Drink Your Aloe Vera Juice Daily

Drink Your Aloe Vera Juice Daily

Aloe vera juice is the liquid that comes out of the aloe vera plant when cut or squeezed. For hundreds and probably thousands of years it has been used medicinally as a soothing balm for burns, cuts and scrapes. 

The gel that comes out of the aloe leaf contains 96% water and 4% of 75 known chemicals. These chemicals are anesthetic, reduce swelling and itching, and antibacterial and ant fungal. They also increase blood circulation and activate skin cells to heal.

Today it is used for the same purposes, and also many more. I love aloe vera juice for sunburn treatment, and I also find it makes a great skin moisturizer to be used after shaving or on dry patches of skin. I use it on my face just before I go to bed to help heal any sun damage done during the day.

Dermatologists that do facial surgeries use aloe vera to speed up and reduce facial or skin surface scarring.

Aloe vera can also be mixed with a few drop of jojoba oil and applied to your hair. This combination helps to keep your hair pores from plugging up.

Aloe vera juice has more recently become very popular as a drink and for use internally. By drinking aloe vera juice you can eliminate your constipation. It is a strong laxative when used in strong concentrations. You can also help your constipation when taking it in capsules. Look for aloe capsules or drinks that have other herbs to tone down its strong effect in the colon.

If you drink aloe vera juice, here are some of the benefits you can expect:

Good for blood circulation

regulates blood pressure

good for disorders of the bones and joints

benefits the immune system

defends the body against hostile organisms

provides exceptional nutritional value for health and energy

excellent for healing tissue damage inside the body

good for healing ulcers

good for controlling sugar levels in diabetics

helps to reduce itchiness in psoriasis heal 

helps to make you regular and eliminate constipation.
Most of us know that aloe vera is excellent for treatment of minor cuts and scrapes, burns and also sunburn. It is used in all kinds of cosmetics. But aloe vera is more powerful for external and internal use than most believe. So always keep a small bottle of aloe vera juice and add an ounce to two to your juice drinks. Also keep a bottle of 99% pure aloe for external emergencies and of course apply it to your face just before bedtime.
Lovely Ladies

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