Your Ideal Muscle Building & Fat Burning Workout

Your Ideal Muscle Building & Fat Burning Workout

Fitness training is not just a physical pursuit of
lean muscle, fat loss and a new, sexy body. It’s
an intellectual pursuit as well. In order to get
the results you want, you have to develop an ideal
plan that’s right for you.

Most people never take this step. They copy some
routine or diet they’ve read about and if it helps
them make progress, great, and if not, they quit
out of frustration without taking the time to
think things through and develop a training program
that will give them real progress. Don’t let this
happen to you.

You don’t need to blindly follow the weight training
routines, dietary regimens and overall programs of
the people you read about in the magazines. Don’t
get me wrong, they can be great programs, but they
may not work for you exactly as written. You may
need to make some changes to make the programs be
effective muscle building and fat burning programs.

For example, the barbell squat is the cornerstone
of many of the most effective weight training programs
in existence and I highly recommend it. However, there
really are some people that either can’t squat, or do
not have a body type that makes the squat nearly as
effective for them and they may be better off substituting
another leg exercise like the leg press or lunges.
If you don’t think about what you are doing, you’ll never
make this step and you’ll short circuit your ability
to build muscle and lose fat.

A personal example for me is the bench press. I have
found, through experience, that the decline bench press
is a much more effective exercise. First, the flat bench
press can wreak havoc on your shoulders and rotator cuff.
In addition, I have longer arms, making the bench press
more of a tricep exercise for me than a chest builder.
The decline bench press puts me in a position that
elminates both of these negatives.

There are a number of highly effective basic weight
training routines, many of which I’ve shared on And a lot of people will
make great progress on these routines, as is. But the
real key to these programs is that you can adapt them
to suit you, like in the examples I gave above.

Here are 5 key tips to an effective weight training
and nutrition program for you.

Train Hard

This one seems so simple, yet so few people really put
forth the necessary effort to see the results they want.
If you are going to try training, you might as well give
yourself the best chance for success and that means
training hard. Everyone must work hard. That’s just
the cold, hard truth. This doesn’t mean that you have
to train for hours every day. But it does mean that
the time you spend working out must challenge you. You
gotta put in the work.

Being persistent is a key component of working hard. Too
many people get overenthusiastic about starting a new
fitness program or nutrition program and they go nuts
the first couple of weeks. This leads to soreness and
burn out and they end up back on the couch before they
see any real progress.

Even if your training program is perfect, you still
have to work it. You won’t see results, otherwise.
Forget all the gimmicks and fads. Use the proven,
basic exercises that work and work them.

Don’t Overtrain

This is crucial to your long term fitness success.
If you overtrain, you won’t make any gains. You’ll also
feel like crap and want to quit, either because you’re
exhausted or because you are discouraged at your lack
of progress from so much effort. Some people love the
easy way out so let me make clear that avoiding
overtraining is not an excuse to take it easy and only
workout once a month!

When it comes to bulding muscle (and even losing fat)
more is not always better. Quality counts big time (see
training hard above). If you’re making great progress
on your current routine, it does not mean you’ll make
even more progress if you triple the amount of work
you are doing. Your body needs time to recover from
your training. With weight training, work hard doing
a few sets of the basic exercises. With cardio, consider
doing more high intensity interval training as opposed
to long time periods of slow-go cardio.

Eat Right and Rest

You don’t need to follow some new diet fad in order
to lose fat or build muscle. Stick to the basics
and you’ll be fine. This means mostly raw foods,
fruits and vegetables, lean meats, etc. Stay away
from simple sugars, processed foods, and foods
with trans fats. Get good fats in your diet and
supplement with a good essential fat acid supplement
like Udo’s Choice Oil Blend.

Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Maintaining a positive attitude is very important
when it comes to being successful with your health
and fitness program. No, this isn’t easy. And,
unfortunately, a lot of the negative pressure will
come from those closest to you. If you’re always
around people who are constantly negative and try
to bring you down, get rid of them. I know that
sounds harsh, but if you want to be successful
you need to be around other people like you, not
people who do nothing but complain. No bs, no

The Best Routine For You

Once you have all these things in place, you
can start experimenting with changes in the
basic routines that suit you best. Maybe dips
are the best chest exercise for you, instead
of the bench press. If so, do dips! Maybe
you do better on three hard sets of 6 reps
each, instead of one all out set of 12 reps.
Then do three sets. Maybe you get better results
when you train with 3 minutes of rest between
sets (or 30 seconds) instead of a minute and
a half. Then make the change!

Little changes like this can go a long way toward
building muscle and losing fat, while keeping you
from quitting. While you have to work hard, you
may find that it’s easier to work hard when you
workout in a way that suits your mental makeup.
Your exercise program needs to relfect that.
While I believe squats are the best exercise around
hands down, and you should learn to like them, if
you hate them to the point that you quit training,
what good are they? Maybe you’ve found that you
can workout much harder and more consistently
with leg presses then do leg presses. You’ll
make better progress on a slightly inferior exercise
if you work it hard, then you will if you don’t
workout at all because you hate the exercise you
are supposed to do.

Train hard, don’t train too much, eat right, get
quality rest, stay positive, and experiment to
find what works for you. This will take you a long
way toward building muscle, burning fat and making
health and fitness a permanent part of your life.
Lovely Ladies

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