Know some of the natural ways to cure acne

Know some of the natural ways to cure acne

The problem of acne is commonly found among the teenagers. The skin fall prey to this dangerous problem at the time of puberty and so the condition becomes worse when one move towards the age of adolescence.

The problem of acne is commonly found among the teenagers. The skin fall prey to this dangerous problem at the time of puberty and so the condition becomes worse when one move towards the age of adolescence. The common bacterium that causes this acne is known as Propioni bacterium. The bacteria works upon papules or nodules that result in reddish swelling that is commonly called as a pimple. The sebum packed pores stick out on the surface of the skin thereby causing the whiteheads to form. When these whiteheads get in touch with the pollution or dust, they become dark and are thus formed into black heads. Acne is easily noticeable and can be found on areas like shoulders, chest, back and face.

Using the anti biotics seems to be really harmful in the long term as the good bacteria that lives in the guts are damaged by these anti biotics. In other words, these are not safe and do not offer long term solutions. A better option to cure acne naturally is the pro biotic way. This is often found in the yogurt we eat but it is also available in the form of pills at a reputed heath food shop. This is a brilliant step that you can take in order to change your internal terrain and hut off the oil glands which are over stimulated.

Drinking a huge amount of water is also an easy way out. Water helps in cleansing the system through the process of flushing out all the toxins. Vitamin A also has the capability to treat acne in a fast way than any other cosmetic product. So it is better to include more of Vitamin A food items in the diet like egg, beef and carrot to name a few.

Changing some alterations in what we consume can also have great effect on natural acne treatment. It is a good idea to eat the cooling food items. Some of these are fruits and green vegetables. As vegetables and fruits include a huge amount of water, they help in getting rid of the toxic chemicals in the body. They even transport nutrients to the body.

Exfoliation is yet another natural acne cure that is useful to keep the skin all acne-free. It helps a lot in sloughing off the dead skin cells. You can use flour and add some turmeric in it along with few drops of the coconut oil in order to prepare a mask. This mask will help in softening the skin thereby removing all the dead cells from your skin.

Mulethi or what is known as licorice root also has the anti inflammatory properties and the licorice root extracts helps in repairing the destroyed skin tissues caused because of acne. It is good to avoid heavy junk food items and thus replace them with fresh vegetables, fruits and fiber based items in the diet, taking fiber based items help in cleansing the entire digestive tract of the body. Also, extracts of the olive leaf serves to be a useful ancient remedy to treat acne.

Last but not least, everyone is informed about the effects that Aloe Vera provides to the skin. This product has the anti inflammatory properties thereby helping to reduce the scars and rejuvenate your skin in a healthy way.
Lovely Ladies

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