Vitamin E to Help Muscle?

Vitamin E to Help Muscle?

Natural vitamins are those organic food substances which are found only in plants and animals, i.e., living things. The body is not able to synthesize or manufacture vitamins (although there are a few exceptions to this). Because of this, they must be supplied either directly in the diet, or by way of dietary supplements. Vitamins are vital if our body is to function normally. They are absolutely necessary for our growth, general-well being and vitality.
Vitamins cannot be assimilated without ingesting food. This is why it is suggested that vitamins must be taken with a meal. They help to regulate the body’s metabolism, assist in forming the bone and tissue, and help convert fat and carbohydrates. However, one must remember that vitamins cannot replace food.

Vitamin E is one of the most popular supplements and for good reason — it is an amazing supplement. I have been so convinced of the importance of vitamin E that I’ve been taking it for over 30 years. Vitamin E is an indispensable member of the body’s antioxidant system.*
But that’s not all. Vitamin E has other functions, some completely unrelated to its role as an antioxidant. In addition to its powerful antioxidant properties, vitamin E

New research from Georgia Health Sciences University shows that Vitamin E is essential for muscle repair.
Muscle soreness and inflammation often prevent people from carrying on with their normal daily activities. Without proper muscle repair, muscles will eventually waste away and die. Previous research in animals has shown that Vitamin E deficiency is linked to muscle problems, but the way in which it is connected is not known. The researchers from the recent study at Georgia Health Sciences University believe that they now know, at least in part, how Vitamin E works for muscle repair.
It’s no wonder muscle aches and pains can be not only uncomfortable but also result in significant impairment. After all, about half of your body mass is made up of skeletal muscles and chronic inflammation of those muscles can be agonizing. But University of Illinois research has demonstrated that the antioxidant properties of Vitamin E may be able to put a damper on the cause of ongoing inflammation.

What is quite interesting is that diabetic patients have difficulty with muscle repair and typically complain of muscle weakness. Increasing Vitamin E intake in diabetic patients may help them with muscle soreness and fatigue. Further research is needed in this area to determine the possible benefits and side effects of Vitamin E supplementation in the diabetic population.

With up to half of a person’s body mass consisting of skeletal muscle, chronic inflammation of those muscles – which include those found in the limbs – can result in significant physical impairment. According to University of Illinois kinesiology and community health professor Kimberly Huey, past research has demonstrated that the antioxidant properties of Vitamin E may be associated with reduced expression of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines, in vitro, in various types of cells. Cytokines are regulatory proteins that function as intercellular communicators that assist the immune system in generating a response.

Vitamin E can be found in a variety of foods including:
- Vegetable oils
- Nuts and seeds
- Dark green leafy vegetables
- Fortified foods including cereal, juices, margarine and some spreads

Additionally, Vitamin E can be taken in a supplement form. While eating foods with Vitamin E pose little to no risk to most people, adding Vitamin E, in high doses, via a supplement can have side effects. Side effects to taking a Vitamin E supplement include increased bleeding risk and increased risk of bleeding in the brain. If you are pregnant, taking a Vitamin E supplement may also increase the chance of a birth defect. It is advised that you speak to you doctor before adding a Vitamin E supplement into your daily routine to protect yourself from possible adverse effects.

Tags: inflammation, muscle repair, muscle soreness
Lovely Ladies

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