Does Magnetic Therapy Work?
Magnetic Therapy for Pain Relief
Magnetic Therapy is making a comeback worldwide, companies are selling magnetic underlays for all sizes of beds, and they come in Cotton or Genuine Sheeps Wool.
There are small sized units, to fit on the wrist, fit on the waistband of underwear, belts to fit around your back, your knees or just about anywhere that you are likely to suffer pain. Some ladies are using a magnet that fits on the waistband of underwear at the front, when they are suffering menstrual pain, and they swear that it eases the pain.
It has been claimed as a drug free alternative for insomnia, headaches and migraines, by sleeping with a magnetic pad in the pillow, it reacts on the Pineal Gland which is in the center of the brain and responds to a magnetic field.
Magnetic Therapy, is not new, it has been around for about 3000, years, it was supposed to have started at that time in India. The red dot worn by some Indian women on their forehead, was originally made from a magnetic powder. It was put on a important nerve point midway between the two eyes, an area that some believe is the third eye, it supposedly calmed down the brain and reduced stress, thereby keeping the ladies looking beautiful.
Magnets work on the circulatory system by making the blood flow faster and at the same time refining the blood. This helps the body to dispose of waste and toxins. A number of health problems are frequently due to a sluggish circulatory system and magnets appear to overcome a lot of these problems.
Science has shown that by placing a magnetic field next to the body, a bioelectric activity occurs. At the cellular level, it is the trace elements of Iron and Potassium in the blood that are drawn to the magnetic field causing a mild effect in the blood stream.
A large number of people feel heat when sleeping on a magnetic underlay, this is quite normal, this increases vasculation, oxygenation, balancing of energy flow and stimulation of the Lymphatic System.
Magnetic Therapy today is being used to treat many illnesses and painful conditions, it is a Natural Therapy, that really has no adverse side effects, you should increase your intake of pure water, to help the waste and toxins flush from the body, you might feel a little hot, but if you are in a cold climate, this is probably a beneficial side effect.
Scientists are researching the therapy and the benefits of treating colds and flu arthritis, reduction of stress and nervous problems. It has even been tried on people with partial damage to the spinal cord.
A number of famous people are using Magnetic Therapy, including Hollywood Stars and even one ex US President. Magnets have become an interest to the medical world. The powerful effects of healing through magnetism on thousands of patients, has caused some doctors to have another look at the situation.
Magnets themselves of course don’t heal anything; they stimulate the body into healing itself.
The body has a Natural Healing system installed at conception, this is the Immune System, but if it does no harm, why not give this system a bit of a boost along. The Immune System has quite a struggle in our modern day, fighting the effects of Chemicals, Pesticides, Herbicides gasses and a million other things that we eat, drink and breathe daily.
Tags: Does Magnetic Therapy Work; what is magnetic therapy used for; How Magnetic Therapy Works

Magnetic Therapy for Pain Relief
Magnetic Therapy is making a comeback worldwide, companies are selling magnetic underlays for all sizes of beds, and they come in Cotton or Genuine Sheeps Wool.
There are small sized units, to fit on the wrist, fit on the waistband of underwear, belts to fit around your back, your knees or just about anywhere that you are likely to suffer pain. Some ladies are using a magnet that fits on the waistband of underwear at the front, when they are suffering menstrual pain, and they swear that it eases the pain.
It has been claimed as a drug free alternative for insomnia, headaches and migraines, by sleeping with a magnetic pad in the pillow, it reacts on the Pineal Gland which is in the center of the brain and responds to a magnetic field.
Magnetic Therapy, is not new, it has been around for about 3000, years, it was supposed to have started at that time in India. The red dot worn by some Indian women on their forehead, was originally made from a magnetic powder. It was put on a important nerve point midway between the two eyes, an area that some believe is the third eye, it supposedly calmed down the brain and reduced stress, thereby keeping the ladies looking beautiful.
Magnets work on the circulatory system by making the blood flow faster and at the same time refining the blood. This helps the body to dispose of waste and toxins. A number of health problems are frequently due to a sluggish circulatory system and magnets appear to overcome a lot of these problems.
Science has shown that by placing a magnetic field next to the body, a bioelectric activity occurs. At the cellular level, it is the trace elements of Iron and Potassium in the blood that are drawn to the magnetic field causing a mild effect in the blood stream.
A large number of people feel heat when sleeping on a magnetic underlay, this is quite normal, this increases vasculation, oxygenation, balancing of energy flow and stimulation of the Lymphatic System.
Magnetic Therapy today is being used to treat many illnesses and painful conditions, it is a Natural Therapy, that really has no adverse side effects, you should increase your intake of pure water, to help the waste and toxins flush from the body, you might feel a little hot, but if you are in a cold climate, this is probably a beneficial side effect.
Scientists are researching the therapy and the benefits of treating colds and flu arthritis, reduction of stress and nervous problems. It has even been tried on people with partial damage to the spinal cord.
A number of famous people are using Magnetic Therapy, including Hollywood Stars and even one ex US President. Magnets have become an interest to the medical world. The powerful effects of healing through magnetism on thousands of patients, has caused some doctors to have another look at the situation.
Magnets themselves of course don’t heal anything; they stimulate the body into healing itself.
The body has a Natural Healing system installed at conception, this is the Immune System, but if it does no harm, why not give this system a bit of a boost along. The Immune System has quite a struggle in our modern day, fighting the effects of Chemicals, Pesticides, Herbicides gasses and a million other things that we eat, drink and breathe daily.
Tags: Does Magnetic Therapy Work; what is magnetic therapy used for; How Magnetic Therapy Works