Important facts that you should know about Flexeril

Important facts that you should know about Flexeril

What one should do before taking Flexeril for the first time?
First of all, the patient should be examined by the doctor. It is important to know whether his analyses are good and he has no allergic reaction. Then the doctor chooses the right dosage and tells how often it should be taken. The doctor also informs about possible side effects and precautions. Most common side effects of Flexeril are blurred vision, drowsiness, unpleasant taste, dizziness, fatigue, dry mouth, etc. If these symptoms are boring and happen every day, it is strongly recommended to ask for medical help.

What medications interact with Flexeril?
The patient should inform the doctor about all the medications he takes.  It is especially important if he uses other muscle relaxing remedies, sleeping pills or narcotic medicine. Tramadol and monoamine oxidase inhibitor may contradict with Flexeril and cause harmful effect.  It is also important to inform the doctor about pregnancy, breast-feeding, allergic to some medications, have serious illnesses with liver, heart or other organs.

Ñan one drive a car while taking Flexeril?
It is not advised to operate machinery or drive a car while being treated with Flexeril.
How long can one take this medication?
Flexeril shouldn’t be used less or longer than it is prescribed by the doctor. It shouldn’t be combined with antidepressants and alcohol.

What should one do if he has got an overdose?
If you suspect Flexeril overdose, you should contact the local poison control center or emergency room.  Common symptoms of an overdose are drowsiness, irregular or too fast heartbeat, seizures, vomiting, nausea, loss of consciousness, chest pain and so on. Overdose is rarely noticed in patients. But some people take double dosage because they forget that have drunk the pill before. It is advised to write down about every intake.

Addition important information about Flexeril.
This remedy shouldn’t be shared with other people. It is not hard to buy Flexeril without prescription but self-treatment often has tragic consequences. A person cannot be sure that he has no allergic reactions to this medicine and if he buys Flexeril pills or capsules, he can’t be sure that they do no harm.
Wrong self-diagnosis often leads to wrong treatment and complications which can result even in surgeries. Taking Flexeril should be under doctor’s supervision only.  It isn’t recommended for people under 18 years old.

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