5 Common Myths About Acne

5 Common Myths About Acne

In spite of the fact that the scientific knowledge about acne and its causes has progressed in the last few years, there are still many myths that continue to be held as truth.

The following are five of the most common myths about acne:

1. Acne is caused by poor hygiene

Skin infections are associated with acne, and this may be what has led to this myth. The combination of sebum and dead skin cells that lead to acne actually occurs beneath the skin’s surface, where is can’t be washed away.

2. Acne is caused by certain foods

It has long been thought that chocolate and greasy foods cause pimples. There is no evidence to prove that this is true. These foods are not very healthy so eating to much of them can cause other health problems, which can aggravate problems with acne.

Some of the foods that do seem to aggravate acne when it is already present include milk and foods with high levels of iodine. Iodine is commonly found in seafood, so it’s a good idea to limit your milk and seafood intake if you’re suffering from acne.

3. Acne has to run its course

It’s commonly thought that the only way to deal with acne is to let it run its course. This is no longer the case – there are many treatments available to deal with acne. If you’re suffering with it, talk to a dermatologist to see if any treatments are available that could help.

4. Acne is a teenage condition

While most teenagers deal with acne to some degree, it is by no means limited to them. Most people’s acne clears up by the time they reach their 20′s, but there are others who continue to have problems in adulthood. Some people even experience it for the first time in their 30′s and 40′s.

5. Sun is good for acne

Sun exposure is not a good way to deal with acne. It can help to dry out excess oils from the skin so it does have a short-term benefit but the skin gets used to the change quickly and the benefit is lost. Plus, sun can seriously damage the skin and lead to skin cancer, so the risk is greater than the benefit.
Lovely Ladies

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