Five points to choose your dentist – Novadent Care

Five points to choose your dentist – Novadent Care

Dental health plays a vital role in determining the overall health of your body. Dental care is considered as a personalized interaction between patient and dentist and will vary in degrees of complexity according to the procedure involved. Establishing a relationship with your dentist provides you with ready access to comprehensive oral healthcare advice or treatment .This will significantly reduce the need for a complex and expensive treatment at a later stage. This guidance is designed to assist patients in making a choice.

Ideally the choice of an ideal dentist should be made before any dental emergency arises as it avoids having to make that critical decision hastily.

1. The initial consultation
·      Your initial consultation as an opportunity to observe standards in the dental practice and to ask as many questions as necessary so that you can feel safe and confident with your choice of dentist.Satisfy yourself that the general appearance of the reception/waiting area, including the toilets, is to an acceptable standard of cleanliness and the dentist(s) and staff are neat and clean.As part of your initial consultation and in addition to questions about your dental history, you should be asked about your general health and medical history.

2. Be satisfied with the standards of hygiene in the clinic
You should make sure the following :1) The clinic uses a prescribed autoclave (a medical sterilizer) to sterilize instruments;2) Gloves are worn by the dentist and his chair side staff at all times when you are under active treatment;3) New gloves are worn for each patient and that these are changed on their return if the treating staff leaves the treatment area for any reason.4) All handpieces (drills) are sterilized;5) A new injection needle is used for each patient.6)Sterilized single-use cooling solutions / water is used for surgical procedures; staff wash their hands between patients;7) All surgery working surfaces are clean, with disposable covers used on surfaces on contact during dental treatments

3. Your treatment plan and specialty options
When discussing your proposed dental treatment with your dentist you should ask:1) Your treatment options, what other choices do you have for some or all of the treatment suggested and how much will each option cost?.2) If specialty service involved does the clinic has this specialist.3) The rates of success and / or complications associated with each of the options offered or suggested?.4) References or testimonials from previous patients who have received this or similar treatment.5) If treatments unsuccessful or you are unhappy with the result?.6)·      If there are complications and further treatment is needed, is this an additional cost and who pays?.7) Who do you contact for advice after treatment?.8) Is there a complaints procedure in the practice and can you see it?.9) Does the dentist have professional indemnity insurance cover?.10) Does the dentist provide appropriate information in writing regarding aftercare?

4. The cost of your treatment
Before your dental treatment is commenced you are entitled to know the cost. Procedures and cost for treatments like dental implants, teeth surgery and dental cosmetics are different.  You should feel free to discuss all your doubts with your dentist before the treatment.  Most dentists will be happy to discuss this with you, especially if you have any concerns in this regard.  Take time to be satisfied with your decision Time spent making the correct decision about your choice of dentist will contribute to building a trusting patient-dentist relationship which is established on mutual respect.  This will maximize your peace-of-mind, minimize any potential for conflict and help in building a long-lasting partnership to protect your oral health.
The cost of dental treatments in dental clinics is comparatively less and the quality of services offered is up to the standard.  This encourages dental tourism as it helps individuals seek dental care outside their local healthcare systems at a reasonable price while enjoying their vacation.

5. Time spent on a particular dental treatment:
A long waiting list will disrupt your daily schedule. Even though it is common to have delay in clinical procedures a strict adherence to the time schedule an appointment is necessary to be compliant with the consumer rights. Please ask for the appointment and the treatment duration and if any change in proposed treatment plan .This is necessary as most procedures will cost more than specified when there is unexpected delay.

These are the standard suggested protocols by the dental council for a dental clinics. All quality dental clinics/hospitals will have the above explained facilities and standard.

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