Diet For Cellulite - The Truth About Cellulite

The body digests, transforms food, nutrients into blood, into structure into function. The liver stores, cleanses and releases the blood. Its cleansing function removes excess protein and fat (includes cholesterol), toxins and other impurities from the blood. Lotions, potions, body wraps and topical creams can work for a short time but the best route to being cellulite free is through a cellulite diet. A good cellulite diet will reduce your body's fat content thereby reducing the appearance of cellulite.
One of the main causes of cellulite is excess toxins in the body. To start the fight against the unsightly condition you must rid your body of these. These toxins either form little packets of fat or remain soluble and get trapped in pockets of fat just under the skin. The cleansing of your system will also reduce your tendency towards cellulite. Even with the perfect cellulite diet, cellulite may be unavoidable. There are many factors in tendencies of cellulite including lifestyle, diets, genetics, and hormone levels. If you are female, you are most likely a part of the 80% that suffer from cellulite. Also fat and cellulite are not the same thing. I have seen fat people with no cellulite and skinny people with cellulite. The first thing to keep in mind is that any dietary change should be sustainable. Your goals will be achieved through the maintenance of your new, healthier habits over a long range of time—your lifespan actually. The results you get will last only as long as your habits do, so be both realistic and diligent. The changes you can make to create a healthier diet are less radical than you might expect.
Are There Foods You Should Avoid?
Some foods may make cellulite appear worse. None of us want that so it's best you limit your intake of these foods or avoid them all together. The worst offenders include alcohol (which dehydrates your body), refined foods (including foods high in artificial additives and sweeteners), soda, and eating a diet overly high in animal protein.
One of the best ways to combat cellulite is not by dieting alone. A diet and exercise plan will help fight fat in all the right places. You should strive to exercise at least three times per week, every day if you can fit it in. Even a brisk walk around the block will help stimulate circulation and get the blood pumping in all the places it needs to be. What should you not do? Focus on 'spot training'. No amount of spot training is going to remove cellulite if you don't reduce the total amount of fat in your body. That said, if you are overweight you should aim to follow a sensible diet including plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins combined with regular exercise.
There's More to Life Than Cellulite Reduction
Drink lemon juice, don't take hot baths, take up yoga, bathe in Epsom salts, wear loose clothes - these suggestions are just a few of the "essential ways to relieve cellulite" touted by experts. Frankly, I'm not sure about these so-called cellulite-reduction tips. There's more to life than worrying about cellulite.