Stun Guns: Most Commonly Asked Questions About Stun Guns

Most Commonly Asked Questions About Stun Guns

What is a Stun Gun? 

A stun gun is an electrical non-lethal self-defense device that uses high voltage to stop an attacker. Touching a person with the prongs on the stun gun quickly immobilizes the attacker. However, because the amperage is very low, no serious or permanent injury is inflicted. 

How does a stun gun stop an attacker? 

Stun guns are designed to key into the nervous system. They dump their energy into the muscles at a different frequency than the pulse waves emanating from the brain. The pulse waves coming from the brain and those from the stun gun collide at the nerve synapse' which is a type of complex processing switch adjacent to each muscle group. The resulting energy collision makes it difficult for an attacker to move and function. This causes disorientation and loss of balance and leaves the attacker in a passive and confused condition for several minutes. Still, stun guns have no significant effect on the heart and other organs. 

How long does it take to immobilize someone with a Stun Gun? 

As a general rule, a one-half second contact from a stun gun will repel and startle the attacker, giving some pain and muscle contraction. One to two seconds will cause muscle spasms and a dazed mental state. Over three seconds will cause loss of balance and muscle control, mental confusion and disorientation. 

However, don't think about how many seconds you should hold the stun gun to your attacker. Think about it this way. Throw out what the books say and the online information you have read about stun guns. You should hold your stun gun to the assailant until they drop and you can get away and call the police, whether that may be one second or six seconds. 

What is the difference between the 80,000 volt model and the 775,000 volt model? 

Look at it this way, both stun guns will render your assailant helpless using non-lethal voltage from the stun gun, but you might have to hold the 80,000 volt Talon mini a second or two longer than the 775,000 volt Stunmaster . Consider this. A stun gun is effective on many parts of the body. But give yourself the best chance to get the best of your attacker. Hold the stun gun on a body part that has a lot of surface area, such as the chest, abdomen, groin, kidneys, back, etc. An area such as the arm or leg may work fine, but these body parts do not allow you the same amount of surface area that you will need to contact for a few seconds. 

What does a Stun Gun feel like? 

If you have ever hit your funny bone, multiply that by ten thousand and extend it throughout your entire body. The inability to function and feeling of helplessness combined with the sensation of millions of tiny needles going through your body provides certain inherent physical, mental and emotional trauma. 

Will the voltage pass from the assailant to the person holding the stun gun? 

The electrical shock that emits from the stunning device will not pass from the person being stunned to the person doing the stunning. The effect is localized only in the affected area and does not pass through the body. Even if you or the attacker are wet or standing in water, you will not be shocked. 

Stun guns use DC or Direct Current which is also used in a typical car battery. AC or Alternating current, however is the type of current found in your home electricity. 

What type of battery works best in a stun gun? 

Stun Guns are powered by 9-volt alkaline batteries. The battery that we recommend using only Energizer 9-volt Alkaline batteries. These batteries seem to work far better than other brands in the stun guns that we carry. 

Will test-firing a stun gun damage the unit? 

Test-firing your stun device is recommended to ensure battery life as well as practice using the stun gun. However, it is recommended not to test fire the unit more than a second or two. Firing the stun gun in the air for too long can damage the unit as it is not grounded. This does not apply when you are applying the unit to an assailant, however, because the stun gun is then grounded out on the person being stunned. 

How long will the battery in my stun gun last? 

A new Energizer alkaline 9-volt battery will last for quite some time in your Stun Gun or Stun Baton. Unless the unit is discharged frequently, it is no different than a flashlight. However, it is recommended to test fire the unit occasionally to ensure that the batteries are still 100% functional. 
Are stun guns legal to carry in my state or county? 

Stun guns are legal in most states. However, before you order one, please make sure they are legal where you live.

Tags: stun guns;What are the best stun guns;What is the difference between a stun gun and a Taser;What is the best stun gun for self defense;
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