Ovarian Cysts (Functional Cyst on Ovary): Symptoms, Types, Treatment

Ovarian Cysts (Functional Cyst on Ovary): Symptoms, Types, Treatment

Photo Credit: herzindagi.info

Symptoms of Complex Ovarian Cyst

Symptoms of complex ovarian cyst occur in only women as it is a gynecological problem and happens during the child bearing age of women. The symptoms and the complex ovarian cysts can disappear all by themselves sometimes without any problem or pain. But in some they can be really painful and even lead to death of the sufferer when left unattended or untreated.

Three kinds of complex ovarian cysts are present and each of them shows various symptoms in women. The same way the treatment also differs from person to person. The common types of complex ovarian cyst found in women are endrometrioma, dermoid and cystadenoma cysts.

The presence of complex ovarian cysts can be determined by getting manual pelvic examination done by a doctor. Most often Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI scan is used for identifying and detecting endometriomas and Ultra sound scan is used for confirming the presence of ovarian cysts and the diagnosis of the doctor. Endometriosis tests and pregnancy tests are done on the patients as the symptoms of complex ovarian cyst can be mistaken for endometriosis and pregnancy. The presence of cancer or endometriomas can be found by performing a blood test called the CA 125 test on the patients.

There are two main forms of ovarian cyst removal: Open Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Open surgery is reserved for cysts that are generally larger or more difficult to treat including severe twisting or bleeding. Laparoscopic surgery is less evasive, only requiring 3 to 4 small incisions usually no more then a inch long to be made so special designed tools can be passed through in order to perform the ovarian cyst removal with the least amount of trauma.

No matter what type of ovarian cyst removal surgery you under go, the surgeon will always look for any signs of cancer. If cancer is discovered, it may be necessary for one or both of your ovaries to be removed in order to prevent it from spreading further. After the cyst is removed, it will be sent to a pathologist for testing to be performed and rule out the presence of cancer.

Ovarian cysts symptoms constitute the tricky part of the condition. They may be absent in some cases. However, there are many patients who get the regular kind of ovarian cyst symptoms, such as a dull ache, some pressure in the abdomen, pain during intercourse, irregular and painful periods, etc. Ovarian cyst pain is in most cases the reason why a woman with this problem will see a specialist. Asymptomatic ovarian cyst conditions are the real problem here but those who are in the habit of getting a general check-up will be diagnosed in due time by their doctor through the annual pelvic examination and many other methods available.

Natural Remedies for Curing Ovarian Related Disorders
There is a scientifically proven way to reverse and eliminate all ovarian cysts and PCOs within two months naturally It is unbelievably easy, step-by-step actions you could already be taking to say goodbye to ovarian cysts and PCOs forever. The cysts can be eliminated completely within a few weeks all without ever using risky drugs or resorting to surgery. By opting for natural treatment, the ovarian cysts can be shrunk rapidly, you can let vanish the unbearable pain within a few short days, it is not necessary to go through the frightening surgery that was so easy for their doctors to recommend and the ultimate benefit will be that no one who followed the home remedy ever experience a single cyst again.

Complex Ovarian Cyst Causing Vaginal Pain

Generally, the cyst in the ovary will not create symptoms and are seen during the usual physical examination or the same may be seen by option on an ultrasound test taken for various reasons. However, some of the following symptoms may be available. They are pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic pain that may commence and stop. It may be very severe, sharp and also sudden. The menstrual periods will be irregular. There may be a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen or in the pelvic or fullness.

The pelvic pain may be for a longer period during the menstrual period. The pain may also be felt at the lower back. Severe pelvic main may also be developed after the strenuous work out and also after the sexual intercourse. The pain or the pressure may develop further with the movement of bowel or with the urination. There may also be symptoms of vomiting and nausea. Some of the patients may also develop pain in the vagina or may have some blood spots from the vagina. Infertility is also one of the symptoms. The side effects of the cyst in the ovary include abundant bleeding during menstruation, pain in the breasts, pelvic pain and bleeding in the vagina apart from the other illnesses.

Women having their surgery for the cyst in the ovary may have serious menstruations after the surgery. The time gap between the surgery and the commencement of the 1st period may vary by and large. Some of the women will have their 1st periods after 2 months of their surgery and some of the women will take more time in getting their periods and some of the women will have 2 periods within ten days after the surgery. In addition to this, the blood flow during the menstruation will be very heavy when compared to the blood flow prior to the surgery.

When there is an unusual blood flow from the pelvic area, it will create a great worry for any woman irrespective of her age. Any kind of bleeding apart from the time of the menstruation and also a heavy flow of blood during the menstruation could perceptibly be a reason for the sadness. It is extremely vital therefore to arrive at the reason for this bleeding. It is important to ascertain the source of the blood flow – whether the same is from the uterus or from any tissue or the organ. After analyzing the above points, remedial measures that are required to be taken to control and stop the bleeding. Of all the potentialities, the one which is the most risky is the bleeding from the vagina and if it happens, immediate attention should be given on an urgent basis.

It is a well known fact that the menstruation cycles for any women is 28 days with about 7 days more or less margin sometimes. The menstruation for the women may last from 2-7 days. The heavy flow should not be for more than 2 days.

Bleeding from the vagina has to be monitored as the same may be the indication of the cyst in the ovary. Also bleeding from the vagina after the usual menstrual cycle will indicate the presence of cysts. This will assist the doctor in diagnosing the cyst problem and to give the proper medicine.

Ovarian Pain after Miscarriage

Miscarriage is the instant finish of the pregnancy by the loss of the infant prior to the 24th week of the pregnancy. There is lot of possibility for this to happen in the women who have PCOS called polycystic ovarian syndrome than those women without this disorder.

The first symptom for this may be the bleeding in the vagina or discharge. Sometimes the same may accompany with backache or pain in the abdomen. The bleeding that happens in the vagina during the early pregnancy is termed as threatened miscarriage. But there is no necessity that this should grow into an original miscarriage. Many of the women will continue to have their usual pregnancy.

In addition to the above, the symptoms that may be noticed during the pregnancy are the disappearance of the sore breasts and nausea, irrespective to the bleeding or not bleeding. It is better to have the usual antenatal scan to ensure that the pregnancy has come to an end during this test and the same is termed as delayed miscarriage or missed miscarriage.

The symptom that will not happen usually is sharp and severe pain in the abdomen either on one side or both the sides. This may be an ectopic pregnancy that grows on the outside of the woman’s womb. Whenever there is acute pain in the abdomen, the physician has to be contacted immediately or to visit the emergency hospitals nearby.

The estimate of the occurrence of miscarriage differs. This is because many of the women may not be aware about their pregnancy and miscarriage happens at this juncture. However, the study reveals that pregnancy of one out of four women end up with miscarriage and many of this happens during the 12th week of pregnancy.

The percentage rate of miscarriage is more for those women with PCOS – polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is assumed that the percentage rate for this may be more than 45%. There are various probable reasons for the miscarriage. Some of them are genetic, immunological, anatomical, life style, diet, environmental pollution, hormonal and luteal phase defect.

Miscarriages do not create any fertility in the women. Many of the women will not have any difficulty in having the ovulation after their miscarriage and turn pregnant once again. Many of the women carry their pregnancy successfully to full term. However, there are some little women who very frequently experience miscarriages.

Preventive measure has to taken by the women to reduce the risk of miscarriage and also to have a good pregnancy. It is advised to go for the complete health check up before getting pregnant again. The dangerous factors that created the miscarriage during the earlier pregnancy have to be discussed with the doctor. The pregnancy should be planned and the ovulation period and the menstruation cycle should be monitored. If there is any symptom of pregnancy, the doctor has to be consulted immediately for before time check up. After getting confirmation about the pregnancy, the visit to the doctor should be regular to enable the doctor to monitor the pregnancy and the health very closely.

Sigmoid Colon Spasms and Ovarian Pain

Adhesions around the sigmoid colon may be the origin of the irritating bowel syndrome. Some of the symptoms in the patients are the pelvic pain.

The adhesions are the fibrous joining or the filamentous that joins the sigmoid colon to the sidewall of pelvic and sufficiently stretches to correct the colon course. It may very rarely create a slight narrow down or kink that makes the bottleneck outcome.

In one of the observational studies, it is presented that around 146 women took the laparoscopy for the pelvic pain and around 56 women were seen to have the sigmoid adhesions and 34 women out of these did not posses the sensible source of their symptoms apart from the sigmoid adhesions. Pelvic infections and endometriosis were feinted out.

All of the women with the sigmoid adhesions just possessed their adhesions with the use of cautery or laser. The bowel will be sent back to its usual position. The level of gastrointestinal symptoms and the pain are associated well with the level of adhesions that is originated during the surgery. All the women would have experienced symptoms for a period of 6 months and more than 40% of the women would have experienced this symptom for a period of more than one year.

In 6 months time, after the removal of the adhesion, 91 percent of the women had a good reduction in the symptoms of gastrointestinal and also pelvic pain. After one and a half years, 80 percent of the women reported for symptom as well pain relief.

Generally, the surgeons consider these adhesions around the sigmoid colon as a normal one and does not have any scientific implications. But the result of the findings suggests that this may originally be the relevant source of bloating, cramping and pelvic pain. The doctors also say that presently the providers do not even have a look for these adhesions and leave alone the same for treatment.

It is improbable that these deflective sigmoid adhesions will have an etiology as same as that of endometriosis. It is understood that in 60% of the women this endometriosis was lined out with the colon adhesions. Additionally, it is also doubtful that the sigmoid colon adhesions are linked with menstruation, as the same is also seen in the men.

Additionally, sigmoid adhesions may add harshness to the symptoms of the patients with the ill tempered bowel syndrome because of the unusual colon spasms or peristalsis.

The sigmoid colon has got the specific work of contraction very vigorously. This is mainly for maintaining a high pressure. This action will regulate the stool movement into the rectum. Mostly, the diverticuli happens in this place as the sigmoid has got the high pressure division of the colon. The sigmoid colon is a division of the large intestine that is nearer to the anus and the rectum. A loop is formed with an average length of 40cm and generally lies inside the pelvis and it is also very independent to get displaced to the abdominal cavity.

Complex Ovarian Cyst and Pelvic Pain

Ovary is the very famous site of the pelvic mass. The doctors will be in a position to judge correctly about the seriousness of the ovarian cyst based on the woman’s age. It may be very alarming to find out the cyst in the young girl before she attains her menstruation and the same may be wicked 50% of the time. Same is the case with the post menopausal woman with the ovarian cyst. In both these women, investigative surgery to arrive at the complete identification is required. This may be done either by the investigative laparoscopy. It is a procedure where the tube will be inserted with a camera joined to this with the help of the belly button. This will make an opening via abdomen and will see the ovary.

The trickiest area for the doctor in caring the patient is the cyst that comes between these 2 boundaries in the fertility life of the women. A sonogram may assist in this diagnosis. The very common cyst that is found is functional cysts. They are of 4 types and are not cruel. They are follicular, theca luteum, polycystic ovaries and corpus luteum. The correct type of cyst can be identified only by the doctor with the corresponding test for the same. Hence, the woman with any discomfort should consult the physician for correct diagnosis of the kind of cyst.

The follicular cyst happens when the regular follicle or the sac that matures and releases the egg. This will not get shrink after the egg is released. They are very soft and contain thin membrane walls and also posses clear fluid. This will rupture to create sudden and severe pain and slowly goes away over a period of many days. In general, these instantly vanish with 1 or more menstrual cycles. This may create changes in the period of the women and also her pelvic pain. Based on the cyst size, the same can be treated or observed with the birth control tablets.

Corpus luteum cysts are less famous. But, this will create more problems and symptoms. They grow big than the follicular cyst and thus create more pelvic pain. The cyst will occur when the bleeding comes in the follicle after the release of the egg. This kind of cyst frequently creates a deferred period and when the same is ruptured, it may create bleeding in the abdomen and also demands surgery.

Theca luteum cyst is the least famous of the functional cysts. They are frequently linked with the unusual pregnancy. They very regularly occur in both the ovaries and dissimilar to the functional cysts explained above. They vanish without the treatment after the termination of the pregnancy.

The polycystic ovaries are the cysts filled with multiple clear fluids in both the ovaries and are linked with the problems of menstruation and imbalances of hormone.

Endometrioses can create endometriomas or complex ovarian cysts. It is also generally called as chocolate cysts. Involvement of ovary can be seen in nearly 60% of the women with endometriosis.

Important Facts about Complex Ovarian Cyst with Septation

Complex ovarian cyst with septation is normally made up of both liquid and solid matter. They can become malignant tumors that they should be treated immediately and should not be ignored or treated lightly. They are asymptomatic in the early stages that the women affected by it might not feel any change in their body. The time of occurrence cannot be predicted or known as it differs from person to person. Certain women might even have this type of ovarian cyst during their infancy due to abnormal genetics and might not feel the presence till they have become a larger mass.

Normally women after the age of thirty are more susceptible to this condition. Sometimes it might be mistaken for pregnancy as they exhibit similar symptoms such as belly enlargement, vomiting, dizziness, pain during sexual intercourse and nausea. Some complex ovarian cyst with septation might also have hair and teeth causing excruciating pain and severe discomfort. When they are left untreated and undetected they can become cancerous and can even damage the organs near them.

What should a woman expect when dealing with ovarian cyst pain? Well, for starters, most women have nothing to fear. As previously noted, most ovarian cysts are harmless and will disappear on their own, often without any symptoms. If you do decide to visit a doctor, because of relative normalcy of the condition, most physicians will ask you to do nothing and then come back in 1-3 months to monitor the size of the cyst. In some rare cases, a doctor will schedule a surgery to remove an ovarian cyst that either continues to grow or simply won’t disappear. While most cysts are benign (non-cancerous) some do turn cancerous and certainly must be removed immediately. In worst case scenarios, a doctor may have to remove the affected ovary, but a woman’s body will still remain fertile with just one healthy ovary intact. Ovarian cyst pain, while never a fun fact of life, is usually not a harmful one.

It is estimated that more than 90 percent of women have had an ovarian cyst at one time or another or actually get them on a regular basis. Most of the time, ovarian cysts cause no pain or discomfort and they are not noticed at all. On rare occasions however, the cysts can become inflamed, continue to grow, and refuse to go away. In some of these cases you may need to have the ovarian cyst surgically removed. Again it is important to note that because of the commonality of cysts, they are rarely dangerous and ovarian cyst removal is a rare but common procedure. Some of the reason that a doctor may prescribe ovarian cyst removal include: The patient is young and has never had a period (the cyst may not dissolve due to lack of menstrual cycle), cysts have been diagnosed on both of the ovaries, The cyst persisted for several months and will not dissolve naturally, abdominal pain has steadily increased over time, or if the patient is post menopausal. In addition, if the growth of the cysts is large enough, your doctor may want to do a small surgery to make sure that no cancer can be found. Again, this is a rarity, but well worth the procedure if your doctor suspects the worst.

Diagnosis of Complex Ovarian Cyst with Ultrasound

Complex ovarian cyst ultrasound is considered as a common yet excellent diagnostic procedure for women. It is so because, it does not produce any discomfort or pain except for making the bladder full for women. The doctor too gets a clear picture of the reason for the abdominal or pelvic pain. When the doctor has asked the patient to go for complex ovarian cyst ultrasound, there is no reason to delay the procedure as it is not good to take chances when dealing with the reproductive system of women.

Before starting the procedure, the doctor would ask the patient to drink a minimum of one bottle water and would ask not to urinate prior to the examination. This is because the technician would be in a position to have a good view of the organs when the bladder is full in the abdomen region. A small device (hand held) is moved over the abdomen so that the technician can take good pictures. There is also another kind of ultrasound called the trans vaginal ultrasound which can produce very accurate location of the organs, their size and so on. It would be in the shape of a wand that is kept in the vagina. The view is excellent and the patient need not have to keep her bladder full.

Ovarian cysts treatment may involve blood tests and see the potential of the cyst developing into cancer. If the cyst is small, the general procedure undertaken is laparoscopy. Some doctors will advise you to just watch and wait because ovarian cysts are known to go away naturally. If this does not happen, then it is time to take action. Surgery is the only option if the cyst does not go away and if it has the potential to be a cancer cell.

Some may also recommend acupuncture because acupuncture is an effective method to balance the blood circulation in the body. Tea is also a popular item used to treat the ovarian cyst because it relaxes tense muscles found in the abdomen. These are the muscles that cause tension and pain if you have ovarian cysts.

There are several different types of ovarian cysts. The functional type occurs as part of the usual process of menstruation and can be treated very efficiently with no hassle at all. The corpus luteum cyst related to menstruation usually takes three months to dissolve and completely disappear. The follicular and the dermoid cysts contain residues like hair and skin and are known to be the most common cause of a cyst ovary. The haemorrhagic cyst (which is another type of functional cyst), also known by the name of blood cyst, occurs when a blood vessel in the cyst wall breaks. Endometriosis is associated with another class – the endometrioid cyst – it forms inside the ovary causing it to expand.

Slight Ovarian Pain and Light Spotting

There are various doubts that women may have during their pregnancy period. The pregnant women may have some little irregular bleeding during their pregnancy, but it should not be like their usual periods. Some women will get confused with this for their regular periods since frequently as the little spot will come when she expects her regular period. The unusual spotting or the bleeding that can happen during pregnancy will frequently be in dark brown color or in light pinkish color. There may not be sufficient bleeding to load the tampons or the pads for some days. If the bleeding is sufficient enough to fill up the tampons or the pads, then it is clear that the women are not pregnant.

Around 25-30 percent of the pregnant women will experience some kind of bleeding or spotting in their early pregnancy. This may be due to the various factors that include implantation bleeding, cervical irritation, threatened miscarriage, infection and ectopic pregnancy. Many of the women with this light spotting or bleeding will continue to have their usual pregnancy and will also deliver healthy baby. Around 50% of the women who experience this light spotting or bleeding will continue to have more bleeding that will ultimately end up with miscarriage. It is very unfortunate that there is no path to assume whether the vaginal bleeding leads to miscarriage or not. If the pregnant woman experience light spotting or bleeding that continues to worsen heavily along with back pain, stabbing pain and painful cramp, then she has to definitely take the medical advice of the doctor straight away.

Some of the woman will also have strange symptoms and make them to think that they are pregnant which later on will end up in heavy bleeding. This would have happened because of the imbalance of hormones, infection or a probable miscarriage.

Pregnant woman may have some little cramping during the early period of pregnancy. The cramping may be frequently similar to the menstrual cramps through the lower abdomen. This cramping may be due to the changes that are happening in the uterus. The uterus will experience more changes as the eggs implanted in it will begin to develop and grow.

Some of these cramping may also come from the tiny cyst that can grow on the ovary during the ovulation. It is called as the corpus luteum cyst. This cyst will be formed in the ovary like spots in which place the eggs will come out before proceeding its travel to the uterus. Progesterone is then produced by this cyst till such time the placenta is formed for production of its own progesterone. This tiny cyst may create some uneasiness for the women during their early pregnancy.

Many of the women will have doubts on their exact date of conception. It is unfortunate that the same cannot be predicted so easily. The guess is that if the woman is having her menstrual cycles regularly, then her ovulation will be during a particular time of a month. Ovulation is the period where the egg will be available and the conception can take place.
Lovely Ladies

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