Beauty products – Now at your finger tips

Beauty products – Now at your finger tips

From time immemorial, human beings have tried to look attractive and beautiful. The reasons for this may be many but it all boils down to the fact that this act satisfies one’s ego which is a part of the human psyche. Early civilizations had   used indigenous material to make their beauty products. We have seen paintings of Cleopatra applying makeup. At that time only organic substances were used. One of the earliest known best beauty products was turmeric paste which even today form the base of many a cosmetic.

As time passed and with more and more scientific developments, the emphasis shifted to chemical compounds being used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Since there was no empirical evidence at that time whether such chemicals were harmful for the skin or not, large scale manufacturing soon started and has been going on till today. But now there has been a marked shift in mindset. Research has proved that such chemical mixed cosmetics are bad for the skin. So it is back to the basics and organic and nature based best beauty products are again taking centre stage.

Benefits of Organic and Nature based Beauty Products.

There are many benefits of organic and nature based best beauty products available online at Beauty Universe. For one, these do not react with the skin and hence, it retains the smooth and glossy look. Organic hair products like natural shower gel and natural hair spray add luster and bounce to the hair. Shea butter lip balm or cocoa butter lip balm, both natural products, do not affect the soft skin on the lips as do harsh chemical based cosmetics.

 Also there is wide availability of natural products all over the globe. Naturally the cost of such cosmetics is less than their chemical based counterpart. A glance at best beauty products available at the online shopping portal Beauty Universe will prove this point. A few examples may be given in this respect.

Shea butter lip balm contains 5% Shea butter and natural ingredients like beeswax, Vitamin E, mineral oil and fragrance. Extra Hold natural hair spray contains mainly Jajoba oil, witch hazel extract, hydrolyzed keratin and fragrance. Amazon natural shower gel available online at Beauty Universe is one of the best beauty products and is a mix of organic and exotic ingredients found in the Amazon rain forests. It is thus wise to change the mindset and switch from cosmetic products manufactured in a chemical factory to those using organic and natural products.

Next time you buy a beauty product, pause for a moment and consider your options. Do some research and find out the ingredients. Go for the product that will not corrode your skin while making you look good.
Lovely Ladies

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