Get To Know Your Colon: Your Overall Health Depends On It

Get To Know Your Colon: Your Overall Health Depends On It

The human digestive tract is an amazing structure. Beginning at the mouth and ending at the anus, it is the longest, continuous tube that runs through our bodies.

The human digestive tract is an amazing structure. Beginning at the mouth and ending at the anus, it is the longest, continuous tube that runs through our bodies.

Each part of the digestive tract plays very special roles in the ingestion, digestion, absorption and egestion of the food we eat. Some areas however, along this amazing network also play vital roles in our overall state of health. That part is our colon.

What Is the Colon?

The colon is also known as the large intestine and it serves several critical functions.

The colon is the last place along the digestive tract where the last possible nutrients can be broken down or absorbed. Its main functions however, include a proper balance of water and use of beneficial micro-organisms for further breakdown of hard to digest substances.

Our colon is literally the site of “waste”, thus the place where many various toxins accumulate. So a time sensitive transit time of our digested food through our intestines, is critical for good health.

How Is the Colon Related To Your Overall Health?

The health of our colon has a direct impact on our overall health. There are three key components that influence this.

1. Water

Although the colon absorbs very little water, compared to the small intestine, it is that last part that makes the difference on our body’s water balance, as well as on that of our stool.

Too much water being absorbed can lead to constipation and dehydration. Not enough water being absorbed can lead to diarrhea or bloating.

There are many factors that play a role in affecting the rate of water absorption, and one of the key is what we eat and how much water we drink daily. Eating substances that our bodies cannot break down or digest properly like lactose or gluten for example, for some people, results in ill effects. Not drinking enough water daily, can also lead to too much water depleted from the colon, leading to problems with timely elimination.

2. Bacteria

For optimal health both in our intestine and our overall system, we need to have a good balance of beneficial micro-organisms (mostly bacteria) within our entire digestive tract, but especially our colon.

Some of us lose too much, or cannot maintain enough of our beneficial bacteria due to the types of foods, drinks, drugs and lifestyle habits that we partake in. This can lead to all sorts of not only digestive problems, but nutritional deficiencies, infections, immune system upsets, energy disturbances, allergies, and other health problems.

One of the best ways to ensure a healthy colon, is to regularly consume probiotics. These can come from our foods, like kefir or sauerkraut, or from various probiotic supplements that are widely available today.

3. Elimination

Ideally, the elimination of digested waste should occur about 24 hours after your last major meal. This means that optimal elimination should be around or after every major meal. In our society this is rare for most people, due to their dietary and lifestyle choices.

Wastes however that stay in the colon for longer than ideal periods, can lead to all sorts of problems in our health on a short and long term. One of the biggest risk factors for infrequent elimination or constipation, is an increase in colon health problems like polyps and colon cancer.

Thus, for best colon health, approach your dietary choices wisely, picking natural, high fiber options, probiotics and enough water, as not only will your colon health benefit, but your overall health as well.
Lovely Ladies

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