Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar summary


Julius Caesar was an important figure in the history of Rome, because he helped to bring about the end of the Roman Republic for 450 years, Rome had not been ruled by a single person, but instead had elected officials a Senate a system of checks and balances and a political system that kept one person from having all the power, Julius Caesar was a successful general who conquered territories outside of Rome, and helped turn Rome into a large Empire, he became such a powerful figure that after

defeating his political rivals, he took on the role of dictator, so that he picked all the candidates for the Senate, and decided personally which laws would be passed, he didn’t have a title such as Kanger Emperor, and Rome was technically still a republic, but it wasn’t working like one anymore it had become a permanent dictatorship.

Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC, he was stabbed by a group of senators as he was on his way to the Senate, the assassin said they were killing him to bring back the Republic, Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar isn’t about Julius Caesar the character so much as it is about the assassination, and what happened afterward the two people responsible for the assassination are Casius and Brutus, Cassius’s motives are pretty simple, he hates Caesar because Caesar doesn’t like him and he resents Caesars power, so his motives are personal, but he knows he can only get away with killing Caesar if he can get enough people to believe that the assassination is for the good of Rome, in order for that to happen he needs his brother-in-law Brutus.

Brutus is the central figure in the play he’s from an old and famous family and he has a reputation for being Noble in fact one of his ancestors 400 years earlier was responsible for overthrowing the last king of Rome, and founding the Roman Republic in the first place, so it’s partly Brutus’s family name that’s important, but Brutus is helped it’s easier for the conspirators to say the assassination was for the good of the Republic, another reason Casius needs Brutus is that Caesar loves Brutus, Brutus and Caesar are friends while Casius is obviously not Caesars frien, so if Brutus is the leader it won’t look like he’s doing it for personal motives, at the beginning of the play crowds of people are in the streets celebrating because he Cesar has returned from beating his rival Pompey in a civil war, two of the elected officials Flavius and Marella’s go around driving these people off the streets, and removing decorations from the statues what they say to the people is look Caesar didn’t come back from conquering a foreign enemy.

 He just beat Pompey another Roman leader so he could be dictator what’s to celebrate about that, later we find out that Caesar has them removed from office for doing this next we see Caesar and his followers on their way to a celebration and a footrace whenever we see Caesar he seems very arrogant, he gives orders to those around him and speaks about himself as if he’s invincible Calpurnia Caesars wife is with him here, so is Mark Antony Caesars most loyal supporter, Mark Antony loves games sports parties and drinking, Caesar trusts Mark Antony because he thinks someone like that who enjoys life is less likely to threaten him than someone who’s always brooding and thinking like Casius.

Casius makes Brutus hang back from this crowd, so he can try and convince Brutus that a lot of people in Rome think Brutus is just as good as Caesar, and wish he would stand up and challenge Caesars power this is a lie Casius is just trying to manipulate Brutus, later Casius even throws rocks with notes attached through Brutus’s window and leaves notes on his chair in the Senate so Brutus will think multiple people are trying to get him to stand up to Caesar, Brutus agrees to be part of a conspiracy against Caesar, and the rest of the conspirators gather at his house late at night we can tell two things about Brutus already one he’s idealistic and two he’s a fool, a series of dramatic events occurs leading up to the assassination a soothsayer or fortune-teller warned Caesar to beware the Ides of March the day he actually does die that’s marked 15 a massive thunderstorm moves over Rome with so much lightning.

 It seems to be raining fire people see a lion in the Capitol building, another see the lion giving birth Brutus his wife Portia tries to convince him to tell her what he’s up to since she’s his wife, he almost does but gets distracted at the last minute Calpurnia has a dream in which caesar is spouting blood from many wounds, she tries to convince him not to go to the Senate that day, and he agrees but the conspirators Decius convinces him he’ll look weak if he doesn’t go, a man named artem odorous gives caesar a paper telling him about the plot, but he can’t get caesar to read it all of these events suggest two different interpretations the first is that even though all of these things might have stopped the assassination it’s as if there are higher powers that are moving events towards Caesar’s murder meaning its fate the second interpretation is that Caesar could have avoided being killed his fate wasn’t predetermined, but his arrogance caused him to ignore all these warning signs.

 So his death was his own fault, the way the assassination occurs is that Caesar is on his way to the Senate together with a crowd of people, including the conspirators who are going to the Senate to because their senators before they get there a conspirator named Metellus gets down on his knees, and asks Caesar to bring back his brother whom Caesar banished, Caesar refuses and Brutus and the others crowd around Caesar and kneel, then they all stab Caesar one after the other starting with the senator named Casca, and ending with Brutus, Caesar says at tu brute a meaning you too Brutus and then dies, the populace goes wild as the news spreads Mark Antony first runs away, but then sends a servant to ask if he can safely come and ask them the reasons for the assassination.

Casius and the other conspirators all want to kill Mark Antony too, but Brutus says no that will seem too violent now that Caesar is dead, Mark Antony won’t stay loyal to him this is a big mistake Mark Antony asks for permission to speak at Caesars funeral again Casius and the others say no way, but Brutus says to let him as long as he doesn’t say anything bad about them and if he’s doing it with their permission nothing can happen this is another big mistake, Brutus gives a speech explaining that he loved Caesar, but Caesar was ambitious meaning he wanted to be a king and so Brutus killed him because he loved Rome more the populace likes the speech, then Anthony speaks he says he’s not going to criticize the conspirators, but he reminds them how much Caesar did for them and how he offered Caesar a crown and Caesar refused, then he shows them Caesars cloak and all of the holes stabbed through it pointing out how Caesar loved Brutus, and trusted the others who turned on him.

He also read them Caesars will in which Caesar left a huge amount of property to the people of Rome, the crowd goes wild and decides to burn the houses of the conspirators mob rule ensues and Brutus and Casias flee for their lives, three people take over in Rome Antony Julius Caesar’s nephew Octavius and Lepidus, they raise armies to fight Cassius and Brutus and make lists of people to be killed ,because they support Brutus, Cassius and Brutus each lead an army as they fight a civil war against Antony Octavius and Lepidus the next time we see them their meeting together with our armies, and they get in a big fight in their tent Brutus criticizes kasia’s harshly for taking bribes, and then he criticizes him for not sending Brutus money to pay his own soldiers, because Brutus is too pure to take bribes himself, they eventually make up and become friends again, but once again we can see that Brutus is idealism and poor judgment our big weaknesses, he absolutely needs Casius to win this war.

 So it’s foolish firm to criticize Cassy, it’s the way he does and he’s hypocritical, he needs money too, but he won’t do what he needs to do to raise it, Brutus wants them to take their armies to fight Antony and Octavius at Philippi Casius points out some flaws in this plan, but Brutus insists caesar’s ghost appears to Brutus that night telling Brutus he’ll see him at Philippi the armies meet and have a battle Antony’s army defeats Cassius’s army but Brutus as army defeats octavius’s cassia sends his friend to tinniest to investigate, and he thinks he sees two tinniest being captured even though titanius actually meets friendly soldiers, but Casias commits suicide because he thinks he sent his best friend to be captured, the armies fight again and this time Brutus loses before he can be captured, he kills himself by running on to his sword while one of his soldiers straight Oh holds it when Antony discovers Brutus’s body, he says that he was the noblest Roman of all.

Lovely Ladies

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