What No One Tells You About Kundalini Yoga
Learn About Scientific Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga and Shaktipat

Learn About Scientific Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga combines breathing, movement, meditation, stretching, relaxation, the science of sequence, and rhythm and sound, to work on every aspect of your body, mind, and being. No previous experience in yoga or related disciplines is required for you to begin to achieve undeniable benefits almost immediately. Kundalini Yoga is not your typical pantheon of pretty poses. The discipline is an active one, with emphasis on results. Accordingly, it deals a body/mind/spirit plan for the 90's and beyond. Consider making this technology an intrinsic part of your life. In a very short time, it will be hard to imagine how you ever got along without it.
As you practice Kundalini Yoga over time, certain physiological prerequisites are met for total health and to facilitate your transformation. These include a balanced glandular system, strong nervous system, expanded lung capacity, and the eradication of emotional blocks that manifest as holding patterns in the musculature. The process we promulgate is graceful and gradual. We're not looking for inner fireworks or "miracles". To those of us who've practiced and prospered though this work, the greatest miracle of all, in retrospect, was being given the opportunity to walk a path with heart such as this.
When you take this system to heart, your life becomes consecrated to the process of expansion and growth. You will literally come to feel you've awakened from a bad dream and that a beautiful day is beckoning. Your most powerful aspect, once dormant as a desiccated seed, will blossom in the light of air of awareness, your creative potential will be realized, and you will live in the effulgence of an experience no words can encompass.
There are many kinds of yoga, each of which is suited to a temperament and level of development. All of these systems have much to offer and will probably serve to enhance your experience of Kundalini Yoga. For our purposes, let's equate the word yoga with balance. Balance is intrinsic to everything. Kundalini Yoga will help you maintain your balance in life and compensate for all the stressful influences which constantly threaten to upset your equilibrium.
Benefits of Kundalini Yoga
The transformational gifts of Kundalini Yoga are here for you to explore and adapt to your life. There is no other discipline quite like it. It works on your entire nervous and glandular system. It prepares the mind for optimal clarity and greater use. It enlivens your sense of awareness and delivers a vast influx of inner energy and creativity.
The word "Kundalini" means awareness and hidden potential of that awareness; it is the greatness of which you are capable. In the Yogic tradition Kundalini energy is portrayed as a coiled serpent, lying dormant at the base of the spine. To raise the Kundalini means to awaken and enliven this creative storehouse of our energetic system.
Kundalini Yoga is the original and most powerful of the yoga, all of which are beneficial. The Yoga Sutras say that what you can achieve in 12 years of Hatha Yoga, plus 6 years of Raj Yoga, plus 3 years of Mantra Yoga, plus 1 year of Laya Yoga can be accomplished in a single year of perfectly practised Kundalini Yoga. So it is known as the fastest form of Yoga practise and personal development.
It is designed for the active person with responsibilities in work, the family, and the world. It was maintained as a secret oral tradition for thousands of years, which protected the techniques from abuse, but this created an unnecessary image of mystery around techniques that are truly practical and systematic.
Kundalini Yoga can be practised by anyone if it is done gradually and according to the instructions. In 1969, an acknowledged master of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, recognised the need to disseminate the techniques. He codified and released the teachings. He began training teachers to share these precious technologies for human calibre in the United States and around the globe.
Benefits of Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is the yoga of awareness. It is the science and technology of energy channeling and integrating the energy our body mind to live in alignment with our fullest potential. It is the ultimate transformation tool. The Kundalini energy is the energy of the soul and our creative potential. It is something that already exists within us but is simply waiting to be awakened and utilized. A raised Kundalini means simply that everything is in balance within the body and mind.
Using breath, posture, mantra (specific sounds which tap into various frequencies of energy) and mudra (specific hand positions) to awaken energy, Kundalini yoga builds flexibility, endurance and awareness. Working below the surface, it balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system and enables us to control the mind rather than being controlled by our thoughts and feelings. Although both Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga can achieve the same end goal Kundalini Yoga takes you on the fast track and gets your there quicker. Positive effects as a result of practicing Kundalini Yoga occur in as little as 3 minutes. These changes persist throughout the day and are reflected by positive changes in your mood and behavior.
As a beginning student, you can participate in the class at a pace that suits your flexibility and endurance. Wear loose, comfortable clothing, preferably made of cotton or other natural, breathable fiber. It is best to remove your socks to stimulate the vital nerve endings in the soles of your feet. If you allow at least two hours between eating and practicing yoga, you will gain the maximum benefits. It is also easier to exercise on an empty stomach. If you must eat, have something light to tide you over.
How Kundalini Yoga Benefits The Mind, Body, and Soul?
The transformational gifts of Kundalini Yoga are here for you to explore and adapt to your life. There is no other discipline quite like it. It works on your entire nervous and glandular system. It prepares the mind for optimal clarity and greater use. It enlivens your sense of awareness and delivers a vast influx of inner energy and creativity.
The word "Kundalini" means awareness and hidden potential of that awareness; it is the greatness of which you are capable. In the Yogic tradition Kundalini energy is portrayed as a coiled serpent, lying dormant at the base of the spine. To raise the Kundalini means to awaken and enliven this creative storehouse of our energetic system.
Kundalini Yoga is the original and most powerful of the yoga, all of which are beneficial. The Yoga Sutras say that what you can achieve in 12 years of Hatha Yoga, plus 6 years of Raj Yoga, plus 3 years of Mantra Yoga, plus 1 year of Laya Yoga can be accomplished in a single year of perfectly practised Kundalini Yoga. So it is known as the fastest form of Yoga practise and personal development.
It is designed for the active person with responsibilities in work, the family, and the world. It was maintained as a secret oral tradition for thousands of years, which protected the techniques from abuse, but this created an unnecessary image of mystery around techniques that are truly practical and systematic.
Kundalini Yoga can be practised by anyone if it is done gradually and according to the instructions. In 1969, an acknowledged master of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, recognised the need to disseminate the techniques. He codified and released the teachings. He began training teachers to share these precious technologies for human calibre in the United States and around the globe.
Kundalini Yoga and Shaktipat
Kundalini yoga is the divine energy within each person. Kundalini yoga is the energy that gives us life the same energy that gives life to the universe. Kundalini yoga is represented as a "coiled serpent" in the chakra at the base of the spine in each human the serpentine divinity who sleeps within each individual until awakened. The three coils of the serpent represent prana kundalini (the energy that gives the physical body life), chitta kundalini (the energy of our mind/emotions), and para kundalini (the energy of our spiritual self). As the energy that lies dormant in each person is released, it moves up the spine, activating the psychic mechanism. Deeper awareness and consciousness is experienced in the unfolding of and flow between those chakras.
Kundalini yoga is the rising of the kundalini, piercing and releasing the awareness within each chakra that cuts through our tensions, blocks, ignorance, and ego. Ultimately, the kundalini moves up through all of the major chakras and rests in the chakra at the top of head, called the sahasrara chakra. This is the Sacred Space where we become completely aware of our total unity with the Divine. Shaktipat means the descent of grace, or transmission of energy, and it is a vitally important presence in the awakening of the kundalini and Shaktipat can be received from the teacher in four primary ways through look, touch, thought, and word. In the Tantric tradition shaktipat is understood to be the highest form of spiritual initiation, providing the initiate with immediate access to the divine energy dwelling within.
Kundalini yoga is the fire that ignites and sustains the release and rising of the kundalini. Shaktipat activates the process through which a human being recognizes the intrinsic unbounded love that already dwells within their own heart. It is that love that ultimately reveals the secrets of our existence and our experience of the unity in all of life. Kundalini is the energy of life, or the Divine, as it is experienced in the individual.
Shaktipat is that same energy, transmitted from the teacher, which awakens that awareness within the student. Kundalini is the power of life; shaktipat is the switch that turns it on. When the kundalini is awakened through shaktipat from the teacher a process of cooperation, surrender, and union with the Divine reality begins.
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