Book Binding Basics
Where to Find the Best Bookbinding Materials
Whether you’re looking for a new way to bind your collection of scrapbooks, or are creating your own journal or personal appointment books, you’ll want to know about book binding that you can do yourself. Here are a few tips and suggestions for making sure that your books look professional and presentable—even if you’re binding them at home.
One of the best and most stylish ways to bind your books is to use mechanical binding. Mechanical binding provides a sleek, modern line for your books, and prevents bulking no matter how many pages you have. Mechanical binding can also accommodate books that have several sections or tabs.
For smaller books, or books with thinner paper for pages, you may want to try plastic combs or spirals. This way, you can still create a new look for your scrapbooks, and make allowances for new pages with having to use paperclips or staplers. Plastic spirals will also add more security to the pages when the book is opened, so you wonÂ’t have to worry about chasing missing pages every time you look through your favorite scrapbook or journal.
Basic stitching techniques for book binding include the Kettle Stitch, which is the basic link stitch you will use to connect your pages. You should also become familiar with how to stitch in between and within the cords of the book cover or pages, as well as sewing split leather or double cords together. Tools that youÂ’ll need for book binding include a drill (depending on what material youÂ’ll want to use for the front and back covers of your book), tapestry needles, a utility knife, a pencil, and a clean, flat surface to work on.
Before you start the book binding process, it may be a good idea to learn the basics about book binding from a few professionals, so that youÂ’ll know what to do at home. Printing companies and bookstores often have tips and pointers for those who want to bind their own books at home, and youÂ’ll also be able to learn which materials and techniques work best for the style of book binding you want to use on your books. With a little practice, you can give your books an authentic feel, with Renaissance and Gothic styles, and you can even find instructions and visual aids online that will help.
Once you get the hang of book binding, youÂ’ll want to create a number of different books for your personal or home office use, and you can even make photo albums to store family memories. Book binding is a great way to make sure that your most prized materials are preserved in a way that you would be proud of. You may even want to have your books embossed, so that you can label them in an appealing way. Many of the supplies that youÂ’ll need can be found at your local craft store, or even at certain thrift or consignment stores in your area.
Where to Find the Best Bookbinding Materials
Whether youÂ’ve just started your first book binding project, or have a few under your belt already, chances are youÂ’re always looking for new places to find the best book binding materials to make your projects unique and durable. Here are a few places you may want to look, no matter what your budget.
Your local craft supply store is a great place to look for book binding materials, since youÂ’ll have find ways to creatively decorate your book covers as well. And, after youÂ’ve done the foundational work of making sure that your book is sturdy and durable, you can use some of the materials that youÂ’ll find in a craft store to add finishing touches to the book that only you can create. You can find the cords/rope that youÂ’ll need to actually bind the books at a craft store, and you may even find leather binding materials to give your book a professional look and feel.
Checking out your local bookstore is also a great idea when youÂ’re searching for book binding materials. You can pick up books that will give you instructions on how to bind books of any size, and if you purchase the book, you can always refer back to it when you want to start working on a new book binding project. Book titles you may want to look for include Bookbinding: A BeginnerÂ’s Manual ( by John Ashman), The Craft of Bookbinding (by Manly Banister), and Bookbinding and the Care of Books (by Douglas Cockrell). These books and books with similar titles can also be found at your local library.
You can also check out your local print shops or copy supply stores to find book binding materials that you can use. Office supply stores are great for finding ideas on how to bind smaller books, and you may even be able to get certain supplies at a discount if you buy in bulk. Checking with publishing companies in your area is also a great idea, because youÂ’ll be able to get tips on how to bind your books, and how to use the most affordable materials to do it.
Of course, there are plenty of places online to find bookbinding materials, but itÂ’s best to know where to look for the materials that will make your books the best they can possibly be. In addition to the right binding materials, youÂ’ll also need binding needles, which are usually between $7-$13, and can be found at some craft stores, or at sites like The Web can also give you lots of useful information on how to authentically bind your books to give them a Renaissance or Gothic look, as well as ways to make your books last longer, even when you bind them yourself. Once you find how which resources work best for you when it comes to bookbinding, youÂ’ll definitely want to use your talent for more books in your home (i.e. photo albums, journals), and you may even begin to give your bound books as gifts to friends. Good luck!
Tags: Book Binding Basics:book binding ; new way to bind your collection;personal appointment books;scrapbooks:Books and binding;Best Bookbinding Materials; book binding project;bind the books;Bookbinding;how to bind books of any size; bookbinding materials;bind your books;