John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men summary


Of Mice and Men is about loneliness, almost every char acter wants to make a connection with someone, but either fails to do so or loses the connection, they have the story centers on these two migrant workers George Milton and Lenny small who traveled together, finding jobs at the farms around California Salinas Valley ,George and Lenny are unusual because they stick together, while most migrant workers are loners, they’re also unusual because they’re so different from each other, George’s small intrude while Lenny is large and has a mental disability, Jorge takes care of Lenny and they have this dream of one day getting their own farm.

At the beginning of the book, George and Lennie arrive at a small pond, they’ve been traveling all day on their way to a farm where they’re going to work, George notices that Lennie is holding something and makes him hand, it over it’s a dead mouse that Lenny was petting in his pocket, while they walked George throws it into the brush, Lenny remembers a woman who used to give him mice, but stopped because he kept killing them on accident, the woman was his Aunt Clara, George complaints that his life would be so easy if he didn’t have to take care of Lennie, he wouldn’t have to worry about Lennie getting into trouble like he did at the last farm, Lennie saw a girl in a red dress and he liked the look of her dress so much, that he wanted to touch it.

When then he touched the dress the girl screamed, Lennie panicked and grabbed hold of the dress the girl claimed she was raped in a mob forum to lynch Lenn,y Lenny wants George to tell him again how they’re different from other guys, and George gives his speech, he says most guys who work on ranches are lonely, they have no family nothing to look forward to, and don’t belong anywhere, but he and Lennie are different, in one day they’re going to get their own place, they’ll have a little house and they can raise cows and chickens, and have a vegetable patch, they’ll have a rabbit hutch too, and Lennie can look after the rabbits when he’s done, he tells Lennie that if Lenny gets into any trouble at the new ranch, he should come back to the pond and hide in the brush.

The next morning George and Lenni arrive at the farm, they’re supposed to work at and they meet the boss, they’re going to work bucking barley meaning they pass these large bags filled with barley up a line and stack them in a truck, the boss leaves and an old man named candy shows up with his old sheepdog while he’s talking to George and Lennie, Curley comes in looking for the boss who’s his father, he notices George and Lennie and he asked them a bunch of questions and generally acts like a jerk, after curly leaves candy explains that Curley is a pretty good boxer, and he hates big guys like Lennie because he’s not big himself, George warns that he better not start with Lennie because Lennie is strong and doesn’t fight with any rules, candy says Curley’s wife flirts with all the farmhands especially slim.

Candy goes out and a little while later, Curley’s wife shows up in the doorway, she tries to make conversation, but George makes it clear he doesn’t want to talk to her, Lennie just stares at her, the next chapter starts an unspecified amount of time later after working all day, George comes into the bunkhouse with slim a jerk line Skinner or the lead driver of a mule team, and one of the most respected guys on the ranch, George thanks slim for giving Lennie one of the puppies from his dog’s new litter, George explains that he and Lennie were both born in Auburn, and that he knew Lenny’s Aunt Clara when she died, Lennie went out working with George and they just got used to each other ,George used to play lots of jokes on Lennie until one day he got Lennie to jump into a river, Lennie couldn’t swim and almost drowned but he was so nice to George when George helped pull him out of the river that George never did anything mean to him again candy comes back into the bunkhouse with his old dog, and another worker Carlson follows them in shortly after Carlson starts talking about how bad Candy’s dog smells, and how it’s old and suffering, he could shoot the dog in the back of the head, and the dog wouldn’t even feel it, then candy could take one of Slim’s new puppies.

Candy protests but the general opinion in the bunkhouse seems to be that they should put the dog down, candy gives in and Carlson leads the dog out a young labourer named wet comes in and there’s some strained silence an awkward conversation while everyone tries not to talk about Candy’s dog, candy just lies in bed rigidly staring at the ceiling, and finally they hear the shot fired outside crooks an old black man who works on the ranch comes in until slim that Lennie keeps messing with the puppies taking them away from their mother, and playing with them slimmin crooks go out to the barn to check on Lennie, and put some tar in the mules for Carlson comes back in and Lenny comes in to Carlson sits in his bunk, and doesn’t say anything about Candy’s dog just starts cleaning his gun Curley walks in, and asks if anyone has seen his wife he realizes Slim’s not in the bunkhouse.

When George says slim went to the barn Curley leaves in a hurry, whit and Carlson go up behind him expecting a fight if Curley catches his wife with slim, Lennie asks George how long it’s going to be until they have their own farm and raise rabbits, George says he doesn’t know that they have to save a lot of money, first Lennie asks George to tell him again what the place will be like, and George starts describing it he says they’ll have ten acres with their own house a windmill a little Shack a chicken run and orchard trees like apple trees, and peach trees they’ll have pigs in a smokehouse where they can smoke hams and bacon, it’ll be their place where they belong and they won’t have to travel around anymore, or plant crops for someone else, or buck barley for 11 hours a day.

 Lennie says they’ll also have rabbits, he can take care of candy asks if George really knows of such a place and how much it would cost George is defensive, and wants to know why candy is asking candy explains that he’s not of much use to anyone since he has only one hand, it’s only a matter of time before they get rid of him, he has money saved up and George can put it to the farm if he can get in on the place with George and Lennie with Kandi’s money they could actually buy the place, so they plan to save money for another month than to collect their pay and leave slim, Curley Carlson and whit all come in together, Curley keeps apologizing to slim apparently for suspecting slim of being with his wife, Curley sees Lennie smiling and gets angry because no big son of a  __laughs at him Lennie stands and backs away from curly, but Curley starts hitting him, Curley busts Lenny’s nose and cuts his face up, Lennie catches one of Curly’s fists and crushes it in his hand, Curley starts writhing in pain.

Finally Lennie releases Curley whose hand is completely broken Lennie keeps saying he didn’t want to do it, George asked slim if they’re going to get fired but slim tells Curley to say he got his hand caught in a machine, or he’ll tell everyone what Lennie did , and everyone will laugh at Curley the next night most of the guys head into town to go to a brothel, Lenny wanders over to the room of the stable buck crooks none of the other ranch workers ever go into crooks his room because he’s black, candy comes looking for Lenny and the three of them end up sitting and talking together, Curley’s wife comes to the doorway looking for Curley, candy tells her to leave because they don’t want trouble, Curley’s wife gets angry and says she likes to talk to people too, crooks tells her to get out of his room, but she tells him to shut up, she says she could get him strung up a tree so fast it’s not even funny, it’s a Sunday afternoon and Lenny is in the barn.

By himself he looks at the puppy, he accidentally killed and talks to it asking it why it had to die, Curley’s wife finds Lenny, they’re hiding something, when she notices the puppy, Lenny explains he was playing with it, but when it went to bite him he smacked it and the puppy died, she tries to console Lenny but he still doesn’t want to talk to her because George will get mad at him ,and then George won’t let him tend the rabbits, he likes rabbits because he likes to touch soft things Curley’s wife says she understands that sometimes she’ll just sit and Stroke her hair because it’s so soft, and she invites Lenny to touch her hair, Lenny strokes her hair but he does it too hard, and she gets mad at him she becomes angry and jerks her head away, but Lenny panics and grabs hold of her hair, he covers her mouth to keep her from screaming, and she starts to struggle violently, he shakes her accidentally breaking her neck, she lies still and eventually Lenny realizes what he’s done.

He remembers what George told him that if anything goes wrong, he should go hide in the brush by the pond candy is the first to find Curley’s wife, he calls in George and they both know that Lenny did it and that curly is gonna want to have Lenny, lynched kandi wonders if they can still get the farm together and George replies that he guesses he knew it would never happen all the guys go into the barn, and they know right away who killed Curley’s wife, Curley wants to find Lenny and kill him, Carlson says his gun is missing and they think Lenny must have taken it, George knows there’s nothing he can do, he has to go with them so they don’t think he had a part in the murder, Lenny goes back to the pond where George told him to hide, he says to himself that George is going to yell at him, then he hallucinates he sees his hand.

Clara says if it weren’t for Lenny George could do anything, he wants like spend his pay in a whorehouse, then Lenny sees a giant rabbit the rabbit tells him that George won’t ever let him take care of the rabbits, it says George is going to beat him with a stick and tells him over and over that George is going to leave him, George arrives at the pond, Lennie asks George to tell him why they’re not like other guys, and George says most guys don’t have any family or anyone who cares about them, but he and Lennie have each other, Lennie wants to hear about the farm they’re going to have while George talks , he tells Lennie to take off his hat and he takes out Carlson’s pistol when Lennie looks off and imagines the farm, George shoots him in the back of the head and kills him, all the other guys show up and see that George shot Lennie, slim tells George that he had to do it, he helps him up and takes him to get a drink, Carlson and Curley wonder why George and slim are so upset .

Lovely Ladies

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