The Lion and the Mouse Bedtime Stories for Kids

In a forest lived a rather rickety Mouse, he was so afraid of the Fox, the wolf and even himself for that matter, that if the wind blew and a branch cracked, he looked around for a home, he could hide him because of this all the little animals made fun of him, oh you’re even scared of the wind, you’re scared one day the mouse got his act together and went over to see the king of the jungle, the lion had just finished having his lunch, he was taking a nap in front of the cave, the mouse’s friends were all curious as to what the mouse had planned.

 The mouse started to climb up the lion’s tail, he got up on the Lions back with a very confident look on his face, he posed to his friends, although he was very scared, he was doing everything in his hand, not to make it obvious right at that moment the lion woke up and as he shook his bird, the mouse fell off the mouse and the lion came eye to eye all the other animals were worried, oh no the I will swallow the Box, what nerve what courage, what are you doing on my back, the check oh please don’t eat me, I was scared at the bus, whatever out that all my life passes up by shaking would easily fall of the tree, much scared up with this I want to get rid of yeah you too kid go to jackal, but just what big animals fear you.

What you call sir don’t get me a chair across today, the lion listened to the mouse in silence, the mouse was wondering what is a reply was going to be, and why should I help you give me one good reason as to why I shouldn’t eat you, your half will be returned, I promise maybe one day I will help you as soon as the mouse finished what he had to say, the liar or in such a way how can such a tiny Mouse as yourself be of any help but seeing the tiny Mouse shaking in front of him, the lion decided not to eat him.

Thank God, I am for no get out of my sight, the mouse ran and got away from there watching though that was happening from afar the Friends of the mouse were really surprised, some time had passed by the lion got hungry and started wandering around in the forest, but he could not notice the hunters trap, and got caught he was hung in the air in a big heads he tried to break free from the net, but he could not do it he was the king of the forest so if he could yell for help he would be humiliated, and all the hunters would hear him, and come to get him faster being out of options.

He began to wait meanwhile the other animals living in the forests and notice the lion, but nobody could dare get close team when he was passing by little mouse, saw the lion and he decided to help him he went directly next to him he started to climb the lines long tail and when he reached the net, he began to chew on it at that moment the bunny came running next to them hey buddy hurry up the hunters are coming the other animals who were gathered around.

 Suddenly started to run around when they heard the word hunter, but the mouse kept on chewing with persistence in the end the net was torn apart and the lion fell down, and got away come on jump on my back, let’s get out of here the mouse jumped on the Lions back, and they got away from there, all breathless the lion arrived in front of his cave, he kneeled down and the mouse jumped off when you told me that one day you might be able to help m,e I underestimated you I thought you are a tiny mouse with no use at all but you saved my life, thank you that’s my pleasure my king you don’t have to be afraid of me anymore.

In fact you do not need to fear anything, because you’re very courageous Mouse, if I am the king of the jungle from now on you are my courageous brains lion, and the mouse began to laugh all the animals watching all that was happening from afar came out and applauded the courageous Mouse the lion, and the mouse became best friends and the forest lived in peace forever, once upon a time they lived an old couple in an old small Shack next to a forest they were living a happy and peaceful life, the only regret was not having a child of their own.

 One day when the old lady was making cookie dough in the kitchen, her husband came in darling what are you cooking today, oh my darling baking or gingerbread man, today the old lady knead the dough and cut a gingerbread man shape after putting it in the oven, she sat down and started to wait for the gingerbread man to bay wish you could smell the delicious cookie all round the air in the kitchen, she put on her oven gloves and took the gingerbread man out.

 Now it was time to decorate it, she made eyes out of raisins and acute nose using candy, and then she used some cream to make his hair, and clothes and lastly she used cherries to make some buttons for him she had to look at her masterpiece and said ma gingerbread man looks beautiful but I feel like something is missing the old lady looked at him again, and his mouth I forgot the Vicki’s mouth she drew a mouth on the gingerbread man’s face with the cream, oh yes no you will complete my gingerbread man at that moment something unexpected happened, thank you what Buddha Oh could it be you are talking gingerbread man.

 Suddenly, stood up and started running yeah and I can also run the gingerbread man jumped from the kitchen bench to the chair, then to the ground and started running fast to the kitchen door to the curtains, the old lady yelled the gingerbread man became talking while she was running yeah run as fast as you can, but nobody can catch me because I’m the gingerbread man the old lady got out to the garden, and started running after the gingerbread man the man looked out the winter, and saw his wife running and yelled hey where are you running the old lady answer to your husband whilst running my gingerbread man run away I’m trying to catch him.

 The old man was speechless, the old lady ran but the gingerbread men was so fast that it was impossible to catch him, after a short while the gingerbread man came across a ranch a grazing cow noticed him, I should catch him, eat him, the cow also began to run after the gingerbread man, wait as fast as you can and old ladies those are trying to catch me but nobody can because I’m the gingerbread man the old lady, and the cow were running after the gingerbread man, and at least I’m a pig noticed the gingerbread man a gingerbread man true to my tastebuds wait, and I will catch you the gingerbread man answered the pig once he was running as fast as you can.

An old lady and a coward also trying to catch me but nobody can because I’m the gingerbread man, while they were running the gingerbread man in front the old lady cow at the pink behind him a chair notice the gingerbread man while looking for some food my lunch, so the chicken tagged along yeah run run as fast as you can, it’s an old lady a cow and a pig could not catch me neither can you nobody can because I am the gingerbread man, the gingerbread man in front the old lady cow the peak, and the chicken they all continued to run but the gingerbread man was getting more and more further ahead from the others.

The gingerbread man was so happy and very proud of himself, I’m the brightest in the bastard gingerbread man in the world, yes that’s me nobody can catch me because I’m the gingerbread man, when he looked ahead soon that Sutra bed man, so that he was coming across a river and he stopped because he knew that water could make him melt away now the old lady cow pig, and the chicken were close now right at that moment a shifty Fox appeared from behind a tree I know how to swim if you want I can help you the gingerbread man thought about it what have you eat me, you don’t have to worry, I don’t want to eat you, I just want to help you get across the gingerbread man entrusted the shifty Fox and jumped on his tail holding on as tight as he called the Fox jumped in the river and began to swim.

 Meanwhile, the old lady cow pig and the chicken came to the edge of the river, and saw the gingerbread man crossing the river on the back of a fox helplessly they watched them go knowing they could not catch him anymore, the river began to get deeper and the water started to rise hey Fox give their tail up Elmas got wet up on my back it’s safer the gingerbread men hopped on the fox’s back they swam for a while, but has the water got deep huh the Foxes back began to sink in the water I’m afraid that you’ll get wet why don’t you jump on my head where it’s a bit higher.

The gingerbread man climbed up on his head the Fox continued to pursue his plan, and dipped his head down in the water the water has risen too much why don’t you get on my nose it’s higher, so the gingerbread man got on top of his nose right when they were about to reach the shore, the Fox dipped his nose flipping the gingerbread man into the air and opened his mouth the gingerbread man was going to fall into his mouth, and the Fox was going to eat him but it didn’t work.

While the gingerbread man was in the air a crow flying right above them, caught the gingerbread man with his big the Fox just stood there looking with his mouth open the gingerbread man waited for the crow to fly a little further and asks do crows eat ginger cookies yeah when the crow opened his beak to speak the jittery bad man fell down; and began to run as fast as he could; yeah run run as fast as you can and old lady a cow a pig a chicken a fox and a crow also tried to catch me, but nobody cared because I’m the gingerbread man the gingerbread man kept on running and did not stop if you see a gingerbread man pass you by running do not try to catch him, because he is the gingerbread man and nobody can dare catch him.

Lovely Ladies

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