Divorce Avoidance; Part 1 Insider Secrets
Your divorce avoidance strategy needs to be based on the G.A.L System. Gratitude, Attitude, and Latitude are three essential keys. What follows is a system I have used for 26 years since my darling wife and I were divorced and remarried to one another.
You may be surprised to hear that our 26 years have not been spent in a series of strife free mountain top experiences. However what has ensured further divorce avoidance is our commitment to the G.A.L System.
Gratitude daily takes center stage in our relationship as I regularly tell my wife throughout each day that I am filled with gratitude to be her life partner.
And I am filled with gratitude to God for allowing us a second chance in giving us the opportunity to get remarried once we had divorced.
Attitude features strongly in our daily walk as we both have strong personalities. We now see ourselves as complimenting one another as we often agree to disagree. The key here has been a decision on both our parts to “be wrong when we thought we were right”.
What’s more important to both of us than being right is staying in agreement as we know that for us to both get the best out of married life we need to stay unified.
Latitude takes the form of us giving one another plenty of personal space to have quiet times throughout the day for individual interests. We respect one another’s alone times. That enables us to enjoy even more the times when we get back together over a cup of coffee to share quiet time experiences.
You too can enjoy the benefits of a lifetime of divorce avoidance by practising the G.A.L. System.
You will be blessed with a lasting loving relationship.
Divorce Avoidance; Part 2 A Simple but Powerful Solution
Your divorce can be avoided if you are prepared to use a simple but powerful solution.
The divorce climate was created by wrong feelings, wrong thoughts, wrong words and wrong actions.
Right about when you thought things could not get worse you allowed yourself to get involved in hurling personal insults at one another.
You can begin applying the simple but powerful solution to divorce avoidance by asking your chosen life partner to meet with you at a coffee shop away from your home. At the coffee shop take your partner’s hand look directly into their face and tell them you are sorry for all the unkind things you have said to them. Ask for their forgiveness for all your unkind thoughts and feelings.
Tell them you are going to work hard at never upsetting them again.
Tell them you treasure your marriage to them.
If, because of the past hurts they have trouble looking directly at you, just give them a gentle prompt to look at you.
Hold your gaze upon them and focus on deep loving thoughts as you speak.
The message carried between the words, as you hold your loving gaze, will have a powerful impact when backed with a sincere heart.
In this simple but powerful way you will be affirming your continuing devotion to them and letting them know that your love for them is far stronger than attack upon your marriage.
Divorce Avoidance; Part 3 The Power of Being One
Your divorce can be eliminated as soon as you tap into the Power of Being One.
The Bible declares you should leave your Mother and Father and “cleave” to one another. To “cleave” means to be glued to one another.
Even if you still close by your parents you need to have cast aside your early childhood role and relate to them as an adult who is “glued” to their partner.
That is no easy matter. But it’s possible.
After 58 years my Mother spoke to me as tough I was a toddler in diapers until we had a heart to heart. From that day on she knew that she could not come between my wife and I because were “glued” together as one. I loved her but she was on the outside of our relationship.
You need to know the threat of divorce begins a long time before papers are served. It begins with being “glued” to someone else or something else.
In my case for way too many years it was my Mum – Bless her.
Your challenge may be being “glued” to another person outside of your marriage.
It may be being “glued” to TV watching instead of being “glued” your husband or wife. TV watching is not spending quality time together.
You stay “glued” to your partner for life by being available to chat with them in a way that shows you would rather be talking with them than doing anything else. Be sure to give them your undivided attention.
Extended times of heart to heart sharing enables you both to get the best out of the Power of Being One.
You will be blessed by this time of restorative relationship building
Divorce Avoidance: Part 4, Talk Your Way Out of It
Your divorce can be avoided with the use of one of the most powerful relationship restoring tools available.
What caused my divorce more than 20 years ago was uncontrolled and abusive language.And what has enabled me to never again face its crippling impact – is Mouth Management.
When my wife began hurling hurtful words at me I responded in like manner with equally angry words. That was my single biggest mistake as it only caused the rage between us to rise.
We were living outside of Christ and suffered a bitter divorce.
Two years later we found ourselves on the same Sunday on different sides of town in two different Churches standing before a congregation and proclaiming Jesus was Lord and Master of our lives.
We only knew of this special event when we met for coffee a week later.
And we noticed something had changed. Many things actually – but this really stood out for us.
We had a fresh love for one another and the rage was gone.
In confessing Jesus as Lord of our lives we had begun to use the words of our mouth as they were intended.
To speak kindly and considerately to one another. To give one another regular compliments and encouragement.
We were gloriously remarried a few weeks later.
Whenever the old issues started to rekindle rage we thought on the verse in Proverbs – a soft answer turns away wrath.
And the power of life and death is in the tongue. We think on that truth often.
Mouth Management has become a daily goal for us and we regularly talk strife out of our married life.
You too can have a lifelong divorce avoidance program when you commit yourself to Mouth Management.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 5, Your Body is Not Your Own
Divorce avoidance is possible when you use the W.T.S. system.
Work this system and it will work wonders for you – starting today.
In marriage you will find clashes with your life partner in three areas. They are The Wills, The Thrills, and The Spills.
How you handle these clashes determines the success of your divorce avoidance program.
You will have a clash of wills. Your partner may well have described you as being a wilful person. Your “Will” is to do certain
things in a certain way. Things such as how much toilet paper you use each week. Or how fat or how slow you drive in the
traffic. Or something equally small.
Take heart from Jesus who said “…nevertheless, not my will but thy will be done Father”.
The first key to the W.T.S. System is to use Him as the role model in your marriage. Be prepared to put aside your will . Then
be more accepting of your life partner’s will.
Get to know their will and start doing things the way they like them done.
You will have a clash of Thrills. She may not get excitement from the activities that thrill you.
Once again divorce avoidance is assured once you acknowledge the activities.
The second key to the W.T.S. System is to be person who longs to discover and participate in what Thrills your wife.
Show her you have a regard for the things she likes doing.
You will have a clash of Spills.
All married couples have Spills. We make mistakes.
The third key to the W.T.S. System is to be person who forgives their life partner for all mistakes.
But not just forgives.
You have to be prepared to forget as well.
Practice this three part WTS Program and you will enjoy a lifetime of divorce avoidance
Divorce Avoidance: Part 6, The Shocking Truth
You will be amazed at the shocking truth on how easy it is to avoid divorce. And about the role of fresh bread.
More than 50 years ago, when I was a lad living in a small country town, I awoke six days a week to the delight of the day.
In the pre-dawn haze the aroma of fresh baked bread -from a wood fired oven – would waft into my bedroom and entice me to get out of bed in search of its source.
Not much was delivered fresh to our town. The papers only came twice a week. Apples and oranges once a week. And ice-cream came fortnightly.
But every day Mr Withers baked fresh bread that drew many from their beds in search of a half a high-top loaf for their breakfast. It was carried home carefully and eaten with lashings of butter and marmalade or strawberry jam. In drought times everybody had melon jam. It was the cheapest.
In the years of my youth Mr. Withers never had a day off and always baked Monday to Saturday. He served up the steaming high top loaves broken in half with a smile that confirmed his labor of love.
He had his daily labor to bake. My labor was to partake of the bread and enjoy it.
What has Mr. Withers routine got to do with divorce avoidance?
I’m so glad you asked.
You see when I got remarried to my wife, after we had been divorced for two years, I asked the Lord for some guidance on how to keep our relationship as on fire as it was when we first met. My deep heart desire was to never get divorced again.
He called to my remembrance my early morning fresh bread experience. My appointment with Mr Withers. His devotion. His reliability. His smile.
And I really hope you get this because it will change your married life for ever.
I was prompted to regard my marriage like a daily fresh baked loaf of bread.
It must have an enticing “aroma”. It must be treated as a relationship that starts afresh every day. My wife must feel attracted to me just like when we first met.
Your divorce avoidance mission, should you decide to accept it, is to daily behave in a way that makes you interesting to your life partner.
You can have “fresh bread” daily in your marriage by praying together and asking the Lord for his help as your Senior Partner.
You can also have “fresh bread” daily by being a lifelong learner and keen to share your discoveries with your loved one.
Finally, you can have “fresh bread” daily in your physical relationship by treating your body as a vessel created to provide pleasure for your life partner.
You now know The Shocking Truth about divorce avoidance.
When you have fire in your desire you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 7, Who Wants a New Season of Married Bliss
Successful marriage management calls for you to treat your marriage as a garden. Treat is right and it will flourish. Fail to treat it right and it will die. You can begin by using these tips.
Your marriage needs to be “Watered”, “Weeded”,”Fertilized” and “Aireated”
Watering begins with your daily maintenance program. You have to acknowledge you have a daily responsibility to care for your relationship.
Watering takes the form of showering your wife with sincere compliments. Tell her how great her cooking is. Tell her how great her figure is.
Weeding calls on you to “pull Up” from your dialogue all negative conversation. Let no unkind words pass from your lips. Let no accusing words pass from your lips.
Fertilizing requires you to perform regular acts of kindness for your wife. Bring home a bottle of her favorite fragrance.
Aireation takes you to the point of making an effort to be an interesting conversation partner. If you’re not a big talk, then do some reading on issues in the news you think might interest your wife. Put “fresh air” back into the relationship by showing that you like talking to her about things of interest to her. She will love that.
Freshness can also be added to the relationship by you being more sensitive to your wife’s physical needs. When it comes to love making allow her to freely express her needs and have them fulfilled.
You key in marriage management to ensure divorce avoidance is be more considerate of your wife’s every need.
And meet those needs.
Enjoy your new season of married bliss.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 8, Amazing Royal Routine
Divorce Avoidance: Part 9, Enjoy the Ultimate Technique
Divorce avoidance can be yours when you use the Ultimate Technique. This is the ultimate technique because you can easily learn it. And you can start applying it today.
Your disputes may be festering into a serious relationship breakdown and heading you in the direction of a divorce.
These disputes can be eliminated the moment you accept you have been given the power to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12.2).
Step 1 in Enjoying the Ultimate Technique is to acknowledge that you live in a relationship that is daily attacked by an anti-marriage spirit. You are in a war zone.
Step 2 is to accept that your war is made of battles of the mind.
Step 3 calls on you to believe that if you can beat this battle of the mind you can win the war against divorce.
You have been deeply hurt in this most recent battle. Take hold of your situation right now by renewing your mind in this way.
Take the hurt the and tell yourself you refuse to allow yourself to be impacted by it one minute longer.
Remember the power in the hurt is not the hurt itself but what you think of it. You can turn down the hurt by changing your “inner dial” just as easily as you change the volume on your TV.
You can’t stop your life partner hurting your feelings but you are totally in control of whether they hurt you for 1 second, 1 hour or 1 year.
As part of your renewal tell yourself they didn’t really mean what they said.
Once you practice using the Ultimate Technique you will be able to apply it quickly in all crisis situations.
Your Ultimate Technique empowers you to have hope (for a happy marriage) in your head, faith in your heart to develop the surrendered nature of a committed life partner, and the actions that show that you in your marriage for the long haul.
You can Enjoy the Ultimate Technique for Divorce Avoidance.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 10, Your Power for Peace
Do you want to keep the peace in your marriage? You can have it with G.I.A. Technology.
My wife shocked me. I was doing my best to be a better husband and remembering to kiss her more often.
And my reward?
A sharp rebuke for thinking of my work whilst in the act of kissing. Since then I have a greater regard for my wife’s ability to know things without knowing how she knows. She talks about knowing in her “knower”. That place where God gives her impressions.
I have developed a workable response. It’s called GIA Technology. Getting Internally Agreed Technology is it’s full title.
You can put it to work today.
Here’s how.
Sticking with the event of kissing make sure firstly that your only thoughts are about your wife. Secondly your feelings must be focused on her. Thirdly, your conversation needs to encourage her and convey you love her with an everlasting love.
You will have the best success with G.I.A Technology when you are able to hold your special moment of kissing for an extended period of time.
Holding the moment will cause you both to be lost in the presence of each other. Time will stand still but your relationship will move forward in a wonderful way.
This is Your Power for Peace.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 11, Amazing Write Way Formula
You can write your way to a marvellous marriage and keep it that way. Your divorce avoidance program becomes automatic. It all starts with studying your relationship and creating the R.I.D.E. of a lifetime.
My wife is a practical person and I’m more into thinking about things than actually doing them. After 25 years of marriage we understood how those apparent opposite qualities actually can be made to work together.
In case you thought I forgot about the R.I.D.E. I havn’t.
It stands for Reflections, Inspections, Detections and Ejections. These are actions we work through regularly to help us research our relationship and upgrade it.
Each of these steps is done when all is quiet at home and we can enjoy a cup of coffee together. Each of our R.I.D.E steps involved unstructured conversation. The points raised are recorded.
The Reflections are each of us sharing feelings about events in the past month that have impacted on our relationship. As always the strongest feelings are the ones to come out first. Patricia writes these down as they come out.
The Inspections take place ones we have the notes above and we can have a close look at emerging major challenges in our marriage which cry out to be overcome. They are marked for further attention in the notes.
The Detections are those activities in our marriage which we both want to bring in to our regular routine. The include such things as going for a regular Sunday picnic – on our own.
The Ejections are those behaviors we both regret and wish to eliminate from our relationship. They can be unkind thoughts or words or actions. We repent of them and promise to avoid them in the future.
You can apply Amazing Write Way Formula by having a monthly R.I.D.E session. You’ll be amazed at the fresh strength it’ll bring to your relationship.
Divorce Avoidance – Part 12 – Breakthrough Method of Dispute Management
Disputes fester into blazing arguments that can create differences that result in the need for an elventh hour divorce avoidance plan.
You can prevent this development by identifying disputes as soon as they emerge. Then apply the Breakthrough Method of Dispute Management.
When next you’re in dispute with your life partner, first take responsibility for that which you’re accused of doing wrong. Even if you think you’ve done nothing wrong.
Second dwell on the verse -”The Lord shall fight for you, you shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14.14). By not adding fuel to the dispute you will allow the Lord to fight on your behalf.
You see for the dispute to blaze it takes two parties and what you’ve done is provide a powerful fire extinguisher.
You have taken responsibility for something you didn’t do and apologised for causing your life partner to be offended.
When you do this you will see the Lord give you the victory in this matter.
You will show your life partner what matters most to you.
It’s not being right in an argument but being right in your long term relationship with them.
You will need courage and boldness but you can use the Breakthrough Method of Dispute Management any time you choose.
Your life partner will have a fresh love for you and disputes in the future will be easily resolved.
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Your divorce avoidance strategy needs to be based on the G.A.L System. Gratitude, Attitude, and Latitude are three essential keys. What follows is a system I have used for 26 years since my darling wife and I were divorced and remarried to one another.
You may be surprised to hear that our 26 years have not been spent in a series of strife free mountain top experiences. However what has ensured further divorce avoidance is our commitment to the G.A.L System.
Gratitude daily takes center stage in our relationship as I regularly tell my wife throughout each day that I am filled with gratitude to be her life partner.
And I am filled with gratitude to God for allowing us a second chance in giving us the opportunity to get remarried once we had divorced.
Attitude features strongly in our daily walk as we both have strong personalities. We now see ourselves as complimenting one another as we often agree to disagree. The key here has been a decision on both our parts to “be wrong when we thought we were right”.
What’s more important to both of us than being right is staying in agreement as we know that for us to both get the best out of married life we need to stay unified.
Latitude takes the form of us giving one another plenty of personal space to have quiet times throughout the day for individual interests. We respect one another’s alone times. That enables us to enjoy even more the times when we get back together over a cup of coffee to share quiet time experiences.
You too can enjoy the benefits of a lifetime of divorce avoidance by practising the G.A.L. System.
You will be blessed with a lasting loving relationship.
Divorce Avoidance; Part 2 A Simple but Powerful Solution
Your divorce can be avoided if you are prepared to use a simple but powerful solution.
The divorce climate was created by wrong feelings, wrong thoughts, wrong words and wrong actions.
Right about when you thought things could not get worse you allowed yourself to get involved in hurling personal insults at one another.
You can begin applying the simple but powerful solution to divorce avoidance by asking your chosen life partner to meet with you at a coffee shop away from your home. At the coffee shop take your partner’s hand look directly into their face and tell them you are sorry for all the unkind things you have said to them. Ask for their forgiveness for all your unkind thoughts and feelings.
Tell them you are going to work hard at never upsetting them again.
Tell them you treasure your marriage to them.
If, because of the past hurts they have trouble looking directly at you, just give them a gentle prompt to look at you.
Hold your gaze upon them and focus on deep loving thoughts as you speak.
The message carried between the words, as you hold your loving gaze, will have a powerful impact when backed with a sincere heart.
In this simple but powerful way you will be affirming your continuing devotion to them and letting them know that your love for them is far stronger than attack upon your marriage.
Divorce Avoidance; Part 3 The Power of Being One
Your divorce can be eliminated as soon as you tap into the Power of Being One.
The Bible declares you should leave your Mother and Father and “cleave” to one another. To “cleave” means to be glued to one another.
Even if you still close by your parents you need to have cast aside your early childhood role and relate to them as an adult who is “glued” to their partner.
That is no easy matter. But it’s possible.
After 58 years my Mother spoke to me as tough I was a toddler in diapers until we had a heart to heart. From that day on she knew that she could not come between my wife and I because were “glued” together as one. I loved her but she was on the outside of our relationship.
You need to know the threat of divorce begins a long time before papers are served. It begins with being “glued” to someone else or something else.
In my case for way too many years it was my Mum – Bless her.
Your challenge may be being “glued” to another person outside of your marriage.
It may be being “glued” to TV watching instead of being “glued” your husband or wife. TV watching is not spending quality time together.
You stay “glued” to your partner for life by being available to chat with them in a way that shows you would rather be talking with them than doing anything else. Be sure to give them your undivided attention.
Extended times of heart to heart sharing enables you both to get the best out of the Power of Being One.
You will be blessed by this time of restorative relationship building
Divorce Avoidance: Part 4, Talk Your Way Out of It
Your divorce can be avoided with the use of one of the most powerful relationship restoring tools available.
What caused my divorce more than 20 years ago was uncontrolled and abusive language.And what has enabled me to never again face its crippling impact – is Mouth Management.
When my wife began hurling hurtful words at me I responded in like manner with equally angry words. That was my single biggest mistake as it only caused the rage between us to rise.
We were living outside of Christ and suffered a bitter divorce.
Two years later we found ourselves on the same Sunday on different sides of town in two different Churches standing before a congregation and proclaiming Jesus was Lord and Master of our lives.
We only knew of this special event when we met for coffee a week later.
And we noticed something had changed. Many things actually – but this really stood out for us.
We had a fresh love for one another and the rage was gone.
In confessing Jesus as Lord of our lives we had begun to use the words of our mouth as they were intended.
To speak kindly and considerately to one another. To give one another regular compliments and encouragement.
We were gloriously remarried a few weeks later.
Whenever the old issues started to rekindle rage we thought on the verse in Proverbs – a soft answer turns away wrath.
And the power of life and death is in the tongue. We think on that truth often.
Mouth Management has become a daily goal for us and we regularly talk strife out of our married life.
You too can have a lifelong divorce avoidance program when you commit yourself to Mouth Management.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 5, Your Body is Not Your Own
Divorce avoidance is possible when you use the W.T.S. system.
Work this system and it will work wonders for you – starting today.
In marriage you will find clashes with your life partner in three areas. They are The Wills, The Thrills, and The Spills.
How you handle these clashes determines the success of your divorce avoidance program.
You will have a clash of wills. Your partner may well have described you as being a wilful person. Your “Will” is to do certain
things in a certain way. Things such as how much toilet paper you use each week. Or how fat or how slow you drive in the
traffic. Or something equally small.
Take heart from Jesus who said “…nevertheless, not my will but thy will be done Father”.
The first key to the W.T.S. System is to use Him as the role model in your marriage. Be prepared to put aside your will . Then
be more accepting of your life partner’s will.
Get to know their will and start doing things the way they like them done.
You will have a clash of Thrills. She may not get excitement from the activities that thrill you.
Once again divorce avoidance is assured once you acknowledge the activities.
The second key to the W.T.S. System is to be person who longs to discover and participate in what Thrills your wife.
Show her you have a regard for the things she likes doing.
You will have a clash of Spills.
All married couples have Spills. We make mistakes.
The third key to the W.T.S. System is to be person who forgives their life partner for all mistakes.
But not just forgives.
You have to be prepared to forget as well.
Practice this three part WTS Program and you will enjoy a lifetime of divorce avoidance
Divorce Avoidance: Part 6, The Shocking Truth
You will be amazed at the shocking truth on how easy it is to avoid divorce. And about the role of fresh bread.
More than 50 years ago, when I was a lad living in a small country town, I awoke six days a week to the delight of the day.
In the pre-dawn haze the aroma of fresh baked bread -from a wood fired oven – would waft into my bedroom and entice me to get out of bed in search of its source.
Not much was delivered fresh to our town. The papers only came twice a week. Apples and oranges once a week. And ice-cream came fortnightly.
But every day Mr Withers baked fresh bread that drew many from their beds in search of a half a high-top loaf for their breakfast. It was carried home carefully and eaten with lashings of butter and marmalade or strawberry jam. In drought times everybody had melon jam. It was the cheapest.
In the years of my youth Mr. Withers never had a day off and always baked Monday to Saturday. He served up the steaming high top loaves broken in half with a smile that confirmed his labor of love.
He had his daily labor to bake. My labor was to partake of the bread and enjoy it.
What has Mr. Withers routine got to do with divorce avoidance?
I’m so glad you asked.
You see when I got remarried to my wife, after we had been divorced for two years, I asked the Lord for some guidance on how to keep our relationship as on fire as it was when we first met. My deep heart desire was to never get divorced again.
He called to my remembrance my early morning fresh bread experience. My appointment with Mr Withers. His devotion. His reliability. His smile.
And I really hope you get this because it will change your married life for ever.
I was prompted to regard my marriage like a daily fresh baked loaf of bread.
It must have an enticing “aroma”. It must be treated as a relationship that starts afresh every day. My wife must feel attracted to me just like when we first met.
Your divorce avoidance mission, should you decide to accept it, is to daily behave in a way that makes you interesting to your life partner.
You can have “fresh bread” daily in your marriage by praying together and asking the Lord for his help as your Senior Partner.
You can also have “fresh bread” daily by being a lifelong learner and keen to share your discoveries with your loved one.
Finally, you can have “fresh bread” daily in your physical relationship by treating your body as a vessel created to provide pleasure for your life partner.
You now know The Shocking Truth about divorce avoidance.
When you have fire in your desire you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 7, Who Wants a New Season of Married Bliss
Successful marriage management calls for you to treat your marriage as a garden. Treat is right and it will flourish. Fail to treat it right and it will die. You can begin by using these tips.
Your marriage needs to be “Watered”, “Weeded”,”Fertilized” and “Aireated”
Watering begins with your daily maintenance program. You have to acknowledge you have a daily responsibility to care for your relationship.
Watering takes the form of showering your wife with sincere compliments. Tell her how great her cooking is. Tell her how great her figure is.
Weeding calls on you to “pull Up” from your dialogue all negative conversation. Let no unkind words pass from your lips. Let no accusing words pass from your lips.
Fertilizing requires you to perform regular acts of kindness for your wife. Bring home a bottle of her favorite fragrance.
Aireation takes you to the point of making an effort to be an interesting conversation partner. If you’re not a big talk, then do some reading on issues in the news you think might interest your wife. Put “fresh air” back into the relationship by showing that you like talking to her about things of interest to her. She will love that.
Freshness can also be added to the relationship by you being more sensitive to your wife’s physical needs. When it comes to love making allow her to freely express her needs and have them fulfilled.
You key in marriage management to ensure divorce avoidance is be more considerate of your wife’s every need.
And meet those needs.
Enjoy your new season of married bliss.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 8, Amazing Royal Routine
Victorious marriage management requires you to respect your life partner’s amazing royal routine. It’s made up of the opening routine for the day, the middle routine, and the end routine. One of these will contain the Amazing Royal Routine of your home. Discover it and nurture it and you will have a long happy marriage.
My wife jokes about having 17 steps to the preparation of breakfast.
Whenever I suggest we break the opening routine and have me prepare breakfast, I soon realize this is no joking matter.
The love of my life gets a great deal of contentment from having the same routine each morning. This is an area of important responsibility as well as being a labor of love.
The middle routine and the end routine have no real significance for her.
All I have to do to have a peaceful morning is allow my wife to perform her Amazing Royal Routine. I have learned it’s not just getting breakfast. Its a royal command performance in which she displays her God-given gift.
You would do well to discover your life partner’s Amazing Royal Routine and allow her to daily do that which pleases her in contributing to the organization of your daily routine.
You will find new levels of agreement, love and prosperity in your marriage.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 9, Enjoy the Ultimate Technique
Divorce avoidance can be yours when you use the Ultimate Technique. This is the ultimate technique because you can easily learn it. And you can start applying it today.
Your disputes may be festering into a serious relationship breakdown and heading you in the direction of a divorce.
These disputes can be eliminated the moment you accept you have been given the power to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12.2).
Step 1 in Enjoying the Ultimate Technique is to acknowledge that you live in a relationship that is daily attacked by an anti-marriage spirit. You are in a war zone.
Step 2 is to accept that your war is made of battles of the mind.
Step 3 calls on you to believe that if you can beat this battle of the mind you can win the war against divorce.
You have been deeply hurt in this most recent battle. Take hold of your situation right now by renewing your mind in this way.
Take the hurt the and tell yourself you refuse to allow yourself to be impacted by it one minute longer.
Remember the power in the hurt is not the hurt itself but what you think of it. You can turn down the hurt by changing your “inner dial” just as easily as you change the volume on your TV.
You can’t stop your life partner hurting your feelings but you are totally in control of whether they hurt you for 1 second, 1 hour or 1 year.
As part of your renewal tell yourself they didn’t really mean what they said.
Once you practice using the Ultimate Technique you will be able to apply it quickly in all crisis situations.
Your Ultimate Technique empowers you to have hope (for a happy marriage) in your head, faith in your heart to develop the surrendered nature of a committed life partner, and the actions that show that you in your marriage for the long haul.
You can Enjoy the Ultimate Technique for Divorce Avoidance.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 10, Your Power for Peace
Do you want to keep the peace in your marriage? You can have it with G.I.A. Technology.
My wife shocked me. I was doing my best to be a better husband and remembering to kiss her more often.
And my reward?
A sharp rebuke for thinking of my work whilst in the act of kissing. Since then I have a greater regard for my wife’s ability to know things without knowing how she knows. She talks about knowing in her “knower”. That place where God gives her impressions.
I have developed a workable response. It’s called GIA Technology. Getting Internally Agreed Technology is it’s full title.
You can put it to work today.
Here’s how.
Sticking with the event of kissing make sure firstly that your only thoughts are about your wife. Secondly your feelings must be focused on her. Thirdly, your conversation needs to encourage her and convey you love her with an everlasting love.
You will have the best success with G.I.A Technology when you are able to hold your special moment of kissing for an extended period of time.
Holding the moment will cause you both to be lost in the presence of each other. Time will stand still but your relationship will move forward in a wonderful way.
This is Your Power for Peace.
Divorce Avoidance: Part 11, Amazing Write Way Formula
You can write your way to a marvellous marriage and keep it that way. Your divorce avoidance program becomes automatic. It all starts with studying your relationship and creating the R.I.D.E. of a lifetime.
My wife is a practical person and I’m more into thinking about things than actually doing them. After 25 years of marriage we understood how those apparent opposite qualities actually can be made to work together.
In case you thought I forgot about the R.I.D.E. I havn’t.
It stands for Reflections, Inspections, Detections and Ejections. These are actions we work through regularly to help us research our relationship and upgrade it.
Each of these steps is done when all is quiet at home and we can enjoy a cup of coffee together. Each of our R.I.D.E steps involved unstructured conversation. The points raised are recorded.
The Reflections are each of us sharing feelings about events in the past month that have impacted on our relationship. As always the strongest feelings are the ones to come out first. Patricia writes these down as they come out.
The Inspections take place ones we have the notes above and we can have a close look at emerging major challenges in our marriage which cry out to be overcome. They are marked for further attention in the notes.
The Detections are those activities in our marriage which we both want to bring in to our regular routine. The include such things as going for a regular Sunday picnic – on our own.
The Ejections are those behaviors we both regret and wish to eliminate from our relationship. They can be unkind thoughts or words or actions. We repent of them and promise to avoid them in the future.
You can apply Amazing Write Way Formula by having a monthly R.I.D.E session. You’ll be amazed at the fresh strength it’ll bring to your relationship.
Divorce Avoidance – Part 12 – Breakthrough Method of Dispute Management
Disputes fester into blazing arguments that can create differences that result in the need for an elventh hour divorce avoidance plan.
You can prevent this development by identifying disputes as soon as they emerge. Then apply the Breakthrough Method of Dispute Management.
When next you’re in dispute with your life partner, first take responsibility for that which you’re accused of doing wrong. Even if you think you’ve done nothing wrong.
Second dwell on the verse -”The Lord shall fight for you, you shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14.14). By not adding fuel to the dispute you will allow the Lord to fight on your behalf.
You see for the dispute to blaze it takes two parties and what you’ve done is provide a powerful fire extinguisher.
You have taken responsibility for something you didn’t do and apologised for causing your life partner to be offended.
When you do this you will see the Lord give you the victory in this matter.
You will show your life partner what matters most to you.
It’s not being right in an argument but being right in your long term relationship with them.
You will need courage and boldness but you can use the Breakthrough Method of Dispute Management any time you choose.
Your life partner will have a fresh love for you and disputes in the future will be easily resolved.
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