Latest Technological Acne Remedies - Acne Treatment: How to Fight Bacteria

Latest Technological Acne Remedies

The good thing about human development is that man, through technological advancement, has always striven to find solutions to his numerous problems. The prevalence of some diseases that have defied all forms of treatment has always being a major concern for medical science. Acne can be said to be one of such conditions. Though, acne is obviously not a terminal disease (i.e. it does not lead to death), but the social implications of the condition have accorded it a place in the list of diseases that require continuous research to unravel the best and most effective treatment.

It would not be surprising, therefore, that new technological measures are constantly being invented to deal with a condition like acne. Some of the treatment options that will be discussed in this article fall within the ranks of latest technological remedies. Although, some of these remedies were not specifically invented to deal with acne, they have been shown to be effective in treating acne and scars or other blemishes caused by acne.

Radio Frequency Treatment: This treatment alternative has been described as the non-surgical approach to ‘facelift.’ It aims to achieve the same goal as a surgical facelift without the surgery. It was specifically intended to treat winkles but has been shown to be effective in treating acne scars. This procedure employs the use of radio frequency energy to strengthen and reorganize the collagen fibers of the skin.

The major advantage of this procedure is that there is a very minimal recovery time. The mild swelling that results from the treatment only lasts for about 3-7 days. Amazingly, you can expect to start seeing results from the first month and the proponents of this treatment claim that the benefits of this procedure can last for as long as five to ten years after treatment.

Laser Resurfacing: This is another new technological alternative and is believed to be effective in getting rid of acne, blemishes or scars in the face that have resulted from acne. As the name implies, this procedure ‘burnout’ or ‘vaporizes’ the outer skin layer enabling the skin to grow another layer/surface without those ‘scary’ scars. This procedure is also employed in treating winkles. There are two types of laser used in this procedure and they are CO2 and N-Lite. The former (CO2) is the stronger of the two.

The CO2 laser burns out the outer skin and also cause the collagen fibers of skin to become thicker. Apparently, this procedure can cause a lot of discomfort and it takes the skin about 5-14 days to heal from the injury caused. Local anesthesia is often administered to reduce the discomfort. However, as would be expected, this method promises better improvement and results compared to the other laser method.

The N-lite laser, unlike the CO2 does not ‘burnout’ or ‘vaporize’ the outer skin, so there is no injury to the skin. It works by stimulating the production of the collagen fibers in the skin. However, as would be expected, the results from this procedure would not be as dramatic as with the CO2 laser.

Light Therapy: This approach may not be as effective as the other two discussed above, because the underlying principle is different. Light therapy is based on the assumption that the bacteria responsible for acne breakout are sensitive to light in the blue wavelength of light spectrum. So, the treatment consists of shining blue light on the patient’s skin for about fifteen minutes twice a week for a couple of weeks. Although, not all patients have seen positive improvements with this treatment option, its major plus is that there is virtually no side effect with this procedure, since blue light has no effect on the skin.

Chemical Peeling: This procedure follows the same principle of removal or ‘burning-out’ the outer skin layer and thus can be used to treat acne and the scars or blemishes that result from acne. But unlike the laser approach, this option involves the use of chemicals to peel or remove the outer skin. However, this approach may not be as effective and several peels may be needed to achieve any considerable success. TCA and phenol are the main chemicals usually employed in this regard. The major minus of this option is that most people are sensitive to phenol. This chemical can also cause fatal heart irregularities or kidney damage, if large amount gets to the bloodstream.

On a final note, it is important to state that most of these treatment alternatives are new technologies; enough studies have not been carried out on their effectiveness and the presence or lack of severe adverse effects. The price of most of the procedures is another thing to be considered. It is therefore, very important to seek expert medical advice before opting for any of these alternatives.


Acne: Causes and Cures

What is acne? While acne is generally considered to be a problem suffered by teenagers, it can occur and affect people of any age. Acne does however begin at puberty in most cases. Approximately 75% of teenagers will have acne to some degree.
Hormonal changes stimulate the oil producing skin glands causing them to become plugged by excessive skin and oil cells trying to exit. These glands are situated within the pores of the skin around hair follicles. Once these glands become plugged, the hair follicle will bulge and form whiteheads. The top of this plug may darken and form a blackhead.
Pimples are the next step. These are formed when the follicle wall ruptures and allows bacteria on the skin’s surface to enter into the skin causing the area to become infected. Sometimes a more painful cyst will form but only if the infection is deep within the skin. This condition is the most painful of the types mentioned in this article.
While acne is normally found on the face, it can also appear on the neck, shoulders, chest and back and less commonly on the arms and legs.
Acne can be aggravated by – excessive dirt and oil on the surface of the skin – hormonal changes caused by menstruation or pregnancy – stress – certain drugs such as testosterone or cortisone
Acne tends to be more prominent in some families than others, it is hereditary. It is not a contagious condition and can be treated.
How can acne be treated? A variety of treatments are available but the most common are the following. They are designed to cure existing acne and to prevent further acne from appearing.
Most medications applied to the infected area are designed to dry it out and will cause some peeling of the skin. Some of the most commonly used chemicals in these medications are sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinoids or resorcinol.
Antibiotics taken orally, such as tetracycline, are often prescribed. While effective they can discolor teeth permanently. For this reason they are not normally prescribed for children. Some antibiotic medications are topical, meaning that they can be applied directly to the skin.

What other methods are there to reduce acne? Exposing the skin to the sun can improve the condition, keeping in mind of course that too much exposure to the sun can cause sunburn and increases the risk of skin cancer.
Washing the skin regularly with warm water to reduce dirt, oil and to remove make-up will help. Taking a shower immediately after exercising is recommended. Shampoo hair regularly, preferably with an anti dandruff shampoo.
For those with long hair it pays to keep it away from the face, so comb or tie it back.
Often the most difficult thing to do is not to touch the infected areas but this is most important. Touching, rubbing or picking at the pimples will only worsen the situation as you are only exposing the area to more skin damage. A common mistake is to rest your head on your hands, causing more aggravation of the skin.
Lastly, everyone is different and each person may have their own foods or creams that may result in acne. Look out for things that trigger the worsening of your acne and then avoid them.
You can’t prevent acne but you can manage and improve the condition with medication and gentle care and regular cleansing of the skin.


Acne Natural Remedy

Nobody wants to be embarrassed because of acne invasions on their face. There are safe and natural treatments for addressing acne and other skin disorders as well as prescription medications. The main problem with prescription medicated acne solutions is that often they cause severe side effects such as birth defect.
There are safe and natural ingredients that help fight acne effectively and cheaply. Look for these ingredients in your next acne-fighting product before ordering. Below I have listed some of these ingredients.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A contributes to the strengthening of your skin’s protective tissue; it prevents acne. In addition, vitamin A assists to cut down on sebum creation in your body. If that was not all, vitamin A also proves quite effective for removing toxins from your body. Not consuming enough vitamin A in your daily diet may be a central cause for getting acne.
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 is great for providing energy production, better digestion, metabolism, and overall balance in your body. Since imbalances in your body can cause acne, vitamin B can help restore balance.
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 is extremely essential for healthy-looking skin, hair, and even nails. Acne is often a symptom of vitamin B2 deficiency. A safe recommended dosage of vitamin B2 in order to fight acne: 100mg, 3 times daily.
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 is very important for healthy skin through the improvement of circulation and the ongoing support of your body with the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. A deficiency in vitamin B3 will cause acne. A safe recommended dosage to effectively combat acne: 200mg, three times daily.
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 has become popular for decreasing stress levels which in turn help to minimize the break outs of acne. A safe recommended dosage to take: 100mg, three times daily.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is a vital for the proper functioning of the immune system and the antibody production. A deficiency in this vitamin may result in acne.
Chromium helps to diminish skin infections. In order to get enough chromium in your diet, it ought to be consumed in either two forms: chromium polynicotinate, or chromium picolinate.
Zinc helps stop scarring and supports the healing process of tissues. Zinc aids in the prevention of acne by the regulation of oil gland activities. Those who get acne may be deficient in zinc.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps improve the healing process and tissue repair. In addition, it stops cell damage by holding back the formation of free radicals and the oxidation of lipids. A safe recommended dosage to take for combating acne: 400 IU, once daily.


The Myths And Facts About Acne!

There are many millions of people that suffer from acne everyday! Acne is a very common thing and almost everyone at some point in their life will suffer from it. Some of the reasons that acne occurs is from oily skin. The secretions of grease come from the sebaceous glands. This is why the pores or the small hair follicles become clogged. Sometimes if the pores are larger than others, a blackhead will form. Blackheads are flat and small with a dark circle in the middle. The center is black because it comes in contact with air. In other cases when the pore remains small, this is when a whitehead will occur. Whiteheads are skin covered, closed bumps that are the same color as your skin.
Both kinds of clogged pores can become irritated, swollen and with deeper pimples. There is also a type of acne that is called, cystic acne. Cystic acne is major swelling under the skins surface and can become very inflamed or even infected. These cysts usually occur when severe acne is present. Usually acne affects teenagers at the age 10 to 13 and is usually around the time that puberty starts. Only about 20% of acne affects adults. People with very oily skin are more prone to acne than others. When a teenager has a problem with acne it usually lasts for about 5 to 10 years. There have been studies that have shown that boys have more severe cases of acne than girls do. However acne will affect the female gender!
Acne can be found usually on the face but, in some cases it can be found on the neck, arms, back, on the scalp, under your arms, genital area, buttocks and even legs. Some of the myths of acne are that it is caused by the foods people eat. Other myths are that acne is caused by not keeping the body clean or even by the amount of sexual drive one has. This is not a true fact! Studies have been conducted to prove this fact. Also some studies have found that acne is caused by hormones and is also hereditary. It has been proven that hormones, hygiene and even diet can irritate the present acne but it is not the main cause of it.
The main causes of acne have been found to be bacteria and hormones! Some people can suffer severely and have many problems getting rid of acne and others can only be inflicted with mild cases. It all depends on the type of skin they have and how oily it is. In today’s market there are many different treatments that will prevent and help all people with their acne problems, no matter how mild or severe the case. There are some home remedies that can be tried to help clear up acne. These methods of course have not been approved by any dermatologist. Some of these home treatments are even considered to be quite strange. You may apply toothpaste (not gel) to the pimple before going to bed. Another treatment is using egg white to the infected area. Apply before going to bed or you may use egg white for 20 minutes, then wash it off. If the home remedies are not effective, or the over the counter medicines do not help it is best to contact a dermatologist!


Water As A Natural Acne Remedy – Could It Be Possible!

As you may already know, there are many acne treatment products available. Some of these treatments include over-the-counter cleansers, creams, and medicated pads. Other acne products involve prescribed medications provided by a dermatologist. However, the increasing popularity of natural remedies has also become prevalent in treating many common conditions, and acne is no exception.
Surprisingly, water is considered as one of the best natural remedies for treating acne. Water? Yes! Water… and for good reasons! Water is used to hydrate the body, which, of course, hydrates the skin as well. The skin, being the largest organ in the human body, must be properly hydrated to work correctly and serve its purpose. This is accomplished in two ways: by washing the face, which hydrates the surface of the skin, and by drinking water, which hydrates the entire body, from the inside out. This, of course, includes the skin. Drinking plenty of water will keep the skin looking and feeling healthy. Healthy skin cells promote a healthy body. Now you’ve got one more good reason why you should drink lots of water ;-)
Doctors tell us we should drink six to eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day. Although this might sound like an overused cliché, and “six to eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day” seems like a lot of water to drink in one day, think of what it can do for your body. In addition to improving skin tone and texture, it can stimulate cell growth and will help all your organs work correctly. It also helps filter out unwanted substances that can be harmful to your skin.
Water is also a crucial component deep within your skin. It provides the basis for a soft, smooth, and healthy complexion and will help you look more youthful. Though very little water is stored in the outer layers of your skin, this moisture is important and is constantly removed by outside elements such as sun and wind.
Sun and wind can dry your skin, removing moisture and irritating its surface. When this occurs, pre-existing acne can become even more irritated, which in turn prolongs the problem. While irritation won’t directly cause more acne to form, it can worsen the problem. It is important to keep proper moisture in the skin.
You’ve probably heard that oily skin does not need moisture. This is one of the most common myths. Just because skin is oily, it doesn’t mean it is moisturized. By cleansing the skin, you are wiping away excess oil, and my moisturizing it, you are helping it remain smooth and decreasing your chances for irritation.
As the best natural remedy for treating acne, water helps to properly hydrate the skin. This not only promotes and stimulates cell growth, but also helps the other organs of the bodywork together. If properly hydrated, the skin will not wrinkle or sag as easily, and will appear youthful for a longer period of time. Even though water is not the only natural remedy that you can use for treating your skin, it is the most important. Without it, the skin could not do its job in keeping the rest of the body in the best possible condition. So, don’t forget about the many benefits that water provides for your skin, especially if you suffer of any type of acne. Try to give your skin a little bit more help – a little bit more water.


Discover The Most Common Causes of Acne

While acne is not completely understood, there is a substantial knowledge of the biology behind it.
The main cause is an oily substance produced by your body called sebum, whose main function is to help keep your skin and hair lubcricated. During the adolescent years, the body can overproduce sebum which then combines with dead skin cells and clogs pores.
The build-up of oil beneath the skin’s surface in these clogged pores creates an environment where bacteria can thrive. When these bacteria form, the skin become red and inflamed and causes what we call a pimple.
The overproduction of the substance sebum is brought on by testosterone. While this is a male hormone, it is present in both males and females. During puberty, the body starts to react to testosterone differently and this new reaction is what causes the skin to become more oily.
By the early 20′s, most people’s body acclimatizes to the presence of testosterone and the acne problem goes away.
Acne has been shown to be hereditary to a certain degree, but there is no conclusive reason that some people are affected while other aren’t. Some of the contributing factors appear to be stress, diet, skin type, and certain medications.
Some of the medications that often contribute to acne problems are anabolic steroids, halogens, androgens and lithium.
Diet-related factors seem to be primarily related to skim milk based products. While many people associate chocolate and greasy foods with pimples, there is in fact no evidence that they are actually related.
It is tempting to “pop” pimple but this can actually lead to a more severe problem. Squeezing the pimple can cause the bacteria to spread to the surrounding skin, which can lead to more pimples. Plus, squeezing them can lead to scarring of the skin, which in the worst cases may be permanent.
Even the simple – and often unconscious – act of touching your face can be a factor in acne. Our hands contain oils and bacteria that can lead to further problems for people who are suffering with acne.
This extends to anything that comes in contact with the face – telephones, glasses, sunglasses, hats, etc. Anything that could potentially be carrying bacteria could ultimately lead to a more serious acne problem.


Acne – Remove Milia That Look Like Whiteheads But They Are Not Acne

All of us want good-looking skin. Acne is the biggest obstacle in our effort. There are other skin problems that look like acne but are not acne. Milia is one of them. Milia are white spots on the face that can form at any age. Milia look like white pearls and most of us confuse them with whiteheads of acne. They are not whiteheads. So the treatment is different. Common acne treatment will not help remove milia but create more skin problems. Find out the difference between milia and whiteheads for a good-looking face.
Acne- what are whiteheads: whiteheads form when the dead skin cells, white blood cells, bacteria P.Acnes and sebum block the opening of the sebaceous glands. The gland has a closed mouth and this comedone is called acne. This acne troubles us because if it gets further infected, it can create scarring and spoil the facial skin forever.
Mila- milia is the accumulation of dead skin cells that is not able to get out of the skin. Milia has no infection like whiteheads and no bacteria or pus. Milia has no sebum in its formation. Our skin sheds dead skin cells everyday. Sometimes, when these cells cannot be shed out from the skin, they accumulate and form miila. When you extract a milia from the skin, you will only see white mass. They are dead skin cells.
Milia treatment- the only way to remove milia is to get them extracted from skin. Don’t extract milia yourself if they are located on your eyelids. The best way to prevent milia is to get the top skin layer exfoliated regularly. Get microdermabrasion done regularly. AHAs are also good for removing the top dead skin cells regularly. Vitamin A derivative creams are also good to peel off the top skin layer. Consult your doctor about prevention and removal.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.


Cystic Acne Remedies

Cystic acne can be called as a form of abscess which is shaped when oil ducts get clogged and infected. Generally, cystic acne is commonly seen in the teenage years and mainly affects on the face. Cystic acne which affects in the deeper skin tissue can result in more superficial inflammation when compared with ordinary acne. Cystic acne breakouts are painful and can result in deep scarring. Most dermatologists consider cystic acne as the most severe of its kind.
Cystic acne takes much time to heal as the infection is affected deep under one’s skin. In most cases the treatment for cystic acne is limited to oral medication and hence it is recommended that all cases need to be taken to a dermatologist. But there are several preventive measures and remedies which can be taken against cystic acne. For those looking for holistic remedies for cystic acne can consult an alternative medicine practitioner, while other more common procedures can easily be performed in the convenience of one’s home with no medical supervision.
Isotretinion is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for cystic acne treatment. The drug taken in pill form helps to treat inflammation, clogged skin pores, and excess oil production.
For females suffering from cystic acne oral contraceptives are used as a cystic acne remedy. This is considered as a safe cystic acne remedy and helps to suppress overactive sebaceous glands (oil producing). Besides an oral contraceptive, physicians also recommend a synthetic steroid to slow down other hormones which boosts the sebaceous glands.
Whatever cystic acne treatment your physician may prescribe, acne patients are required to be take special care of their health, and of course their skin. Acne patients are advised to cleanse their face daily at least two times a day. Keep in mind that bursting of cystic acne can result in producing scars. Hence keep your hands and fingers away from your face. Consulting a dermatologist is recommended as he/she can help you to choose the best cystic acne remedy which allows you to get rid of cystic acne.


Complementary and Alternative Acne Treatments

While over-the-counter acne treatments and traditional prescription medications are effective for acne, there are other less traditional ways to treat acne. The following provides a broad overview of 7 complementary and alternative acne treatments.
1. Acupuncture.
Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has been practised for several thousand years. In acupuncture, certain points on the body along the channels of energy (called meridian) are stimulated by the insertion of fine needles. Acupuncture apparently helps to restore health by removing blockages in the energy flow in your body. If you have a blockage in the energy flow, you get disease and illness. The use of acupuncture in the treatment of acne has not been scientifically evaluated. There are however, reports that two acupuncture procedures have reduced the symptoms of acne: auricular acupuncture (acupuncture applied to the ear) and electro-acupuncture (acupuncture using a mild electrical current).
2. Herbal medicine.
Some herbs are known to have anti-inflammatory properties and, for that reason, they may be helpful in the treatment of acne. They include Calendula (Calendula officinalis), German chamomile (Matricaria recutita), Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) and flaxseed oil and tea tree oil.
The herbs that help reduce acne inflammation do so by reducing the amount of the P.acnes bacteria produced by the body as a reaction to clogged pores. Tea Tree oil has been favorably compared to benzoyl peroxide in the reduction of P.acnes and is said to have fewer side effects (stinging, itchiness and dry skin).
3. Homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathy refers to a system for treating disease based on the administration of minute doses of a drug. In massive doses, the drug is expected to produce symptoms in healthy individuals similar to those of the disease itself. Homeopathic professionals evaluate the individual (their physical, emotional and intellectual makeup) before prescribing a treatment. While homeopathy has not had the benefit of many scientific studies, professional homeopaths have found that certain homeopathic treatments reduce certain symptoms of acne. Homeopathic remedies include:
Belladonna works best for people who are experiencing “hot” areas on their face or those who have pus-filled acne blemishes.
Calendula is used to treat pus-filled blemishes or blisters.
Hepar sulphur is useful for pus-filled blemishes that are painful.
Kali bromatum is used for deep acne blemishes, especially those on the forehead.
Silicea is used for deep, pus-filled acne blemishes.
4. Biofeedback and Cognitive Imagery.
Biofeedback and cognitive imagery are relaxation therapies used because emotional stress can have an impact on an acne outbreak. Biofeedback techniques train the individual to control some internal processes such as heart rate and muscle tension. Cognitive imagery (also called guided imagery) involves the use of mental pictures to relax and evoke helpful physical and emotional conditions. Together, when used properly by a person who has mastered the techniques, these methods have been shown to lessen the severity of acne breakouts.
5. Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine originated in India. Ayurveda focuses primarily on diet and lifestyle. Each person, as we all know, is unique and Ayurveda treatments recognize this by tailoring recommendations to the individual.
Ayurvedistic remedies tend to be herbal. In particular, the one Ayurvedic preparation that has proven best for acne relief is a herbal remedy that is called “Sunder Vati”. This consists of Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Holarrhena antidysenterica and Embelia ribes.
6. Kampo.
Kampo is a Japanese version of traditional, ancient Chinese medicine. A Kampo treatment for acne, the treatment called: Keigai-rengyo-to (TJ-50), has proven effective in some cases. TJ-50 consists of seventeen herbs that have combined anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Among there herbs are: Skullcap root (Scutellaria lateriflora), Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Mint (Mentha arvensis), Angelica root (Angelica archangelica), Peony root (Paeonia lactiflora).
7. Nutrition and Dietary Supplements.
It has been shown that at least as a general proposition, diet has no effect on acne. However, there are many reports from individual acne sufferers that certain drinks or foods (it seems that nuts are particularly suspect) make their acne worse. To be absolutely sure, pay attention to what you eat and try to see if your diet plays an important factor in your acne.


Acne Treatment: How to Fight Bacteria

Acne is an inflamed disease of the skin, and it has many causes. One such cause is bacteria that is breeding in the pores of the skin. When the body’s immune system is weak, it becomes allergic to this type of bacteria. Blood cells are attracted to fight the allergy, and the pores become blocked. Oil secretions begin to build up at these pores and provide a breeding ground for even more bacteria. Eventually, pimples form.
When faced with a bacteria causing acne, it is likely that you will begin to panic. Just imagine when you have red bumps that resemble small boils on your face. These red bumps get filledl with a nasty puss caused by the body fighting the infection of the bacteria. What can you do? Well, there are a number of things that you can do to fight the bacteria for acne treatment.
Treatments that kill the bacteria that cause acne included the use of antibiotics like tetracycline, doxycycline and minocyclne. These are to be taken orally. Also topical antibiotics or bactericides like Benzoyl peroxide or erythromycin can help. The bacteria also known as “P. acnes”, does however become resistant to the antibiotics eventually. However Benzoyl peroxide, an oxidizer, does not seem to generate resistance by the bacteria. While the acne will come back, it is a short term and temporary cure and is applied topically.
Gently exfoliating the skin can also help. This method can be done by using a cloth or a liquid scrub, or by using certain chemicals. Chemical exfoliating substances include salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Both of these agents cause a peeling of the top layer of skin, which prevents a build up of dead skin.
Another over the counter acne treatment is salicylic acid, which softens skin and gets rid of dead skin cells, which in turn unclogs pores. Many face wash products contain this ingredient. Also sulfur contained in many over the counter products works well for many people. Another product is glycolic acid, which is found in anti-aging products as well as acne medicines.

However, natural health practitioners prefer to recommend the use of natural acne treatment. Tea tree oil is gaining in popularity. It kills the bacteria and also reduces redness and inflammation. It works much the same as Benzoyl peroxide but causes less skin irritation. Tee trea oil can be easily found at health food stories.
Acupuncture is used by some and is thought to alleviate hormonal imbalances in the body. Those who use acupuncture also usually suggest lifestyle changes and a change in diet, including cutting back on dairy products.
Light therapy is another natural remedy to fight the bacteria that has many adherents. Many people believe that the bacteria that causes acne insensitive to light in the blue wavelength of the light spectrum. Light therapy means shining blue light onto a patient for fifteen minutes at a time twice a week, usually for four weeks. This treatment can be expenses, running about $150 per treatment. Not all patients have had good results, but some have. Also since light in this wavelength is not harmful to the skin, there are no side effects or after effects.
Some people think that acne is caused by poor hygiene and by eating certain foods. There is no scientific evidence linking diet to acne. But a good diet sure will not hurt in skin repair and damaged tissues.
Good personal hygiene also goes a long way in your acne treatment. Also using makeup that doesn’t clog pores helps prevent the spread of bacteria and acne from getting worse.
Any of the above mentioned methods for acne treatment should help you in your fight against bacteria. You will see clearer skin as your bacteria is being wiped out. Practising good hygiene and adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle should also help in the acne inflammation. Good luck!

Acne- Can You Stop Acne Formation?

Acne- How It Troubles Most Of Us?
Acne troubles most of us. Either when we are teenagers or when we grow up. Those who have acne on face are shy of meeting friends and those have acne on the back are shy of removing their shirt in public. Teenagers ask if acne will spoil their relationships. Acne has been taken as a way of life. We have all come to believe that cane cannot be prevented. it can be only treated once you get it. Can acne formation be stopped?
Acne- How It Forms?
Acne is associated with our sebaceous glands with hair. When the gland produces more sebum, and dead skin cells accumulate, they block the pore of the gland. This increases the pressure in the gland and forms acne. If we want to stop acne, we have to address these two main issues along with getting rid of excess P.acnes bacteria that produces inflammation. Click here to know more-
Acne: How Acne Forms?
Acne- How To Stop Its Formation?
Suppose I am prone to acne. I can surely try all the measures to control the oil. i can consult my doctor about drugs that will bring my hormones in order and not activate sebum production. I will ask my doctor about how to make my skin shed the dead skin cells regularly so that they don’t block the pores. I will try methods such microdermabrasion and AHA treatments to remove the dead skin layer. I will find out which antibacterial will take care of the P.acnes and don’t allow it to grow. The issue is that most of us never ask our doctor in detail about the prevention but are happy to clear whatever acne we get.
Please talk to your doctor in detail about you can address these three issues and prevent acne. Don’t allow it to form. Take help of science and make every effort to stop it forming.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.


Acne Scars – Can They Be Cleared Painlessly With Microdermabrasion

Acne scars are for life. As most of them form on the face, it becomes a major cosmetic problem. Those who have acne scars want to get rid of them. But when they meet their doctor and hear about the time, money and pain that will involve procedures such as Chemical peeling, dermabrasion and laser they go into deep thought. Can microdermabrasion performed repeatedly give an answer? Let us find out.
Acne scar types-
You may develop saucer type scars, or ice pick scars or keloids. With keloids you can do nothing, but with the other two scar types, you can something with microdermabrasion. If you wish to remove the scars at one go, you have to undergo some of the procedures I mentioned above but if you are patient and can wait for the scars to go away slowly and are happy with some improvement, microdermabrasion may help. Please find out all about microdermabrasion .
Microdermabrasion and skin-
In microdermabrasion small crystals are thrown at a high velocity and collected back by vacuum. These small crystals abrade the skin surface in a minimal way, removing the dead skin cells and some disfigured spots slowly. With repeated treatments, you may see some improvement in the scars. As new skin keeps forming, the scars may get less conspicuous. You should talk to your doctor about the kind of results you will get painlessly and a little cost from microdermabrasion. As there are two types of procedures- one performed by the doctors with a higher power and other at beauty salons with a lower power, you should find out about which of them is suitable for you. You also get home use machines. Talk to your doctor about all the options and probably you may get your look back at a very little cost and pain.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.


Acne Scars And Chemical Peeling
Acne Scars can be easily removed with Chemical peeling. this method has been used since years for not only removing acne scars but also other skin blemishes and discolorations. With Chemical peeling doctors remove the layers of skin with chemicals. With the new skin forming the earlier blemishes disappear. Let us find out about how acne scars are treated with chemical peeling.
Acne scars- Keloids:
Keloids cannot be generally removed with peeling. Keloid type scars form in some individuals. Keloids are skin growths that are full of collagen and look very unsightly. Whenever a person who forms keloids gets any injury the scars form keloids. No doctor generally tries to remove keloids because the scar healing may form more of them.

Ice pick and saucer type acne scars-
Other acne scars are normally ice pick type and saucer type. These scars can be easily treated with chemical peeling. Your doctor will assess the depth of the scar and try to remove skin up to that level. As the new skin will form there will be little scarring left. For chemical peeling, the doctors apply a chemical on the site and the chemical peels away the skin in a controlled manner over sometime. Redness and swelling may result with deep peeling. The skin heals over about ten days and new skin forms. Learn more about Chemical Peeling and If you have acne scars, please find out with your doctor about the possibility of removing them with chemical peeling.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.


What are the Types of Acne?

Many people want to learn about the different types of acne, a condition that affects the skin of mostly the face, chest and back of teenagers and adults worldwide. As you may already know, it can range from mild to severe and appear in various forms.
Acne can be generally categorized into three groups. Acne vulgaris is the most common form that plagues the skin, and is usually considered mild to moderate in severity. Whiteheads, or closed comedones are formed when a pore is completely blocked and the oil (or sebum), bacteria and dead skin cells are trapped under the skin causing a white appearance on the surface.
Blackheads, or open comedones, are formed when a pore is only partially blocked, allowing some of the sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells to escape to the skin’s surface. The dark color is the body’s melanin reacting with oxygen in the air.
Then you have papules, tender, small rounded, red bumps that are inflamed without a head; pustules which are inflamed red circles with white or yellow centers, the common pimple or zit that is most identified with types of acne. More serve types are nodules and cysts. Nodules occupy a larger area of the skin than the other types of acne mentioned above. They are hard bumps under the skin’s surface. Cysts can be painful because they are pus-filled.
The second of the major types of acne is acne rosacea. It appears similar to acne vulgaris but affects most people over the age of 30. These types of acne cause a red rash on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin. Papules and pustules can also accompany it, but blackheads are not categorized with this condition. Women seem to be affected by these types of acne more than men. If this left untreated, it can disfigure the nose causing swelling and the growth of excess tissue caused rhinophyma.
The last group is the most severe form and is rare and disfiguring. Acne conglobata is a condition that appears mostly in males from ages 18 to 30 years old. Numerous large lesions that are interconnected beneath the skin’s surface characterize the most severe form of acne vulgaris. This is accompanied with blackheads that are found not only on the face, but also on most of the body. Acne fulminans is a type of acne similar to acne conglobata but it includes a fever and aching of the joints. Pyoderma faciale is a severe type of acne that affects females from ages 20 to 40 years old. It is characterized by large, painful nodules and pustules and is confined to the face. Though it only lasts about a year, it can cause severe scarring and skin damage.
Mild types of acne can be treated with over-the-counter formulas that clear the pores of the skin, such as salicylic acid. Benzoyl Peroxide fights the acne bacteria in the skin and is also effective at controlling mild to moderate types of acne. A dermatologist might prescribe a prescription medicine such as Erythromycin to work at killing bacteria from the inside.
For severe forms of most types of acne or if other treatments have not worked, Accutane or Isotretinoin is prescribed. It is a pill taken orally that decreases the amount of sebum that the glands produce. It is taken for about 6 months and is known to clear skin of virtually all types of acne. But, severe side affects can occur, including birth defects; close observation by a physician during treatment is required.


What Exactly Is Acne – And What Causes It?

Acne is a very common skin condition that generally affects people during their teenage years. More commonly known as pimples, it most often appears on the face but can affect other parts of the body such as the back, neck and shoulders.
While it is usually associated with teenagers, acne does affect adults as well. Plus, it’s a universal problem – it affect men and women almost equally and occurs in every race.
The full name for acne is Acne Vulgaris. The visible symptoms are lesions that break out on the skin. These lesions may be whiteheads, blackheads or cysts which are formed out of clogged pores.
The reason it’s commonly seen during puberty is because at that age the body produces a larger amount of an oily substance called sebum. Sebum keeps the hair and skin soft and lubricated, but during puberty it is overproduced. This excess clogs pores and will often leave the skin feeling oily.
Another change during puberty that can contribute to acne is higher production of follicle cells. The cells that are dying can build up quickly, combine with sebum and form whiteheads.
This mixture provides a breeding ground for bacteria – resulting in the swelling and redness commonly called pimples.
Acne affects roughly 85% of people between 12 and 24 years old. About 25% of those affected develop acne on other areas than just the face, the most common being the back and neck. 40% of people suffering from acne seek medical attention to help deal with severe outbreaks.
The most common area that is affected by acne is what is known as the “T Zone” on the face. This is made up of the forehead, nose and chin. Acne does form on other facial areas however, such as the cheeks.
The second most common part of the body to be affected is the back followed by the neck, chest and shoulders.
For most people, their acne will clear up by the time they’re in their 20′s. There are some cases where it will continue throughout their adult life however, and some people experience it for the first time as an adult.


Acne Treatment: OTC Alternatives

Acne is by far one of the few ailments that unite the world; it cuts across races and colors and constitutes a cause of worry for millions worldwide. So, if you suffer from acne, you are certainly not alone in this predicament. Every year millions of dollars are spent by millions across the globe in search for the most effective acne remedy.
Unfortunately, no drug, either prescription or over-the-counter (OTC), has been shown to effectively cure acne. In essence, you can only hope to find treatment options that prevent, reduce or control the breakout of acne. Because of the popularity of acne, several conventional medicines can be found in the market today and every one of them will want you to believe in the miracle of their products. However, most of these medications come with adverse effects that in some cases are relatively worse than the condition they were supposed to treat. How do you rationalize an acne treatment that in the long run causes severe rash and/or irritation?
In this light, it is very important to understand the constituent of whatever acne drug you choose to use. For example, some so-called oil-free cosmetics actually contain synthetic oils that can clog your pores and even worsen acne. And most creams, mask or lotions that are claimed to shrink the pores of the skin could well be lies, as researches have shown that it is not possible to open or close the skin pore. This goes further to add weight to the argument that you have to understand the content and/or adverse effects of whatever acne treatment you choose to use.
Over the counter (OTC) treatments for acne have been shown to be relatively effective and with minimal or no adverse effects, except in some cases or individuals where irritation or allergic reactions occur. There are several over the counter products that can effectively treat acne; some of them are discussed below.
Benzoyl Peroxide: This is the most widely used over the counter treatment for acne. It is found in several drugs in different concentrations, ranging from 2.5 – 10. Benzoyl Peroxide is believed to be capable of killing the bacteria that causes acne. But the amazing fact about this product is that the bacteria does not get resistant to it with prolonged use. So, you can always be sure of its efficacy, irrespective of the duration of use However, because the product is capable of causing rash/irritation, it is always advisable to begin with formulations that contain lower concentrations of the Benzoyl Peroxide before moving up to higher concentrations. Examples of medications that contain Benzoyl Peroxide include: Fostex 5 Cream, Neutrogena On-the-Spot Acne Treatment, Clear By Design Gel 2.5% and ProActiv Renewing Cleanser.
Glycolic Acid is another product is not as common or widely used as Benzoyl Peroxide. However, it is believed to be efficacious in cleansing dead skins and stimulating the production of new skin cells. Its use in acne is derived from this function, since it is thought that by removing dead cells on the skin surface, it could help open clogged skin pores, however, its actual effectiveness in treating acne is not known. Though, it is usually found in several acne and anti aging medications. You can find Glycolic Acid in medications like ClearLogix Deep Cleansing Acne Treatment Pads and in Neostrata Products.
Salicylic Acid is another good over the counter treatment for acne. It is believed to work by cleansing the skin of dead cells and also softening the skin. However, like Glycolic Acid, this product might be more effective if used in conjunction with other acne medications. Salicylic Acid can be found in Clearasil 3-in-1 Acne Cleanser, Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash, Maximum Strength Persa-Gel 10 and ProActiv Solution Deep Cleansing Wash.


The 6 Most Common Types Of Acne Revealed

Acne comes in many forms and can range from mild to severe. It’s found on different parts of the body, although facial acne is the most apparent. You can usually treat mild cases of acne yourself, however more serious cases are best handled by health care professionals like dermatologists.
The most common form of Acne is called Acne Vulgaris, which translates literally to “common acne”. This is the type that can cause blackheads, papules, pustules, whiteheads, cysts and nodules.
Blackheads form in pores that are partially blocked. The substance that actually causes oily skin – called sebum – along with dead cells and bacteria slowly drain to the skin’s surface. The black color occurs when the pigments in the skin are exposed to air. Blackheads can often take a long time to disappear.
Papules are small red-colored bumps on the skin’s surface. They’re usually tender to the touch and irritating, but it’s important not to squeeze them or even touch them if possible. Squeezing them or touching them excessively can lead to aggravation and ultimately scarring.
Pustules are what is common known as pimples or “zits”. They look like a red circle with a center that’s yellow or white.
Whiteheads differ from blackheads in that they are contained underneath the skin’s surface. These are caused by pores that are completely blocked, trapping the sebum, dead cells and bacteria beneath the surface of the skin.
Nodules are quite a bit bigger than most other forms of acne. They’re hard lumps underneath the skin’s surface, which are usually quite painful and can last for weeks or months. Nodules are very prone to causing scarring, so it is wise to see a dermatologist for treatment before the scarring can occur.
Cysts are very similar to nodules with the exception that they’re filled with pus. Cysts are usually quite painful and will often lead to scarring if they’re left untreated. As with nodules, it’s best to see a dermatologist for treatment.

Lovely Ladies

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