall, as he becomes involved in a love triangle with Daisy and her husband, Tom Buchanan.

Throughout the novel, Gatsby is portrayed as a tragic figure who is willing to do anything to achieve his dreams and win back Daisy's love. Despite his flaws, Gatsby is ultimately a sympathetic character, as he is driven by his love for Daisy and his desire to be with her.

~ Character Analysis Daisy Buchanan

In F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan is a complex character who is portrayed as a symbol of wealth and privilege. She is the wife of Tom Buchanan, a wealthy and influential man, and is also the object of Jay Gatsby's affection.

At the beginning of the novel, Daisy is depicted as a beautiful and carefree young woman who is deeply in love with Gatsby. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that she is also selfish, shallow, and manipulative. Despite her initial attraction to Gatsby, Daisy ultimately chooses to stay with Tom, even though she knows that he is abusive and unfaithful.

Throughout the novel, Daisy struggles with her own feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, and her relationships with both Gatsby and Tom are marked by a sense of superficiality and lack of genuine connection. Despite her beauty and social status, Daisy is unhappy and unfulfilled, and she ultimately fails to find the happiness and fulfillment that she desires.

Lovely Ladies

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