Depression and Anxiety: Is it depression and/or anxiety?

Depression and Anxiety: Is it depression and/or anxiety?

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety are two different forms emotional disorders in human beings.. Depression is caused due to chemical imbalance in the nervous system of a person. Anxiety, on the other hand, is caused due to imbalance in the body system of a person. Basically, Depression is concerned with psychology, while Anxiety is concerned with emotional behavior of the patient. 

Depression and Anxiety are quite common among people. Usually, these types of disorders are seen in adults above 50 years of age. Depression and Anxiety is more common in women than men. But they cast adverse effects on both. Women suffering from Depression and Anxiety can even become disabled. While, men suffering from Depression and Anxiety feels like committing suicide. 

Depression and Anxiety are forms of phobias which are described as psychological phenomenon in the medical science. Though Depression and Anxiety are disorders of same category, they have different symptoms. Feeling of hopelessness, negativity, lack of concentration, feeling of guilt and decrease in energy are some of the symptoms of Depression. On the other hand tension about day to day works, dizziness, nausea, difficulty in breathing and light headedness are the common symptoms of Anxiety. 

There are many forms of Depression and Anxiety. Panic Attacks, Social Disorders, Specific Phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome are various types of Anxiety. Psychological Predisposition and Environmental Stresses are the types of Depressions. All these symptoms can cause hazardous diseases in the long run. 

Depression and Anxiety can not be fully cured, but can be treated with a proper sort of medication and therapies. The medical practitioners are required to hold sessions to understand the mental condition of the patients and suggest appropriate medical aid there after the sessions.

Anxiety Depression

Anxiety and Depression are basically two forms of behavioral disorders. These disorders are common in men and women feeling alienated from the social world around them. Anxiety is a form of mental disorder caused by emotional disturbance, though Depression is a form of a psychological problem caused due to chemical imbalance in the brain.

Anxiety, Depression and other forms of phobias are described as psychological phenomenon in our medical science. Anxiety and Depression are two forms of behavioral imbalances with different set of symptoms. Feeling of hopelessness, negativity, lack of concentration, feeling of guilt and decrease in energy are some common symptoms of Depression. While, tension about day to day works, dizziness, nausea, difficulty in breathing and light headedness are few common symptoms of Anxiety.

Anxiety and Depression are not something without treatment. These problems can be coped up with proper medication and control over diet. Lots of therapies can be brought out for the proper treatment of Anxiety and Depression. Physicians hold consultation sessions to understand patient's mental condition and then proceed to give appropriate medical aid.

Anti-Anxiety Medications, Anti-Depressants, Mood Stabilizers and other medications aimed at alleviating symptoms are quite helpful in treating anxiety. At times, when treatment fails in case of Depression, Electroconvulsive Therapy is provided to the patient.. Even few Self-Help Support Groups' help people in treating their problems by making them sit with others and hear the other experiences to get out the situation.

Anxiety and Depression are more common in women than in men. If one man out ten is suffering from these problems, it's one woman out of four having either Depression or anxiety. One can overcome these problems with self will to get cured.

Depression Anxiety Medication

Depression and Anxiety are two forms of imbalances that affect the body and the Nervous System of human beings. Depression is a psychological problem, while anxiety is an emotional disturbance. Both these problems can give birth to various hazardous diseases in the long run. So proper medication is required to treat the problems of Depression and Anxiety. 
The medication for Anxiety usually includes Anti-Anxiety Medications, Anti-Depressants and Mood Stabilizers. These are aimed at alleviating the prevalent symptoms and treat Anxiety in the patient. At times, the treatment fails in case of Depression. Electroconvulsive Therapy is the best option for its treatement then. Even the Self-Help Support Groups' help people in treating their psychological problems by making them sit with other people and hear their prior experiences to get out of the situation. 
Yet another sort of therapy included in Depression Anxiety medication is Cognitive Behavior Therapy. This therapy combines two effective types of psychotherapies: Cognitive Therapy and Behavior Therapy. The goal of Behavior Therapy is to weaken the connections between troublesome situations and ones habitual reactions to them. The Cognitive Therapy is focused on how certain thinking patterns cause or increase emotional reactions. 
The medication of Depression and Anxiety is concerned not just with the therapies. Consultation Sessions are also an important part of this medication. The medical practitioners hold consultation sessions to understand the mental condition of the patient. Thereafter, doctors prescribe appropriate treatment for Depression and Anxiety. 
Depression and Anxiety medication is the best way to get rid off these problems. This also enables you to guard off against future diseases that may crop up due to constant Depression. So, every person suffering from these two problems should seek proper medication.

Tags: Anxiety Depression;  Is it depression and/or anxiety;Anxiety and Depression;Depression Anxiety Medication

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