How to be Heartburn Free

How to be Heartburn Free

When you go to a all you can eat buffet, do you eat just about all the food you can and worry about the acid reflux or heartburn later? Just about every one I see at a buffet or even a company potluck, loads their plate with more food than they stomach can digest at one time.

The medical industry has brainwashed most people to think that if you have heartburn you have too much acid and that this is the cause of heartburn. Then, the heartburn remedy they go after is Tums and other drugstore acid reducers. Or if they are seeing a doctor, the doctor will prescribe a acid blocker drug.

Using acid reducers or blockers regularly will have a negative impact on your health. Your stomach must have an acid pH of 1.5 to 2.5. With acid blockers, your stomach pH can rise to 3.0 and higher - this means less acidic. A pH of 3.0 or higher can lead to many health problems that you won't relate to your use to these blockers.

Heartburn occurs when The Lower Esophageal Valve, LEV, opens when it shouldn't. When this happens some stomach acid and digested food moves back into the esophagus. This gives you a burning sensation since the esophagus lining is not design to be exposed to acid stomach contents 

If you ever get acid reflux or heartburn, the burning sensation, stomach pain, bleaching, and discomfort makes you look for a heartburn remedy. Here is a list of eating patterns that you should follow if you want to be Heartburn Free. Or, if, you just want to be not have digestive problems.

Heartburn free remedy one

Just before you eat, take 2 digestive enzymes to help you digest your food. You don't want undigested food to stay in your stomach since this turns into acid. And if this undigested food gets into your colon it can create colon cancer.

Heartburn free remedy two

Limit the amount of liquid you drink when you eat. This dilutes your stomach acid and you need it to digest your food. If you do drink liquid, use room temperature water, since cold water slows down your digestive process.

Heartburn free remedy three

Limit your consumption of sugar when you eat. Sugar has no nutritional value and causes calcium to go out your urine. In addition, other minerals are used up during its digestion. For sure don't drink soda or other sweet drinks during your meals.

Heartburn free remedy four

After you eat, don't eat any fruit. Your stomach is busy digesting the food you just ate. Eating fruit will cause the fruit to remain in your stomach waiting to be digested and will start decaying and will become acid.

Heartburn free remedy five

Don't stuff yourself at the dinner table. When you eat to much food where you combine meat, carbohydrates, sugar, sodas, fats, and processed foods, the food your stomach cannot digest turns into acid. This acid creates gas and can put pressure on a weak LEV causing it to open.

A weak LEV, which can open during your digestion process, is usually caused by eating an acid diet. A balanced diet, which contains alkaline and acid food keeps your LEV strong and will not open when you occasionally eat more food than you should.

These are just a few acid reflux and heartburn remedies that can digest your food. Using acid reducers or blockers like Tums or other medication goes against the nature of your stomach. Without an acid stomach, you will become susceptible to a numerous help you keep heartburn free. Your stomach needs strong acid to diseseas
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