Royal Bloodlines, DNA and Human Psyche
If someone believes they are better at something they have a better chance of displaying such traits or succeeding thru expectations right? Sure that makes sense. If someone is told when they are young that they have royal bloodlines in their ancestry could this help them succeed? Does that DNA really make any difference in their ability to compete?
It is funny these questions aren’t they? And along with that phrase; Believe to Achieve, they do make sense. What about a blind study? What happens when you have a child who is never told of royal lines and you watch to see if they are over achievers or perform at the average level or even below? That might be interesting to prove a point. Well guess what? I have royal lines and did not know it until I was nearly 40 years old.
Now then judging my genes only in hindsight of accomplishments, I believe that they are not so bad, in fact they have served me well or allowed me to use them to their full potential. Now one could ask; could you have accomplished all that with lesser genes?
Actually the funny thing is “I” believe I could have, I would have only had to work harder, which sometimes I did when I had somewhat inferior genes for a given task you see. For instance as a sprinter in Track, my muscle twitch was not as fast as a Black Athlete, thus hard to keep up, he was superior in that test of ability by far.
I had to condition myself more, and train much harder you see. But perhaps the abilities of the mind to believe I could propelled me to do just that? But that cannot happen without strength of character, drive and belief in self or for some a higher power. I guess my point is this, maybe there is something too the Royal Bloodlines that makes these folks rise to the top or over achieve as if a character flaw? Or maybe I am an anomaly? But either way, I still believe and will always believe that human will is the key. And no matter what genes you have you must make the best of them and never give up. That my friend is what makes a winner and nothing else.
Does a Person With Royal Bloodlines Perceive the World Differently?
Let us say you put people side by side, one with royal ancestry and one without. Do they perceive the world differently as their DNA is accentuated slightly differently? Interesting question and one many Americans do not wish to address because we all have agreed to live under a doctrine which says; “All Men Are Created Equal” and yet the question remains does a royal lineage change the way you perceive events and experiences? Wow, good questions.
Now then this question came up in an online think tank when one guest member Princess Kristine asked; “What I’m trying to say is would it have some baring on the manner in which you think and how you perceive things??”
Well since I happen to have some royal bloodlines and ancestry I would like to take a crack at this question. And I would say that; Yes of course. For instance if one’s brain is formed a certain way, either thru an adaptation of genetics or certain repetition of use or it was re-formatted by its owner to “think” a certain way (my case), just the fact that it was able to do this would in fact be some Genetics and some nurture. Thus your ancestry and those traits do in fact apply to some degree. The question is to what degree you see?
So indeed the answer would be yes, but partially and perhaps pragmatically. Unfortunately and not politically correct to say in this present period this also dispels a myth; That we are all created equal? Well that simply is not so.
For instance; If a family bloodline carried a genetic flaw, which allowed them to think on a particular subject for long periods of time, rather than jumping around more then it might in this case perhaps allow for greater discovery, innovation and thus propel one further or if in a closer knit group one’s family, corporation, nation, people or self.
Yet by the same token that person caught thinking might have been eaten by a Saber Tooth Tiger for not paying attention to the immediate details of a situation and thus the “superior genes” would be the latter not the former of the genetic flaw. So whether your bloodlines carry genetic flaws or gifts do indeed affect how your brain works and how you think you see?
Do Certain Bloodlines Help Make Some People Better Thinkers?
Is it possible for certain bloodlines or ancestry to cause more scientists in those families? Let’s say that Sir Isaac Newton, Nicola Tesla or Albert Einstein were in your family tree? Would that help you or give you an edge in innovation, discovery or perhaps finding the answer to Grand Unification?
Are these traits positive or negative; are they flaws or super genes? What about the story of the “Beautiful Mind” could it be both, a flaw, which creates a super brain for some things, but ill-prepared for others? Interesting subject indeed and let us say it was a flaw that these great historical figures had.
Nevertheless, that person with the flaw, able to concentrate on one thing may have in fact discovered a vaccine for polio or even the double helix of DNA. Thus even though one had a genetic flaw, the over all society should be grateful they did. In other words it is a darn good thing we are not created equal and Plato would agree, as each person’s talents or abilities should be leveraged for the common good and forward advancement of the Republic or in this case the forward advancement of the species and World.
Do you believe that genetic flaws of this type are worthy bloodlines to have? Would you like to be one of the smartest people in the world or would you rather just be normal like you perceive others to be?
Tags: oyal lines;royal bloodlines;bloodlines or ancestry;DNA;family bloodline;royal lineage;royal ancestry

If someone believes they are better at something they have a better chance of displaying such traits or succeeding thru expectations right? Sure that makes sense. If someone is told when they are young that they have royal bloodlines in their ancestry could this help them succeed? Does that DNA really make any difference in their ability to compete?
It is funny these questions aren’t they? And along with that phrase; Believe to Achieve, they do make sense. What about a blind study? What happens when you have a child who is never told of royal lines and you watch to see if they are over achievers or perform at the average level or even below? That might be interesting to prove a point. Well guess what? I have royal lines and did not know it until I was nearly 40 years old.
Now then judging my genes only in hindsight of accomplishments, I believe that they are not so bad, in fact they have served me well or allowed me to use them to their full potential. Now one could ask; could you have accomplished all that with lesser genes?
Actually the funny thing is “I” believe I could have, I would have only had to work harder, which sometimes I did when I had somewhat inferior genes for a given task you see. For instance as a sprinter in Track, my muscle twitch was not as fast as a Black Athlete, thus hard to keep up, he was superior in that test of ability by far.
I had to condition myself more, and train much harder you see. But perhaps the abilities of the mind to believe I could propelled me to do just that? But that cannot happen without strength of character, drive and belief in self or for some a higher power. I guess my point is this, maybe there is something too the Royal Bloodlines that makes these folks rise to the top or over achieve as if a character flaw? Or maybe I am an anomaly? But either way, I still believe and will always believe that human will is the key. And no matter what genes you have you must make the best of them and never give up. That my friend is what makes a winner and nothing else.
Does a Person With Royal Bloodlines Perceive the World Differently?
Let us say you put people side by side, one with royal ancestry and one without. Do they perceive the world differently as their DNA is accentuated slightly differently? Interesting question and one many Americans do not wish to address because we all have agreed to live under a doctrine which says; “All Men Are Created Equal” and yet the question remains does a royal lineage change the way you perceive events and experiences? Wow, good questions.
Now then this question came up in an online think tank when one guest member Princess Kristine asked; “What I’m trying to say is would it have some baring on the manner in which you think and how you perceive things??”
Well since I happen to have some royal bloodlines and ancestry I would like to take a crack at this question. And I would say that; Yes of course. For instance if one’s brain is formed a certain way, either thru an adaptation of genetics or certain repetition of use or it was re-formatted by its owner to “think” a certain way (my case), just the fact that it was able to do this would in fact be some Genetics and some nurture. Thus your ancestry and those traits do in fact apply to some degree. The question is to what degree you see?
So indeed the answer would be yes, but partially and perhaps pragmatically. Unfortunately and not politically correct to say in this present period this also dispels a myth; That we are all created equal? Well that simply is not so.
For instance; If a family bloodline carried a genetic flaw, which allowed them to think on a particular subject for long periods of time, rather than jumping around more then it might in this case perhaps allow for greater discovery, innovation and thus propel one further or if in a closer knit group one’s family, corporation, nation, people or self.
Yet by the same token that person caught thinking might have been eaten by a Saber Tooth Tiger for not paying attention to the immediate details of a situation and thus the “superior genes” would be the latter not the former of the genetic flaw. So whether your bloodlines carry genetic flaws or gifts do indeed affect how your brain works and how you think you see?
Do Certain Bloodlines Help Make Some People Better Thinkers?
Is it possible for certain bloodlines or ancestry to cause more scientists in those families? Let’s say that Sir Isaac Newton, Nicola Tesla or Albert Einstein were in your family tree? Would that help you or give you an edge in innovation, discovery or perhaps finding the answer to Grand Unification?
Are these traits positive or negative; are they flaws or super genes? What about the story of the “Beautiful Mind” could it be both, a flaw, which creates a super brain for some things, but ill-prepared for others? Interesting subject indeed and let us say it was a flaw that these great historical figures had.
Nevertheless, that person with the flaw, able to concentrate on one thing may have in fact discovered a vaccine for polio or even the double helix of DNA. Thus even though one had a genetic flaw, the over all society should be grateful they did. In other words it is a darn good thing we are not created equal and Plato would agree, as each person’s talents or abilities should be leveraged for the common good and forward advancement of the Republic or in this case the forward advancement of the species and World.
Do you believe that genetic flaws of this type are worthy bloodlines to have? Would you like to be one of the smartest people in the world or would you rather just be normal like you perceive others to be?
Tags: oyal lines;royal bloodlines;bloodlines or ancestry;DNA;family bloodline;royal lineage;royal ancestry