How to Get Rid of Acne in 10 Days

How to Get Rid of Acne in 10 Days

How to Get Rid of Acne in 10 Days
Do you look in the mirror and see bumps, bumps and more bumps all over your face and in the most embarrassing places like right on your lips?
Do you look at other people’s faces and wonder what it will be like to have smooth and even skin and not be told by sympathetic friends and relatives trying to console you that ”It’s not what’s on the outside that counts but what is on the inside…” (Bet you hear this and go…yeah, that’s easy for you to say, you don’t have acne!)
Take it from a guy who was afflicted with acne for close to 8 yearsÂ…this image distorting skin crisis characterized by bumps, excessively oily or dry skin and an accompanying low self-esteem and depression (in most cases) is simply horrifying!
The good news my friends is if you suffer from acne, or know someone who does, it can be controlled and eventually cured without spending tons of money on drugs, visits to dermatologists or as I have heard, even plastic surgery. Trust me, I have been there and know how acne can ruin a personÂ’s whole self-image and the desperate measures one might be considering to get rid of it.
The first thing any acne sufferer must realize is that any disease-regardless of its medical diagnosis-is a product of constipation, a clogging up of the body tissues. Consequently, as the body fights to unclog its organs, the process becomes manifested in several ways.
Disease is an attempt of the body to rid itself of these toxins and since, according to Dr. Stanley Burroughs, the skin is the next most important eliminating organ (second only to the lungs), acne is merely an indication that you need to cleanse yourself internally and take simple measures to alleviate the outer symptoms as the cleanse proceeds.
Just how does one do an internal cleanse?
Well, as I have mentioned in quite a few of my articles, the best way to do an internal cleanse (and the fastest I must say) will be to undergo a juice or water fast. Being a radical discipline, it must be undertaken with care but it is with confidence in a fastÂ’s unmatched ability to restore health that you can be rest assured to see a drastic improvement in your skin condition at the end of about a 3 to 4 day fast.
I have covered the subjects on the types, when, why and how long to undergo a fast in my e-book, but you can always do your own research in regards to this restorer of health.
As a preliminary stage to a fast and as a suggested dietetic lifestyle, if you are serious about curing your acne and keeping it off, you must make a change in your diet and eliminate all mucus (acid) forming foods such as processed (junk) foods, fast foods, confectioneries, soft-drinks and eat more wholesome and natural foods like your fresh fruits and leafy vegetables, nuts, root vegetables, fresh juices-basically foods that are mucus (alkaline-forming) binding.
Though covered in chapter 13 of the core e-book of my site, you can type up ‘mucus forming and binding foods’ in any search engine like Google and educate yourself more on this subject. It is not by co-incidence or an error that Hippocrates ‘the father of medicine’ once stated that: ”Let your foods be your medicine and your medicine your foods as nature is the healer of all diseases!”
Although knowing what to eat is of uttermost importance, you must learn when and how to eat these right foods. I will make a statement here that may go against every thing you may have read or heard on nutrition but I know what I am saying from close to 6 years on trying this simple method on myself. The worst meal that we as humans partake of is ‘breakfast.’
How so the uninformed may ask; well based on scientifically proven research on thousands of people for over two centuries on such health principles as food combination and the realization that the human body goes through a cleansing process from twelve midnight until twelve noon, and a building program from twelve noon to twelve midnight, your meals during these respective periods should be harmonious with the natural processes.
As a result here is a suggested daily menu plan
A choice of the following
1.A tall glass of Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice.
2.A tall glass of Fresh squeezed lemonade flavored with genuine maple
Syrup (the darker the grade the better)
A mono-meal of an organic fruit in season for example Apples in the fall and winter, Melons in the summer, Berries in spring.
Fresh, home-made salads.
A simple dressing could be
(a) Lemon juice, olive oil and un-iodized sea-salt
(b) Avocadoes or Green coconuts blended with tomatoes and some sea salt
Raw and/or cooked root vegetables such as Celery, Carrots, Potatoes, Plantains, raw or slightly heated fruit veggies (these can be blended into Soups or dressings for your salads)
Some factors that must also be noted to ensure the maximum assimilation of nutrients from our meals include thoroughly masticating or chewing the mouthfuls of one’s meals for as the Indian proverb goes ”chew your foods well as the stomach has no teeth.” In addition, I have also outlined the menu plan above keeping proper food combinations in mind. For free information on this subject, you can type up ‘food combining’ in any search engine or check out the URL in the next paragraph.
Moreover, refrain from the habit of drinking liquids with your meals, as I stated in the free resources section of my site on controlling asthma, drinking ANY liquids with your meals tends to dilute the digestive juices in your stomach which consequently deters digestion, assimilation and increases the tendency for constipation. If you must drink water after or before a meal, wait a solid hour or so before or after eating.
As is known in the drugless healing world, this simple, yet extremely effective dietetic change has been known to alleviate most otherwise incurable human ailments including acne, asthma and obesity. One factor I must add (from my own personal experience with this device while undergoing a 10 day juice fast) is to AVOID THE USE OF MICROWAVES STARTING NOW.
For more information on this device, refer to, you will also see free tips for controlling acne and the photos on facial massaging, which will be part of the external measures needed to aid with alleviating acne symptoms.
Now that I have briefly covered the internal measures to reducing acne, letÂ’s go over the external ones.
*Never repeat the use of a pillowcase in 2 days, always change them nightly so get 7 clean ones. Be conscious of how they are folded to ensure you sleep on the unexposed side upon unfolding the pillowcases.
*As much as possible, keep unwashed hands off of your face, if you must touch it, say for example, to scratch an itch, ensure to use the back of your hands.
*Try to sleep on your right side. Besides making your sleep more refreshing, this practice ensures that you keep your face off of the pillow and freer to breathe during the night.
As an added benefit, your heart functions much better as you are not putting pressure on it based on this position of the body during sleep.
*Wash your hair with a mild shampoo every night especially if you use greasy hair products, or use a wrap-around nightcap that covers the hair and ensure the cap is washed every morning.
*Make frequent visits to the steam room of a gymnasium or you can steam the face at home as an alternative. The aim here is to aid the skin in eliminating toxins through sweating.
*Massage the face regularly as this not only aids in cleansing the face, but it firms up the skin and alleviates unwanted signs of aging such as crowÂ’s feet, bags under the eyes, lines and wrinkles.
*Engage in some form of exercise to aid the body in detoxification and metabolism.
Being one of the three limbs of drugless healing, exercise keeps you younger, fit and healthyÂ…like you didnÂ’t already know that. I must single out Yoga as one of the best forms of exercise to choose. Some poses such as the Sun Salutations, the Shoulder-Stand and the Peacock pose have been known through the ages to help alleviate many skin disorders and did I mention they give you the added bonus of making you stronger.
*For my male readers; if you are of African or Hispanic descent, most barbers recommend you use electric clippers to shave. For Caucasians & Asians, I have observed that using razors might not be a problem although if you prefer, you can use electric clippers also. Ensure that you shave in the direction of the hair’s growth (mostly downwards) for an after-shave; it is advised that you perform the facial massaging as well afterwards.
In conclusion, acne, as impossible as it at times may seem, is (like almost every other disease) very easy to control and with drugless, all natural methods at that. You just need to be shown how. It is my hope that in a few weeks after you read AND apply the steps in this article; you too can go out and get that date, or flaunt that smooth face to the world as I can guarantee you that acne will become a thing of your pastÂ…and will stay that way for life.

Get Rid Of Acne With Healing Diets

Annemarie Colbin, in her book “Food and Healing”, makes the interesting point that diets themselves, even healing diets, are not a cure per se. They do often work, but their route to health is actually a product of supporting the body’s own healing processes.
Her view on skin conditions like acne is interesting. She sees acne as a result of the regular organs of elimination, the kidneys and lungs, being unable to eliminate all the toxic waster matter that we ingest into our bodies. She sees certain foods, like those that make up what she calls the Standard American Diet, as placing too great a stress on our body’s ability to process them, at least if symptoms of ill health are appearing like acne. She has found from her own observations that a change in diet often clears up even the large, purplish types of acne. She found this with her own experiences with acne. Annemarie says it takes about ten days to three months to work.
Annemarie describes acne as falling into two main causes in her approach. The first is associated with fat, protein and excess sugar. Here she recommends eliminating foods like milk, cheese, ice cream, fatty meats, nuts and peanut butter. The second category is associated with what she calls mineral-water excess, which is s term she uses to describe all substances taken out of their natural context. She mentions iodized salt, or even multi vitamins or supplements like kelp. This is very much a personal relationship as what negatively affects one person may not do so for another.
The link between excess minerals or vitamin supplements relates to Colbin’s idea of balance, which is that a living system always seeks to return to balance. Anatomy and physiology textbooks even define the processes of the body that way, and it is certainly a common idea in natural health systems, especially traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Colbin writes that excess minerals and vitamin supplements lead to an increased need for the macro nutrients protein, fat and carbohydrates. Salt is also in this category. The idea is that these vitamins and minerals, taken out of the context of the food itself, will lead to the body craving actual food to create a sense of balance. If we have a multi vitamin at mealtimes, within the RDA, I don’t believe this is going to present a problem. Especially given that our foods are often depleted of the range of essential nutrients that they would normally have if they were grown organically and in nutrient dense soils. But it is certainly an argument in favor of approaching nutritional supplements in a balanced way also. Some people mistakenly think more is better. This clearly illustrates it is not.


The Truth About Acne Skin Care

Let’s face it, you are engaged in an ongoing battle when you are afflicted with acne. While acne treatments for a mild case of acne are usually successful, moderate acne is a greater problem. Even dermatologists cannot cure a severe case of acne but can only provide an acne treatment regimen.
However, you can support your acne treatment efforts with proper acne skin care in order to reduce the recurrence of acne flare-ups and not aggravate existing acne.
Knowing What You’re Doing
One of the first pieces of advice is to make sure that you understand and follow the directions for any acne remedy that you are using. If you are taking a prescription acne medicine, read the patient leaflet that accompanies the medication carefully. Typically for moderate to severe acne a dermatologist may prescribe several acne medicines, each with its own treatment protocol and directions.
In order to achieve the acne free skin that you desire, it is important to use all the acne treatments properly and in the correct order. Consider bringing a tablet of paper, a pen, and a friend or relative with you to your appointment with your dermatologist. Simply jot down some notes about the order and time of day for applying each acne medicine and what its purpose is.
Remember, just because the acne clears with the use of your acne medicines doesnÂ’t necessarily mean that you have succeeded in curing acne. Most people with moderate to severe acne must continue to use their acne medicine long-term to prevent any recurrence of their acne problem. Using the acne treatments properly should translate to clear skin and freedom from acne scars.
What About Over-the-Counter Remedies?
Besides using medications prescribed by a doctor, there are a large number of products on the market labeled as skin cleansers, facial cleansers, pore cleansers, and facial pore cleaners that can be used in curing acne.
When cleansing skin that is afflicted with acne, an important point to remember is not to scrub the skin; never scrub your face with a washcloth. It is a misconception that acne is caused by dirt clogging the pores of the skin. You donÂ’t scrub away the offending dirt; you canÂ’t scrub away the offensive acne and achieve acne free skin.
Over-washing or scrubbing skin afflicted with acne only serves to aggravate the condition. Rather use only a gentle skin cleanser, lukewarm water, and a gentle motion with your fingertips as your primary acne skin care regime. When you wash your face with your hands, be sure to first thoroughly wash your hands.
Do Natural Treatments Really Work?
Look for gentle cleansers that are sold as acne solutions. When you’re evaluating skin cleansers for acne, include natural acne treatments in your search as well. For example, a soap made from Echinacea and other herbal ingredients is an effective antibiotic facial cleanser that helps fight acne and restore clear skin. Tea tree oil also has known antibiotic properties and serves as a mild anesthetic that will soothe the irritated skin.
Oily skin is implicated as a one of the causes of acne. It doesnÂ’t necessarily make sense to use a moisturizer on oily skin as a means of achieving clear skin. But many of the acne treatments, whether they are prescribed or available as over-the-counter products, have a tendency to irritate the skin while curing acne.
A moisturizer is a boost to irritated skin and keeps skin from becoming overly dry due to the acne treatments that have been applied. Look for a moisturizer with the following properties:
- oil-free
- wonÂ’t clog pores (non-comodogenic)
- containing a sun-screen
Besides a great desire to just scrub away the acne, many people try to remove the acne pimples by hand as a way to get clear skin. People who are afflicted with acne should avoid touching their face except to gently wash it with mild cleanser as already discussed.
By trying to remove pimples by hand you run the risk of creating acne scars that will last for a lifetime. Instead, have patience and rely on your prescription or over-the-counter acne treatment to work. Acne remedies usually take 6 to 8 weeks before curing acne.
For male acne sufferers, the daily ritual of shaving can be a problem. One acne sufferer has recommended the Gillette Sensor Excel as a gentle and effective razor to use. Other males prefer to try an electric razor. The advice is to shave delicately to avoid nicking the skin and to shave only as often as necessary. Finding a moisturizing shave gel may be one way to enhance your acne skin care program.
Female acne sufferers have their unique problems too, in finding the right cosmetic products to use. Females who are accustomed to using a foundation product may find that the foundation is difficult to apply smoothly if the facial skin becomes irritated due to the acne treatments being applied.
You may have to abandon the use of some cosmetics during the acne treatment period. Be sure to select only oil-free cosmetics and ones that are labeled as non-comodogenic (wonÂ’t clog pores) to use on your road to clear skin.
Proper acne skin care is a necessary addition to your arsenal for fighting your battle with acne and achieving clear skin once again.


Where To Find Reliable Treatment For Acne

In the 21st century there is an ever growing number of products that are advertised as being effective treatments for acne. With so many different products on the market it can become downright confusing trying to figure out which treatment regimen will best meet your needs and will best assist you in resolving an acne condition. Unfortunately, the market is now flush with an abundance of products that make dramatic promises about their abilities to treat acne — products that in reality are of no effect whatsoever. The acne product market is filled with operators that are much like the snake oil salesmen of days gone by.
By taking the time to serious examine what is available on the market in the way of effective acne treatment products, you will be able to select a product and regimen that is not only effective but that is best suited to your particular needs.
If you have what might be categorized as a more severe acne condition or if you have an acne condition that has been slow to clear up, you need to give very serious consideration to seeking professional assistance. Through professional assistance — usually from a licensed dermatologist — you will be able to benefit from a treatment regimen that likely will be able to resolve your problem. While a dermatologist may recommend products such as the ZENMED™ Derma Cleanse® System, a treating professional will have other suggestions for you as well. A well trained dermatologist will be able to assist you in developing a comprehensive acne treatment program suitable to the state of your condition.
The Internet and World Wide Web has become a significant resource for products and services related to the care and treatment of an acne condition. (Of course, as mentioned above, you need to take care that you access only reliable and reputable sites on the Net that market proven products such as the ZENMED™ Derma Cleanse® System.)
There are a number of specific benefits to utilizing the Internet as your resource for the care and treatment of acne condition. As has been referenced already, the Net is flush with sites that you can make the purchase of different acne treatment products. In addition to being able to purchase products on the Internet, you can also utilize the World Wide Web as a source of valuable information about the cause, care and treatment of acne. There are now a plethora of sites that provide detailed and authoritative information about different types of health related issues, including the cause, care and treatment of acne.

Finally, there are now actually different support groups and information exchanges designed for people that are afflicted with acne. These sites allow people — particularly men and women afflicted with adult onset acne — with the ability to share treatment ideas and to commiserate general about their conditions. Through bulletin boards and online forums, these types of resources have proven to be very helpful to people afflicted with acne. One should not overlook the valuable services and information that can be provided to you about an acne condition from a local pharmacist. The typical pharmacy in the brick and mortar world is a decent resource for information and treatments for acne. Of course, this will be your primary resource if your dermatologist ends up suggesting a prescription medication for the care and treatment of your acne condition.
Overall, your local real world pharmacist will allow you the chance to explore both prescription and over the counter treatment options. The union of a dermatologist and a pharmacist can be your best frontline resource if you have hard to treat or severe acne. As you seek out the most reliable treatment for your acne condition, be open to trying products that you have not utilized before — provided that you do so responsibly. For example, if you have not utilized a product such as the ZENMED™ Derma Cleanse® System, you will want to take a look at this product in your quest for the perfect treatment regimen for your acne condition.
By experimenting responsibly with different proven treatment regimens you will have a better chance of finding a care plan that is most effective for your particular condition and needs.
In the 21st century there is now a wide selection of different types of acne care and treatment products and services on the market. By taking the time to explore the possibilities, you will be in the best possible position to land on the perfect treatment regimen that will work to ensure that you are able to resolve a current acne condition and prevent a future flare up.

Skin Antioxidat Treatment And Acne Cure
Skin Antioxidat Treatment And Acne Cure
Acne is induced from imbalances and impurities in the body, and that’s why we treat the complication an internal cleansing
coarse of execution that goes right to the source and fights acne prior to it even begins. Most of the Acne Cure medicine
prerogative produce antioxidents that can ease eliminate the free radicals that are dangerous to skin and promote infections.
It as well fights inflammation, to reduce redness.
If you have any kind of acne, much inordinately severe acne, there exists nothing you prerogative find that works better to
clear your complexion, essencially all-natural and scientifically formulated to treat acne from the inside-out. basically
everybody has to manage with acne from time to time. It’s not because we eat hot and dry foods. It’s not because we do not
wash our face enough. In deed, cleaning as well vigorously can produce acne worse!
The basic of acne cure medicine with following immediate results that :-
i ) Works for adults & teenagers distress from facial or body acne
ii) Eliminates spots, pimples, redness, puss, blackheads & whiteheads
iii) Natural acne medication formula with no side effects
iv) Fast and effective acne cure from the inside out
v) Dermatologist Recommended with Guaranteed Results
vi) And it works to heal damaged skin, naturally!
Fair like you, thousands of general public from all across the globe grieve from this debilitating disorder, and just like
you they’ve tried every single thing with little or even no results. experienced that topical chemicals do not act and can
even attempt detriment and completely with long run side effects! Act now to observe better to yourself and the People You
care about!
Dangers of Prescribed Medications for acne
i) Even though you will notice short term results
ii) Produce you feel ill.
iii) Even more disturbing is that the FDA warns that can cause depression, liver damage and birth defects, along with an
extended list of more possible side effects.
iv) Patients of this chemical prescription must be under a dermatologist’s supervision for the 5-month course of coarse of
Choose wisely and know about dangerous of Acne Prescribed Medications which with no side effects and you also do not require

The Complete Acne Treatment Regimen

When it comes to caring for and treating an acne condition, many people fail to take a full blown approach. In other words, many people with acne tend to do ”one thing” when it comes to ”treating” their condition. For example, they might buy a great cleanser to assist in the care and treatment of their acne but they fail to use an appropriate exfoliating product and then follow up with some sort of decent treatment cream.
When all is said and done, if you really do want to resolve an acne condition, you are going to want to take a truly comprehensive care and treatment approach. For example, you will want to incorporate the use of tried and tested products such as ZENMED™ Derma Cleanse® System and ZENMED™ Body Acne Combo into your acne care and treatment practice.
When all is said and done, the best type of acne treatment program essentially is a three part regimen that includes:
– cleansing
– exfoliating
– application of treatment product
The first step in effectively treating an acne condition is properly cleansing the effected areas with an appropriate cleansing agent. (Again, if you elect to use a product line such as ZENMED™ Derma Cleanse® System and ZENMED™ Body Acne Combo, you will have available to you a proven type of cleansing agent that can get you well on your way to successfully treating your acne condition.)
In addition to choosing a proper cleansing product as part of your acne treatment regimen, you also need to keep in mind that the cleansing component of an acne treatment program depends upon regularity. In other words, in most cases, you need to fully cleanse the effected areas of the skin at least two times a day. A failure to cleanse the effective areas of skin with such regularity will end up defeating the effectiveness of the treatment regimen itself.
In the treatment of an acne condition, cleansing is the foundation upon which the remainder of the treatment process is built. Therefore, you will want to make certain that you develop a cleansing routine that incorporates appropriate cleansers utilized on a regular basis. In the absence of such a foundational routine, the remaining elements of a comprehensive regimen will be less than effective.
Many people overlook the necessity of exfoliating when it comes to exercising and implementing an acne care and treatment program Exfoliating the skin is an extremely important component of an overall acne care and treatment regimen.
The process of exfoliating the skin works to effectively remove dead skins cells and imbedded oils that if left unattended can cause an aggravation of an acne condition. There are some excellent products that a person can utilize to ensure that the exfoliating process properly is completed.
A person should exfoliate on a daily basis. In some instances a person can go two days between exfoliations — but, you need to keep in mind that oils, dirt and dead skin cells build up on a daily basis.
Treatment Products
Only very rarely can an acne condition effectively be resolved without the intervention of appropriate treatment products like those included in the ZENMED™ Derma Cleanse® System and ZENMED™ Body Acne Combo product lines. As has been referenced earlier, the treatment of acne really is a three part process: cleansing, exfoliating and treatment application.

There are different types of treatment products on the market today — each of these products designed to treat different types of acne conditions. As a result, you need to take the time to consider which treatment product will best address the particular type of acne condition that your are afflicted with at a given point in time.


Understanding And Caring For Body Acne

One of the most frustrating and irritating skin conditions that can afflict a person is body acne. Indeed, when a person is afflicted with body acne, that men or woman — or young person — aches for relief from the condition that cause an itchy sensation in the best case scenario and pain in the worst of all situations.
Left without proper and effective treatment, body acne can actually end up festering and causing infection and ultimately permanent damage to the skin in the form of irreversible scarring. Therefore, if you are a person who is experiencing the early stages of body acne or if you are in the midst of a full blown body acne outbreak, it is imperative that you undertake a proper course of treatment.
Primary Causes of Body Acne
In many instances, there is not a solitary or primary cause for a body acne condition or outbreak. Rather, in many cases, a body acne outbreak is the result of a combination of factors — an acne perfect storm, if you will.
One significant contributing factor to an outbreak of body acne is a lack of effective cleansing. By this it is not meant that a person fails to bathe. Rather, what is meant that in such a circumstance a person fails to utilize the right types of cleansing and body washing products that can work effectively to keep the skin clean as well as free from dead cell and oil buildup.
Choice of fabrics can also be a contributing factor to body acne in some instances. Many people who are experiencing what is in fact a body acne outbreak assume that they are having some sort of more routine allergic reaction to a certain type of material. While on some level this is true, an outbreak of body acne due to a reaction to a certain type of fabric requires a different type of treatment regimen than what would normally be associated with caring for a rash that is the result of an allergic reaction.
In some instances a personÂ’s diet can contribute to an outbreak of body acne. There is a significant amount of dispute as to which types of food items might be a contributing cause to body acne. In the final analysis, the best way to avoid having your diet contribute to an outbreak of body acne is to make the best possible effort to eat a well balanced diet each and every day.
A final common contributing cause to body acne in some cases is the bed linen a person uses at night. In this regard, some people are a bit lax when it comes to caring and laundering their bed linens. As a result, bodily oils and dead skin cells can accumulate on bed linens leading to an outbreak of body acne across a personÂ’s skin in some instances.
Once again, you need to keep in mind that in most instances there likely is to be more than one contributing factor in the outbreak of body acne.
Treating Your Body Acne Condition
The best course of action to take in the care and treatment of body acne is to develop and adopt a comprehensive treatment regimen. When it comes to body acne, an appropriate, complete care and treatment regimen should include:
– the elimination or adjustment of the root causes of the body acne condition (for example, diet changes, clothing fabric alterations and a change in body cleansing products)
– the adoption of whole body cleansing practices with soaps and washes designed to combat and prevent body acne
– the adoption of a whole body exfoliation routine
– the use of body acne treatment and cleansing products such as ZENMED™ Body Acne Combo
Because body acne can have a number of different sources, launching a full frontal attack on the problem as described in this article will be the best source to resolving the condition in the near future. In addition, by adopting a comprehensive regimen that includes the use of such proven products as ZENMED™ Body Acne Combo, you will be in a far better position to prevent future body acne outbreaks. (If you don’t completely eliminate future outbreaks, you will at least be able to effectively reduce the severity of such future body acne outbreaks.)
The care and treatment of body acne is something that you must take seriously. If you fail to adopt a comprehensive care and treatment regimen, you will fail in your attempts to treat and eliminate body acne. On the other hand, if you do adopt a truly comprehensive body acne care and treatment regimen, you not only will be able to deal with a present flare-up but you will be well on your way to preventing future outbreaks of body acne in both the near and long term future.


Options In Acne Treatment

Acne treatment is one of the most common requests dermatologists hear from their patients. The condition generally begins in the teenage years, but can affect people into their thirties and forties. Blemishes often cause people to avoid social situations and, in extreme cases, can lead to feelings of depression.
The exact cause of acne is not known, but there are several theories. One is that break outs tend to be hereditary. If parents and siblings suffer from it, you may too. Another is that the hormones that surge through the body in puberty cause the sebaceous glands to increase in size and produce more oils. This leads to an increase in blemishes. Other hormonal causes include pregnancy, menstruation and birth control pills.
Although the exact cause of this skin condition is unknown, there are factors that can aggravate it. Squeezing a blemish can spread bacteria and cause more break outs on your face. Excessive humidity and sweating can also spread bacteria and aggravate the condition.
There are several myths surrounding acne. Stress is thought to cause acne, but it does not. However, the stress you feel as a result of the pimples is real. Consider relaxation techniques, reading the bible and prayer as a way to reduce this stress. Other myths include diet and having dirty skin.
Proper skin care can help prevent the spread of acne. Improper skin care can actually make blemishes worse. Excessive scrubbing with harsh cleansers is drying, causes irritations and can create more pimples. Use a gentle cleanser no more than twice a day, if your skin is excessively oily, you can wash three times. Look for a gentle cleanser that is made for your skin type. Salicylic acid is a good ingredient to look for.
DonÂ’t use astringent unless you have very oily skin. Astringents can dry out the skin and make it worse. You may be tempted to skip the moisturizer, but donÂ’t do this. Your skin needs moisture. Choose a product that is made for people who are prone to pimples. Look for an oil free, non acnegenic lotion.
Dermatologists can help with acne treatment. Topical ointments and oral medications can be prescribed for extreme cases. Many of these prescriptions can cause photosensitivity. You should always wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, if you go in the sun while using prescription medications. For maximum rejuvenation, your doctor may recommend a chemical peel.
In the past, you could only have a peel in the dermatologistÂ’s office. Now there is a home treatment alternative. EstheticianÂ’s Choice is a medical grade peel that you can use in the comfort of your home. The main ingredient is Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) which is considered to be the most effective skin peel product on the market. TCA is a non toxic chemical that has been used by dermatologists for over 30 years to treat acne and other skin conditions.
Peels exfoliate the skin on a deeper level than can be achieved with most other skin care products. Easy to follow, step by step directions allow you to perform the peel easily at home. EstheticianÂ’s Choice takes only minutes to apply. You may experience a slight reddening for a day or tow and the skin will continue to peel, revealing clearer skin underneath.


Acne Scarring – What Are My Treatment Options?

Acne Scarring can have serious effects on a person’s self-image and emotional state. Fortunately there have been significant advances in the treatment of acne-related scarring in recent years. It is important to note that nothing will completely heal the majority of scars.
Laser Therapy – Using lasers to treat scars is a new technology, but is one of the most promising options for severe scarring. The lasers remove the scarred skin, and encourage growth of new skin in its place. After treatment, the skin will be pink and swollen for a week or so. During this time, bandages need to be kept over the skin to prevent infection. It takes months for the skin to return to normal, but most people will see less noticeable scars and smoother skin. Laser scar treatment can be quite expensive, however.
Surgical Therapy (Dermabrasion) – This form of scar treatment uses a motorized burr, which usually contains diamond particles. Diamonds are very strong abrasives when in a powder-form. A scab will form once the procedure is completed. Once the wound is healed, a smooth pink layer of new skin will appear. Multiple treatments are often necessary, and each one can cost $1500.
Creams and Gels – There are many topical treatments that claim to reduce the appearance of scars. Some contain Vitamin E and other nutrients. Mederma is a popular brand name. Many people report that it can improve scars in as little as 8 weeks for new scars, or 6 months for older scars. Results with topical ointments like this will vary from person to person.
Collagen Injection – This is a temporary fix, where the patient’s own body fat or collagen is injected into the scar site. This works well for some people with deep-pitted scars. The material injected serves to raise the skin, and reduce the pitted appearance, and wrinkling from the scar. However, this procedure needs to be repeated every 6 months and can be expensive.

Essential Vitamins for Acne Treatment

Many nowdays are deficient in vitamins and minerals due to improper diet. Studies show that fewer than 32 percent of Americans eat the required servings of vegetables each day. Also, the American diet is comprised of too much of processed sugar and not enough fruits and water. A deficiency in essential vitamins and supplements can only spell trouble for the skin. If your body does not get the required nutrition for skin renewal, tissue repair and for its organs to naturally detoxify, then your chances of getting acned skin, along with other health problems, are likely to increase.
Vitamin A strengthens the protective tissue of your skin and helps in acne remedy. It reduces the production of sebum and works in repairing the tissue that skin and mucous membranes are made of. It’s also a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are important and needed to help rid your body of toxins that have built up. A lack in Vitamin A can cause acne!
The Complex B vitamins are also helpful in preserving healthy skin through the relief of stress. Stress has been identified as a major trigger for acne for some people. The B vitamins should always be taken together. Thiamine is an antioxidant, helps circulation, and aids in digestion. Riboflavin works with Vitamin A and is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Niacinamide helps with the metabolism of carbohydrates in your system and improving circulation. Niacinamide shortage in your diet can cause acne. Pantothenic Acid or B5 is popular for helping to reduce stress and is needed for the adrenal glands to function properly. Vitamin B6, or Pyridoxine is important for the correct function of your immune system and antibody production.
Vitamin C with biofavonoids is also referred to as the “super vitamin” and can play an important role in your acne remedy. Vitamin C is instrumental in at least 300 metabolic functions in your body, is needed for tissue growth and repair, and flushes toxins from your system. Vitamin C also improves immunity and protects against infection. If you have diabetes, check with your doctor for the dosage that is best for your body.
Chromium, widely used for weight loss also helps fight acne. Chromium should be taken in an added form since chromium in foods is not easily absorbed. Much of it is lost in processing and high doses of sugar cause the loss of chromium.
Zinc aids in acne remedy by regulating the activity of the oil glands. It promotes the healing in tissues and helps to prevent scarring. Zinc promotes a healthier immune system that in turn aids in the healing of wounds. In addition, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent the forming of free radicals, or toxins that can harm your body.
Finally, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It improves healing and tissue repair and prevents cell damage by inhibiting oxidation of fats and the formation of free radicals.
One interesting fact about acne can be noted that is a multivitamin with added chromium supplement will give you most of what your body needs for the day. It should be also noted that taking too much of a vitamin or mineral can also be toxic and dangerous. Read the recommended dosage and stick with it.
With enough vitamins for your body, you are assured of a well nourished body. Your body organs, cells and tissues can perform optimally on the inside and you get to see the benefits on a physical level.


How to Treat Acne Through Diet Changes

According to older beliefs, acne can be caused by excessive consumption of greasy foods and chocolate. Many dermatologists and other skin professionals now say that there is no proven scientific connection between food and acne.
However, I prefer to believe that what you choose to put in your body will have a definite effect on your health, including your skin condition. Sugary foods, excessive caffeine, and greasy, fatty snacks—all have a negative effect on our bodies and overall health. Not drinking enough water also does not help in skin repair and formation of new tissue. If your skin is particularly susceptible to acne, having a poor diet will definitely not help the situation.
It is known that eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to a surge in insulin. This in turn may create a condition referred to as IGF-1, where an increase in insulin creates the production of excess male hormones. Excessive male hormones can create an excess of sebum, the greasy stuff that can clog pores, attract bacteria, and create monster zits. IGF-1 is also believed to cause keratinocytes to multiply, which can wreak havoc on skin.
Doctors have consistently warned of the health dangers of consuming saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fats have an overall negative effect on the body, weakening the immune system, promoting inflammation, and for acne sufferers, perhaps raising the skin’s oil production level. To have the best complexion possible, keep your body healthy and filled with good, health-promoting nutrients. You should strive to reduce saturated fats because they promote inflammation, and will not help you in your battle against acne.
Certain oils are, however, absolutely essential to your health. These essential fatty acids reduce inflammation, and help promote healthy skin, nails and hairs. Examples here include flax oil, olive oil, and fish oil.
You should also ensure that you have an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals on a regular basis. Vitamin A is paramount for promoting healthy skin. Avocados and carrots are excellent sources of Vitamin A. Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C, and Zinc are other important nutrients for promoting a good complexion.
Another aspect to consider in terms of diet is your food allergies. Sometimes, people experience severe cases of acne, even if they lead a very healthy diet and have never suffered from severe acne before. In these cases, the cause may be a potential food allergy.
If you suspect your acne is caused by a food allergy, begin by increasing your daily amount of water consumption. Then try to rule out the root cause of your potential acne. Common causes of food allergies include dairy products, excess sugar, and certain refined flours and grains. Also, avoid foods rich in iodine, which have been linked to acne. Iodine-rich foods may include salt, liver, cheese, crabs, shellfish, clams, and kelp products. If you consume iodized salt, make the switch to sea salt. If you find dairy products worsening your acne, consider switching to soy or rice milk and cheese products.
The only way to prove whether there is a link between your acne and food is first by making definite changes to your diet. Observe carefully and see if you are better able to control your acne through the diet changes. Even if your acne is not caused by diet, you gain in terms of having a healthier and well nourished body. It is likely that your physical appearance will benefit from a body that is not filled with junk food!


Acne Skin Treatments from Your Home

Before you visit a dermatologist, there is much that you can do for your acne skin. Of course, remember that what works for someone else may not always work for you. Everyone’s skin is different in the first place and the cause of acne may not also be the same.
You can always start off by using over the counter medications to treat your acne. If your skin is sensitive or prone to drying, use a mild cleanser or soap. You may have to experiment with different cleansers in order to find one that does not irritate or exacerbate your acne. Wash your face once or twice daily. Avoid touching your face, or excessive scrubbing or rubbing. The best rule of thumb when it comes to acne is hands off. Although the junk food-acne connection has not been proved, if you sense that a certain food may be contributing to your acne, stop consuming the food and see what happens.
If you use make-up, read the labels and purchase products labeled non-acnegenic, non-comedogenic, and hypoallergenic. These products are formulated so as not to irritate even the most sensitive skin. Avoid sharing make-up with others, and always use clean washcloths, towels, and make-up sponges or other instruments to avoid transferring germs to your face.
If you’re interested in creating acne skin treatment from kitchen ingredients, you are not alone. Many recipes have been in use for many years. Again, everyone reacts differently to the same treatment, but these home remedies are useful for those who are suffering from mild acne. The following are three recipes that you can easily follow.
Baking soda scrub: Making a baking soda scrub is easy to use, and many have reported successful results from its use. This scrub is designed to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation is key in treating acne; since it focuses on removing dead skin cells that can get trapped in your pores and then manifest themselves as acne. First, mix a small amount of baking soda (a teaspoon will probably be enough) with water to create a consistent paste. Very gently, massage the baking soda scrub onto your skin. Leave it on for approximately one minute, then rinse clean with lukewarm review. Use a clean towel to pat your face dry.
Another popular home treatment uses apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has long been lauded for its health benefits, including acne. Some claim that apple cider vinegar has the ability to rid your skin of bacteria, balance your skin’s pH level, and keep your face fresh and free of excessive oil. Apple cider vinegar is also high in citric acid, which is a strong exfoliating ingredient that can help remove excess dead skin cells and improve your skin’s overall texture and tone. To use, simply dilute the apple cider vinegar, one part vinegar to eight parts water. If possible, use high quality apple cider vinegar and purified water. To use, wet a cotton ball with your apple cider vinegar mix and gently moisten your skin. Don’t overdo it. Apple cider vinegar is strong stuff that can dry out your skin, resulting in even more breakouts.
Egg whites, rich in protein and vitamins, have also been a favorite healing ingredient. Egg whites have long been used to help tone and tighten skin. Simply beat two egg whites together to a consistent froth. Apply the mixture to your face and let sit for about fifteen minutes. Rinse the egg off with lukewarm water.
Of course, it is always best to treat your acne while it is still mild. Still, if your efforts to clear up your skin using over the counter medications do not seem to work and your acne is getting out of control, make an appointment to visit a dermatologist. Your dermatologist is likely to prescribe you with anti-acne oral or topical agents.


Psoriasis Treatment

There are different treatments available to help control psoriasis. Treatment depends on the kind of psoriasis and no single treatment works for everyone.
Topical creams, ointments and powders, applied to the skin are the most common forms of treatment for psoriasis. They slow down or normalize excessive cell production and reduce inflammation. Anthralin, Dovonex, Salicyclic acid, corticosteriods and coal tar are common topical treatments.
Corticosteroids are often prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis. These steroids are anti-inflammatory agents and reduce the swelling and redness of lesions. Corticosteriods complement other psoriasis treatments that are used to treat chronic cases. Patients must use topical steroids properly to avoid unnecessary side effects. Some steroids are suitable for only short periods of time or may be applied only to certain areas of the skin.
When psoriasis is extensive then ultraviolet light treatment or phototherapy is used on patients. Phototherapy involves exposure of the skin to wavelengths of ultraviolet light under medical supervision. Ultraviolet light B (UVB) is an effective form of ultraviolet radiation for treating psoriasis. It is present in natural sunlight and penetrates the skin. UVB slows the abnormally rapid growth of skin cells associated with psoriasis. Treatment involves exposing the skin to an artificial UVB light source over a set period of time.
Systemic medications or prescription medications are administered to patients with moderate to severe psoriasis. Biologic drugs that are made from living human or animal proteins help block or eliminate various immune system cells that cause psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Other systemic medications like cyclosporine, methotrexate, soriatane, Accutane and sulfasalazine are also used to treat chronic cases of psoriasis.
Popularity amongst patients of alternative therapies like acupuncture, herbal remedies and magnets have grown. 36 percent of adults in the United States use some form of alternative and complementary medicine to counter psoriasis.
Over the years, patients have tried different diet regimens. The turkey diet, low-protein diet and the rice diet are common among them. Response to treatment depends on individual habits and medical histories and therefore varies from patient to patient. Over a period of time, patients begin to respond to the right treatment.
Lovely Ladies

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