Build your sexual confidence - What No One Tells You About Building Sexual Confidence

What No One Tells You About Building Sexual Confidence

Building Sexual Confidence

If you are wondering what turns men and women on, you will be surprised to know the answer? Maybe you think it’s her lingerie, stiletto, perfume, or anything strange may conjure up in your mind. 

But you will be surprised to know that none of your guesses were near close to the real reason. According to a study done by,, it has been discovered that nothing gets the opposite sex heated up more then sexual confidence. 

During their study, it became evident that both men and women are turned on by confidence. Women want their partner to not only know what will bring her pleasure- but also to offer to do those things for her! A man also wants to feel confident that he can not only bring his partner pleasure- but he also needs to know that the pleasure she feels is genuine. According to a recent poll, only 10.2% of the men surveyed thought women should fake an orgasm- everyone else wanted her to really have one! For a man, knowing that his partner is truly enjoying herself significantly increases his sexual confidence. 

The issue of sexual confidence was further explored in the study and couples were asked if lack of confidence in each other being a problem in relationships? The truth is many couples are uncomfortable talking about sex. Many men feel uncomfortable asking women about their sexual likes and dislikes and many women are not comfortable talking directly about what they want in bed. While we all seem to want someone who can “read our mind” the only real way to achieve this is by communicating your needs. 

The bottom line is to build sexual confidence. Can it really be done? You must be asking by now how can I build sexual confidence? 

“How do I know that what I’m doing is what he or she wants?” 

After analyzing couples and interviewing spouses, few simple tips were offered to help couples move in right direction. It was suggested that conversation is the first step in building sexual conversation. Talk, talk and discuss issues with your better half. 

1) Read books together that talk about sex. This is a non-threatening way for couples to explore sexual “how-to’s,” talk about differences and give feedback without feeling blamed for doing it wrong. This exercise is often quite fun for couples. Try reading the exercises out loud- alternate between being the reader and the listener. 

2) Talk about sex For. a man to truly understand what a woman needs, a simple discussion can make a big and lasting difference. This is a woman’s opportunity to talk about her unique preferences, and as a result, gives her partner the confidence to relax during sex and be more creative and spontaneous. 

3) Timing Let’s face it; it’s just not sexy to ask what a person likes during sex. A good time to talk is after sex, particularly if the sex was good. This will allow your partner to open up and talk about what made them feel good. It’s a good idea- if you talk right after sex- to ask for positive feedback only. Wait for the criticism until the emotions have passed and you are both able to separate your feelings from the actual experience. 

4) Give positive direction last, and certainly not least, during sex simply move your partner gently in the direction that will be most pleasurable. They’ll quickly get the message! 

These were few tips to reinforce sexual confidence. It can best be achieved by using an approach that helps couples be successful rather than focusing on mistakes. 

Tags: Build your sexual confidence;How to build sexual confidence;Talk about Sex to Drop Sexual Shame and Build Sexual Confidence

Lovely Ladies

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