Weight Loss Tips for Teens : Why Diets Don’t Work for Teenagers

Weight Loss Tips for Teens :  Why Diets Don’t Work for Teenagers

Overweight teens have better results losing weight by focusing on variety and moderation than following a strict diet.

Teenagers face a lot of pressure in many areas of their lives. Putting undue pressure on them to follow a diet perfectly or to achieve a certain size is more likely to hurt their self-esteem than help it. That’s why these weight loss tips for teens work. They don’t require teens to follow a strict diet program or cut out food groups entirely. The idea is to eat in moderation while creating balance and variety.

Teenagers don’t need to worry about the latest fad diets or taking pills to lose weight. These weight loss plans are quick fixes that normally don’t last. They can help you lose a few pounds in the beginning, but once you feel deprived or get bored with the plan you will return to your old eating habits. The teen years are a great time to learn healthy eating habits and make them a way of life though. Concentrate on things that promote health and long-term weight loss success.

Get active. Walk, run, swim or do whatever it takes to get moving more and burn calories everyday. Make it fun! Find activities you enjoy doing and the time will pass quickly while you burn more calories.

Find support. Even adults have a tough time losing weight without help. Ask for help from parents, family, friends or even a local support group. The encouragement, advice and connection you have with a weight loss buddy is key to sticking to it.

Choose role models carefully. The average woman wears a size 12 or 14. Don’t struggle to wear a size zero because that is what you see on TV and in magazines. Work on being the healthiest person you can be, regardless of what size jeans you wear.

Don’t skip meals. Research shows that teens who eat breakfast weigh less than those who skip it. Keep it simple and take it on the go, but don’t forget to eat before school.

Be careful about eating school lunches. It’s better to stick with a packed lunch if you aren’t sure about the nutritional value of the hot lunch.

Plan a healthy after-school snack. It’s as easy as throwing an apple and a cheese stick in your backpack.

Pay attention to mindless eating. Be aware of how much you eat while watching TV or using the computer.

Watch portion sizes. Familiarize yourself with the right portion size for common foods and measure them out at first to get a good idea of how much you need to eat.

Learn how to read food labels so you know exactly what you are eating.

Diets aren’t made for teenagers. While diets may seem like an easy way for teens to lose weight, they often cause more setbacks. An easier goals for teens is to eat less, exercise more and concentrate on healthy living.

Lovely Ladies

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