Self-Care - Me First This Time

Self-Care - Me First This Time

Self-care and its importance in our lives is discussed often and even so people fail to recognize its importance. “When am I going find time to put me first?” you may think to yourself. “My life is crazy enough.”

Well busy or not, in this fast paced world in which we live, self-care is essential if we truly want to experience an enjoyable life. Self-care is also an important tool in achieving work-life balance. You can put yourself on the back burner only so long before you begin to experience the signs of neglecting yourself and your needs.

It appears today that we should have an Olympic medal for the overworked soccer mom running from here to there taking care of everyone but herself. The kids come first the house comes first, the husband ( if she is not trying to do this sport alone) comes first and if there is an extra minute in the day she can be found volunteering at the school or some other worthwhile activity. The idea of taking care of herself may sound attractive, but when would she possibly fit that in?

The up and coming career woman spending hours at her desk or in meetings is also a strong contender for a medal of her own. Self-care often consists of grabbing a few hours of sleep and then hitting the gym before settling into a long day at the office.

Though I am focusing more on women here, this is by no means gender specific. The guys are strong competitors when it comes to this type of over achieving behavior. I have observed however those men do not seem as conflicted when it comes to taking time and putting themselves first. I often admire them for being able to take some time for self-care without experiencing the guilt that women often do. They seem to be able to intuitively recognize the importance of achieving work-life balance.

Sometimes we fool ourselves into believing we have everything under control. We are juggling all the balls and not dropping any of them. We’re okay, right? That’s what we think and it may be true or not. If it’s not true it will show up in little ways.

Do you ever find yourself snapping at your children or husband?

Do you have trouble sleeping at night and awaken early with lists of what needs to be done running through your head?

Are you using coffee or caffeinated drinks to make it through the day?

Do you ever find yourself on the verge of tears?

Do you ever feel like a doormat or resentful that everyone expects you to do it all?

Does it take a glass of wine in order for you to relax after a long day?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions than you are experiencing the symptoms of being out of balance and could us a little self-care. The good news is that self-care is a little different for everyone so therefore we can all start creating a little more balance in our lives and lessen the stress.

For some people self-care is getting a massage or a facial or a manicure. What may appear an indulgence may actually be a necessity. The hour spent with someone else waiting on you will be very restorative. Prepare yourself in advance, make sure the kids are situated if need be so that you can turn off the cell phone for a spell and just relax.

If this is not in the budget grab a friend or neighbor and have them watch your kids for the afternoon. Let them know that you will return the favor. Disappear into a movie, take a walk or just curl up, turn off the phone and grab a book and a little shut eye. Create a spa in your own bathroom and settle in for a long relaxing soak.

Exercise is important, but in this context I am suggesting something more spiritually fulfilling. If you have never experienced yoga find a great class for beginners that you can give a try. Again if you are on a tight budget go to the local library and borrow a tape, the feeling of rest and relaxation after one session may make you a believer.

Meditation is an incredible way to feel completely relaxed and rejuvenated in a short amount of time. Meditation is a practice however and one try may not give you an accurate picture of the benefits you will receive if you will be willing to stick with it.

These are just a few suggestions for how you can put “me first” into your life. By taking advantage of these you will begin to restore your work-life balance. Make no mistake this is not a one and done scenario. Putting yourself first at least occasionally should be an ongoing commitment to self-care and to a better quality of life.

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Lovely Ladies

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