Prevent Weight Loss Plateau: Carb Cycling Maximizes Fat Loss

Prevent Weight Loss Plateau: Carb Cycling Maximizes Fat Loss

Carb cycling allows dieters to burn fat faster, increase metabolism and cut back on calories to lose weight and bust through plateaus.

Do calorie restrictive diets leave you feeling deprived? Do low carb diets make you feel low on energy and lightheaded? Have you lost the ability to lose weight because your diet isn’t working for you anymore? If you have answered yes to any of these questions it’s time for a change in your diet. Carb cycling may be the answer to your plateau nightmare.

Any time you change things up in your routine your metabolism benefits from it. When you change your workout routine or add minutes to your daily workout you challenge your body a little bit more. The same is true with your diet. Switching your diet keeps your body guessing so you can burn fat faster.

Carb cycling is one dieting method that lets you keep switching your calorie intake to prevent weight loss plateaus. It includes high carb days, low carb days and no carb days. The overall goal is to reduce your weekly total of carbs and calories so you can lose weight. The benefit is that you don’t have to suffer through a starvation diet to achieve this goal. Carb cycling only requires that dieters are strict for short periods of time. Knowing that you can eat carbs again the next day is rewarding and good for your emotional well-being.

No carb days can include protein such as meat, chicken, fish and protein shakes, as well as salads and low carb dairy products. Low carb days involve the same foods with the addition of a good carb with 2-3 meals that day. High carb days, however, involve the same basic foods and carbs along with 4-5 meals that day.

One reason why carb cycling is an effective low carb diet is that you can set up the days to work for your lifestyle. Some dieters prefer to set up a one day at a time rotation for the low carb, no carbs and high carb days, while other prefer to have five low carb days during the week and save the high carb days for the weekend.

The trick to a successful carb cycling diet is to stick to eating good carbs, even on high carb days. It is acceptable to add fruits and vegetables, as well as brown rice and other whole grains. Eating good carbs and focusing on a high protein base will also help curb your cravings for sweets and make fat loss easier.
Lovely Ladies

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