What Is A Parasite?

A parasite is an organism that lives within or on host bodies, such as our own body or other living organisms, like plants and animals. Parasites live off the host body and feed on their cells and organs. The parasite reproduces by depositing thousands of eggs, or by cell division, within the host's tissues and cells.
Parasites generally live long lives and remain undetected within the body, often for the life of the host, because of their biological cunning. They regularly change their shape and chemistry to avoid detection by the Immune System.
Symptoms of Parasite Infection:
Allergies - Many allergies are caused by parasitic infections.
Constipation - Parasites can damage or block certain organs like the colon causing constipation and autointoxification.
Chronic Fatigue - Extreme and constant tiredness often accompanied by flu-like symptoms, fogginess, depression and a lack of concentration.
Diarrhea - Diarrhea is nature's way of removing toxins. Parasites release their own wastes into your system and your body has to work to keep you clean and running right. Diarrhea could be a sign that your body is dealing with a toxic overload.
Gas and Stomach Bloating - Parasites that live in the upper intestine can cause both gas and stomach bloating.
Immune Dysfunction - Parasites depress the immune system.
Nervousness - The waste products from parasites irritate the nervous system, resulting in anxiety and restlessness even depression.
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