Understanding Metabolism - effective tips to lose weight.
I would say that metabolism is a biochemical process that involves the burning of fats to give energy to the body. All the body functions even while it is asleep are provided the needed energy through the process of metabolism.
The energy used by the body through the process of metabolism comes from food we eat. Metabolism actually is composed of two opposing biochemical processes. The anabolic and the catabolic.These two processes works together in tandem and the other one cannot function without the other. While the anabolic produces cells and tissues from nutrients, catabolic destroys or burn fat nutrients to make energy for the body needs.
Metabolism burns fat to produce energy. In this respect, if you have a fast rate of metabolism, then it follows that you will also have a fast burning of fats.
In a study relating to metabolism, it was revealed that the rate of metabolism can be improved through changing of eating schedules, eating of proper foods and proper exercise.
It was also noted that the rate of metabolism is influenced by several factors. Factors that can affect the rate of metabolism are age, weight, gender, genetics and other minor ones.
The age factor would make the rate of metabolism lower As you age. A person who is 60 years old will have a lesser rate of metabolism as compared to a 20 year old.
In relation to weight, a person who weights more will have a lesser metabolic rate, while a person who weight less, will have a higher metabolic rate.
Basing again in another study, it was discovered that males has a higher rate of metabolism compared to women.
The reason for this, as they pointed out, was that males have a higher mass of muscles compared to women, while women have a higher mass of fats compared to men.
Another factor that would affect the metabolic rate would be genetics or heredity. If you are into weight loss, you can further increase your metabolic rate through eating of your breakfast daily and adjusting your eating time.
When normally you take three full meals a day, you can adjust it to make it six half-meals a day. The reasoning for this is your metabolism will be made to continue working more during the day as compared when you eat three full meals in a day.
It was stated in their study that so long as your digestive system is processing foods, your metabolism continues burning energy to support the energy requirement of digestion.
Thus, it would help you burn more calories if you spread out into six times your meals in a day instead of only three times.
Your metabolism can be improved through physical activities and exercise. You can do this by early morning walks, jogging, or joining group dances like sports dance, ballroom dances or aerobics classes. Whenever you have the chance, move your body.
Use the stairs instead of elevators. For men, go for sweat sports like basketball, soccer, lawn tennis or table tennis. Again, metabolism gives energy to the body by burning fats.
And once you can increase your metabolism, you can be assured of a higher amount of fats burned through the process of metabolism. Complementary to your exercise, and eating schedule, you also have to take note of your calorie intake.
It is noteworthy to understand that you should maintain a calorie intake for a minimum of 1200 calories a day. You can make this amount of calorie as your basis for your daily calorie requirement.
How To Boost Metabolism - Best Diet to Maintain a Fast Metabolic Rate
Enhancing your body metabolism will generally consist of two important things. First is having a well balanced diet and second will be the need to have a proper physical activity.
And if you are really intent on improving your rate of metabolism towards a more healthy physical condition,you have to supplement proper diet and exercise with normal rest and the need to stay away from unhealthy habits like smoking and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks.
In a study, it has been learned that one can increase his rate of body metabolism through eating a proper diet in regulated timings and amount of intakes.
This shows that our body would tend to have a more efficient conversion of food for body nourishment if done in a regulated way in relation to the kind of food, the time our body eats the food and the amount of food that our body needs to take.
If your weight is gaining grounds faster than you can exercise, you need to go on a diet. But dieting does not necessarily mean you have to starve yourself. Dieting is a way of eating foods that are low in calories.
You have to take note first of all that in order for your body to have a normal rate of metabolism, you have to at least have a minimum intake of 1200 calories a day.
Having this fact, you can now start regulating your food intake to put you just over the 1200 calories a day intake, just enough to maintain your metabolism at a normal rate but not more than that if you are on a weight loss.
Of course, you will now be at a loss at how you can properly identify the foods that you will eat and the estimated calories they contain for you to keep track of your calorie intake.
Actually, there are pamphlets and magazines relating to this matter that you can buy at your nearest friendly bookstore.
However, instead of spending money, you can avail for yourself a free guide to proper diet prepared by USDA which they termed as the Pyramid Diet. This Pyramid Diet was a study.
Undertaken by the Government to study, collate and present to the American people the right nourishment for the average person. You can avail of this guide through the internet.
Just key in the name Pyramid Diet and you will be guided to the USDA website where you can see all the needed information relating to the proper nutritional needs of an average person .
This guide can help you ascertain the type of food and the approximate calorie content it has.
This information would be very helpful for you to choose the kind of food you would like to take in relation to the total number of calories you would need to reach the minimum requirement but not to go far from it.
To compliment your diet and your quest for a healthy body metabolism, always remember to eat plenty of fish, fresh leafy green vegetables and fruits.
Discipline yourself by not eating fatty and processed foods. Eat your breakfast and adjust your eating habits to 6 small meals each day.
The Carbohydrates and Metabolism Connection
Interelationship With Carbohydrates, Protein And Fats Metabolism
Metabolic Syndrome came to light only in 1988. This Syndrome is medical disorder linking together diabetes, obesity, hypertension and other related cardio vascular diseases.
These medical disorders have one common underlying cause which is the natural resistance to Insulin.
If these disorders would not be resistant to Insulin, then the effect would be one of disorder prevention or cure as the Insulin will be able to transfer of convey glucose and will be able to have the right amount of glucose level in the body.
What happens, however, because of their natural resistance to Insulin, the conveyance of glucose would be made difficult and would result to higher level of glucose in the body resulting to these disorders.
Glucose is one result of carbohydrate metabolism. The body digests and metabolizes carbohydrates more easily than fats and proteins.
Carbohydrates As It Relates To Metabolism
To have a knowledgeable grasp as to how our body relates itself to metabolism is to be aware first of all that our body cells are the ones that metabolize energy derived from sources of energy that our bodies eat.
These sources of energy are carbohydrates, protein and fats. Our body metabolizes these sources of energy accordingly depending on its forms.
A form of carbohydrates can be metabolized by our body easily in a short period while another form can be metabolized in a much longer period of time.
We get our energy from carbohydrates. It fuels our body to do the physical activities of our daily life.
The carbohydrates that our body has from the foods we eat are broken down to bits through digestion and refined until these carbohydrates become sugar scientifically known as glucose, fructose and galactose.
Almost as soon that these carbohydrates has been converted to their sugar form, they are immediately absorbed and used by the body as energy.
Any remaining amount will be deposited to the muscle and liver areas and will now be known as glycogen. Glycogens deposited in the muscles will now act as the exercise energizer.
Glycogen is the energy that fuels the muscles to make the body run, swim, climb mountains, do push ups, play basketball, and other muscle related physical activities.
Without glycogen, the body’s muscle will not have the energy to make the body run, swim or even walk. It is then no wonder that advertisers would term glycogen as the exercise energizer.
A point will come however, when the stored glycogen in the muscles and the liver becomes saturated.
This situation would usually occur when the body does not have physical activities like doing exercises and other physical activities that will involve the muscle to make use of the stored energy in the form of glycogens.
If this situation happens, the excess or unused sugar from carbohydrates will be stored by the body in the form of fats. An excessive intake of carbohydrates without exercise for a long period will lead to obesity.
Therefore if you do not want to be obese, you have to really force yourself to continuously exercise in order to prevent fats build up from your intake of carbohydrates.
But if you think you are still incapable of having a continues or rigid exercise, you can start on a low level form of exercise like walking or jogging. Be sure you cut down on your carbohydrates intake so as to minimize fats build up.
On the other hand, for those who wish to cut down on carbohydrates intake so as to preclude any chance of being obese, always remember that too much is bad and too little is also bad.
Meaning, that if you do not want to have fats build up in your body because of carbohydrates intake, all you have to do is make sure that you will be taking in just the right amount of carbohydrates.
Do not go to the extent of eating very little amount of carbohydrates or none at all.
Details About Metabolic Pathways
The processes by which our body is subjected to a constant inter action between cells and organism through a biochemical reaction is medically and scientifically known as Metabolism.
These biochemical processes incorporates a complex way of systems that interconnects with each other and very much interdependent with one another.
This interdependency with one another is a pathway natural to our body’s metabolism that makes the cell creation of anabolism and the cell destruction of catabolism a necessary part of it.
A cell having several chemical changes due primarily to an enzyme, can be considered as a metabolic pathway as per studies made by scientist.
In performing its task of creating a continued chemical change within a cell, an enzyme needs to have the needed nourishments or nutrients from the food we eat.
The studies further revealed that a cell can have the tendency to have several pathways, thereby resulting to a network of metabolic pathways in its scope.
The study showed that metabolism does not only have a single pathway and would have the tendency to be involved in several procedures.
If you are trying to involve yourself in understanding the metabolic pathways in a greater detail,
you have to immerse yourself in knowing the many classification of metabolism such as metabolism on fatty acid, carbohydrate, protein and nucleic acid.
These differing metabolisms will affect the different organs of the body and will have their own individual effect.
With regards to sugar levels, the carbohydrate metabolism would embark on several interconnecting pathways to properly regulate sugar levels in the body.
Excess sugar in the body will be converted into usable molecules to pave way for the smooth body function.
The liver is part in the carbohydrate metabolism pathway whereby glycogen are broken down to become glucose and would form part of the blood.
In the same token, fatty acid metabolism has its own pathways, which would be the proper utilization of fatty acid through the two processes of catabolism and anabolism.
Energy is derived through the catabolism process of fatty acid and carbon inhaled by the body. Thus, fatty acid would be a great help to the body in terms of energy utilization.
Add to this would be the positive utilization of carbon intake that would be converted to energy together with fatty acid through the pathway of catabolism.
Protein metabolism on the other hand, would rely on fatty acid to pave the way for protein metabolism pathways.
Amino acids would be derived at by the breakdown of protein molecules through protein metabolism.
Two types of fatty acids would by the attributing factor in enhancing the conversion of protein molecules to the much needed amino acids which can be considered as the pathways of protein metabolism.
In as much as you have already known the metabolic pathways, you would now be more equipped to realize the importance of metabolism and how it function to make your body more able to respond to the rigors of everyday life.
With your knowledge of the anabolic and the catabolic parts of metabolism, you would now have the proper insight and perspective about the importance of a well balanced diet to achieve good metabolism.
Details About Catabolism and Anabolism
Catabolism and anabolism are two biochemical processes that make up our body’s metabolism.
The functions of these two biochemical processes are distinct and inverse of each other but as a whole conspire to constitute the workings of our body metabolism.
While anabolism is the process by which new molecules are built, catabolism on the other hand, is the process by which molecules from nutrients such as fatty acids and glucose are destroyed to produce the needed energy to build new molecules through anabolism.
These complete cycle of building and destroying Is what metabolism is all about.It is needed, however, that for a normal metabolism of the body to ensue, anabolism and catabolism has to function simultaneously.
To stimulate proper chemical reaction towards attaining metabolism, an amount of energy is a requirement which is properly addressed into by the building and destroying of molecules through the process of anabolism and catabolism.
The phase lapsing of their function will have an effect on the body cells. If anabolism supersedes catabolism which means an added building, it will of course lead to a net cell gain.
But if catabolism supersedes anabolism, which mean an added destruction then It will lead to a net cell loss
The building processes undertaken by anabolism will bring us to the forefront of how body tissues are formed.
These chemical processes upon which our body produces its cells, cells membranes, enzymes and proteins are for the proper body growth and also for the needed maintenance of tissues and cells that are subjected to the daily grinds of everyday living.
Catabolism would mean on the other hand, the energy giving processes by which it breaks down molecules to attain the desired energy giving effects. Unused energy from catabolism is channeled to our muscles and liver.
These are then called as glycogen which fires up the muscle to make the body run, walk and to do other physical activities it may want. Additional unused energy is also stored by the body as fats.
The catabolic and anabolic effects of metabolism in our body are influenced by the food we eat.
If the nutrients in our body are not in consonance with the required amount for the proper functioning of our catabolic and anabolic processes, our body metabolism will bound to suffer.
It is thus proper that if we want good metabolism, we have to observe the proper diet to achieve it. Indeed, it is a good thing that you fully understand the workings of your body metabolism particularly the anabolic and catabolic side of it.
Knowing this aspect will make you realize that proper intake of foods is almost always the under lying cause for either a bad or good metabolism of your body.
You would also have come to know the two things that metabolism gives to your body. This of course is the relationship of tissue building, tissue repair and cell production of your body through the anabolic characteristic of metabolism.
And on the other part, the way the catabolic characteristic of metabolism breaks down molecules to provide you the energy for your body’s physical activities.
Does HGH Work For Increasing Metabolic Rate ?
Our pancreas, after we have eaten, would then supply the body with insulin to convert the carbohydrate contents of our food into glucose and would store them into fat cells of the body for burning when energy is needed by the body during physical activity.
On the other hand, HGH will prevent Insulin from storing glucose into fat cells resulting to its burning down. This situation will result to energy being burned or being used by the body even when the body is inactive.
In effect, a person even when she is relaxing is burning fats for energy because of HGH. If a person has a good level of HGH, she can eat large amount of food and still be in good shape even without exercise to burn fats from the food she has eaten.
HGH will take care of the fat side to help them lose weight. HGH was also known to help in increasing metabolic rate
With the growing demand for weight loss products, many have come to hear or read of HGH which is one of the things being sold in the market for weight loss.
Actually, HGH stands for Human growth Hormones. These are natural body hormones coming from the pituitary glands. As the body age, so does the amount of HGH secreted by the body.
Because it has been found out that HGH Helps in weight loss, there are now medical formulation containing HGH that is taken by persons on burning those fats.
Surely, with HGH, you will have no more worries with regards to your weight.Aside from weight loss, HGH will also give you a much higher level of energy and metabolism.
The reason why children has higher levels of energy compared to adults is because they have a much larger amount of HGH as compared to adult since HGH would tend to diminish with age.
Thus, if you have yourself taken an HGH medication, you will surely possess a youthful energy level and a higher metabolic rate.
For men, taking HGH will help them in muscle building undertaking. It has been confirmed in several scientific studies that HGH helps to build new muscle cells.
Adult men would normally do muscle building exercises because muscle growth would usually stop after puberty. Taking a normal dose of HGH will enable a man to grow a denser muscle with just a token of exercise.
Normal muscle exercise would tend to make the muscle firmer and well toned, but the over all density would remain the same.
But if you supplement your exercise with HGH, you will surely be pleasantly surprised at its size after a short period of time.
Muscle definition will likewise be more pronounced with the help of HGH. Would it not be nice that at a later age you can still have that look of a muscle guy you always have dreamed yourself to be?
When it comes to side effects, it has been recorded that users of HGH has a very minimal complain and can even be considered as rare.
It would then be right to assume that taking HGH in healthy doses is safe and can give you an effective way to loss weight, increase your metabolic rate and even give you the muscles that you need.
Does Quitting Smoking Slow Down Metabolism
Many would say that quitting smoking will tend to make a person fat or will make a person gain weight. There is, however, no basis for this.
Quitting smoking of course would be good for a person’s health in general, particularly with regards to his respiratory system and the fact that his body will no longer be subjected to the bad effects of nicotine.
But making a person gain weight through this manner is not in any way supported by facts.
A study regarding this matter was undertaken to prove whether quitting smoking will indeed make a person gain weight. The study was conducted on more than 1000 women respondent in England.
The result did not prove anything since there were those who gained weight, while others lost weight and still, others were able to maintain their pre-study weight.
The only thing that was proven here was that quitting smoking will indeed lead to the abolition of smoker’s cough.
Take note, however, that smoking accounts for almost 200 calories that you burn a day. Therefore, if you quit smoking, you will automatically gain for yourself an added 200 calories a day.
Of course, smoking is bad for our health, but it helps us to burn calories. So, how do we resolve this? One way to resolve this is for you to stop smoking and walk briskly for 45 minutes a day or swim for 30 minutes daily.
This brisk walking for 45 minutes and swimming for 30 minutes will burn you approximately 200 calories which would be equivalent to the calories you burn when you smoke.
You can also limit your intake of the following items with the following calorie contents depending on your likes, so long as the sum total will be a total of 200 calories or more.
A liter of beer is equivalent to 22 calories; 20 regular packs potato chips will have an equivalent total of 220 calories.
If you are fond of eating chocolate sandwich cookies, 4 of these cookies will amount to 215 calories and 2 table spoon of butter will be more or less 200 calories. Well, there you have it.
You can have your choice. Either you go for the added amount of exercise or go for limiting your self of those calorie foods will depend on you. If you ask me, I will go for the added exercise.
The 200 calories that will be added to your body when you quit smoking is effectively cancelled through exercise or limiting food intake.
You would now be able to free yourself from the many bad effects that smoking brings, most especially the possibility of lung cancer. and other bad effects to your body .
Aside from this, the healthy benefits of additional exercise can increase your metabolism and over all physical well being.
To be sure, quitting smoking is one of the best things you can give to your body. You will be pleasantly surprised for sure, as to how your body will respond to a smoke free lung.
How To Increase Metabolic Rate - Factors Afecting Metabolic Rate
As the body sleeps, its organs continue to work. And to make the organs work, the body has to produce energy to power these organs.
The energy that is expended to make our organs do its job while we sleep is called the Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. This is the amount of calories burned to produce the needed amount of energy as we sleep.
You have to realize that when we are asleep our digestion continues. And the energy that will make this process happen is the BMR. Also when we sleep we continue to breathe and to even snore.
The energy used for us to breathe and snore while we sleep is also the BMR. All the other functions of our body as we sleep are all powered by the BMR. Even our dreams are powered by the BMR.
Each one of us has our own individual BMR which is different from everybody else, considering that a person’s BMR is influenced by several factors. Age is a great factor in determining our metabolic rate.
Our rate of metabolism decreases as we grow older. The metabolic rate of a 50 year old person would be slower compared to the metabolic rate of a 20 year old.
Another factor that influence a person’s BMR is his weight. A person who is leaner in body structure and lighter in weight will have a higher rate of metabolism as compared to a person who is fat and heavier in weight.
Another factor will be the gender. In most cases, men will have a comparatively higher rate of metabolism compared to women. And The last factor that would affect a person’s metabolic rate will be heredity.
Indeed, aside from the generally accepted factors that affect a person’s metabolic rate of course would be the composition of a person’s body.
Like for example the weight of two identical twins would be the same, their age the same of course, they are both males, and there would be no question that they have the same heredity make up.
If this is the situation you would consider that they should have the same metabolic rate, right? I am sorry, but there is still a very good chance that they won’t have the same metabolic rate.
Why? The reason is that there is a very good possibility that they will not have the same fat and muscle content in their body, although as a whole they might have the same weight.
This just goes to show that because of the complexity of the various factors that influence a metabolic rate, we can say that the individual metabolic rate of a person is uniquely his own
The study that was made in relation to individual metabolic rate showed that most men have a higher metabolic rate than most women.
This of course, is brought about by the fact that men has more muscle content than women and that in general, most women have more fat content than men.
It has also been noted in the study that the average percentage of difference is 3 % and that aside from fat and muscle factors, there were also other minor factors that were considered that contributed to the difference.
Ways To Increase Metabolism Naturally - Green Tea Can Boost Your Metabolism
Studies have shown that green tea is a metabolism booster. Green tea has active ingredients that can greatly enhance your body’s metabolism and can also assist in your quest for shedding off excess fats.
Drinking a cup of green tea before you leave office in the morning will enable you to be fully energized all throughout the day and even through the night.
Because of the growing popularity of Green Tea, many unscrupulous persons have produced their own version, and labeling it as green tea, when in truth and in fact, there is no green tea inside.
Some companies have resorted to repacking original green tea products and greatly reducing the amount of each green tea sachets that they repacked and diluting it with other kinds.
This simply goes to show that green tea is now a very much in demand item if you consider the foolishness being undertaken by traders who are not contented with profits from selling green tea in the right way.
These short selling by some traders of green tea can be avoided by buying green tea only from reputable outlets. If possible, purchase your green tea from groceries of malls or big retail outlets.
The ever increasing sale of green tea actually, is due to its ability to produce fat oxidation. This simply means that drinking green tea will act directly on your body to lessen your fats because of its natural oxidizing property.
This fat oxidation and the metabolism enhancing properties of green tea are indeed factors that can effectively shed poundage to a person who is on a weight loss.
And if you consider that weight loss is now a billion dollar industry, then you would not be surprised why there is always a shortage for this commodity.
Aside from enhancing metabolism and fat oxidation, another aspect that adds demand for green tea is its newly uncovered characteristic as an antioxidant.
This would mean that green tea helps in fighting carcinogenic elements in your body to prevent cancer.
This will also aid in preventing cardio vascular disorders like heart disease or hypertension that might even lead to stroke.
When you buy green tea, you will notice that there are brands that are labeled as organically produced.
There are those who will go for organically planted green tea as they believe that it has a more enhanced natural quality to it as it has not been sprayed with chemicals and synthetic fertilizers.
There are also brands that are labeled caffeine-free which are especially processed to eliminate the caffeine content of green tea. These brands are for tea drinkers who do not want caffeine in their tea.
In all respect, it would be more of an advantage for us if we shift from drinking coffee to drinking green tea instead. The only problem now is that the cost of a sachet of green tea is getting higher by the day.
You can, however, re use a sachet of green tea three to four times, so long as you keep it refrigerated.
You can do this on the condition that the green tea you bought is indeed an original green tea and not the adulterated or repacked green tea.
How Digestion Affects Metabolism
The focus on weight loss has given much attention to metabolism because of how it affect the body’s natural mechanism for burning fats toward a more healthy, firm and slimmer body.
Logic, however, tells us that aside from metabolism, we should also understand the workings behind the process by which metabolism will have to happen because of this system.
What I am referring to is our digestive systems and how digestion affects our metabolism. Naturally, there can be no metabolism without foods being digestive in our digestive system.
The foods we eat are digestive first in our digestive organs before they are subjected to being metabolized by our body through a complex.
Biochemical process with the dual involvement of virtually opposing processes known as anabolic and catabolic natural mechanism that comprises the metabolic characteristics.
Metabolism starts as soon the food you eat will be digested by your digestive system. This natural biochemical process will turn the protein from your food into amino acids;
The fat content of the food will likewise be turned into fatty acids, while the carbohydrate contents will be turned into glucose If you have taken in an excess amount of carbohydrates,
The glucose that cannot be immediately absorbed by your body will be channeled to your muscles and liver and once these are also fully saturated, then the excess glucose will be stored by your body as fats.
These fatty acids and glucose are energy nutrients and will be utilized by your body as such to give it the needed energy for the body’s daily activity.
The process will be for the nutrients or compounds to be absorbed by the blood and would interact with cells that would result to a faster metabolism to produce the energy very vital to the needs of the body.
During all these time that the digestive process is on-going, the body either stores these energy from the nutrients of the foods which had been processed or spend it altogether as the body is undergoing physical activities that needs burning of energy.
This is the basic reasoning why researchers have suggested eating smaller meals six times a day instead of eating full meals three times a day.
By eating smaller amount of meals several times a day will result to a higher metabolic rate because it will result to a more continues metabolic action as compared to eating full meals three times a day.
The continuing digestion of your body will enable your metabolism to also function more, resulting to a higher metabolic rate.
And to make sure you can have a higher metabolic rate, select your foods that are easily digested and those that are low in fats. You are now aware about the relation of your digestion to your metabolism.
So it is now up to you to properly select those foods that can make your digestion easy and increase the metabolic rate of your body to provide for a healthier and a trimmer body that you always have wanted for yourself.
Alcohol Metabolism Effects - How Does Alcohol Affects Metabolism ?
Many people are surely aware of the many bad effects of alcohol to the body. But it seems there are still some who seem not to know anything about it.
But to these people one can be sure if they really do not know or they just refuse to know, considering their love for the substance one they are addicted to it. Alcohol is like cigarettes.
Of course, smokers know the bad effects smoking does to their health, but they simply refuse to acknowledge it. And just like the alcoholics, they do not seem to mind the bad effects of alcohol to the body until it’s too late in the day.
Alcohol is simply bad for the body. It is bad for your liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, brain, memory and to your body metabolism.
When you refer to the collective biochemical complex reactions of any living thing, it is termed as metabolism.
Our energy is the result of our foods intake being broken down to bits and pieces through our body digestive system and being subjected to a rather complex biochemical process to produce sugar in the form of glucose that fuels the energy of our body.
This process by which our body produces energy is called metabolism. Our body has different metabolism, depending on the nutrients. We have carbohydrates metabolism, fats metabolism, and protein metabolism.
Drinking alcohol will give a negative effect on the metabolism of the body particularly to the aspect of fats metabolism.
The amount of energy that fats can give to your body through the process of metabolism is limited by the effects of alcohol that you take in your body.
The ability of your body to bring on lipid oxidation or the burning of fats will be greatly hindered by even just a small amount of alcohol. This was the findings of researchers and as published in the American Journal of Clinical Research.
Further research on this matter revealed that when alcohol passes through the liver, acetate is formed. And the body, instead of burning fats for energy will burn the acetate instead of fats.
The other bad effect of alcohol in the body is that it prevents the proper processing of vitamins and minerals which are needed in the natural function of metabolism.
This is because of the process by which the liver converts alcohol to acetate. During this stage, minerals and vitamins that are supposed to be processed by the liver will be over shadowed by the system of detoxification and would be wasted through this process.
When you urinate after several bottles of intoxicating alcoholic drinks, magnesium and calcium will be excreted from your body through your urine because of alcohol.
These two nutrients are needed by your body to function properly. Added to this will be the fact that alcohol will aggressively compete with other food nutrients to get absorbed into the bloodstream, thus preventing these nutrients from being metabolized.
Indeed, drinking alcohol is very bad for the body. So please, do not drink alcoholic drinks – your metabolism will be much better off without alcohol.
Speed Metabolism Tip - How Does Cholesterol And Lack Of Exercise Relates To Metabolic Rate ?
The food that we eat gives energy to the body. The process by which the body converts the food it eats to energy to make it move, run, sing, jump, swim is through the metabolic process of converting the nutrients of the food to energy.
Without the needed energy, our body simply cannot function. Even when we are at rest, our body continues to function and the amount of energy or calories to be burned for this requirement is termed as the Basal Metabolic rate.
In other words, Basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories burned by our bodies at rest.
It is the amount of calories burned to produce the required energy to maintain our heart beat, our blood circulation, our digestion, our breathing, our Snoring (that is if you snore at sleep) and every thing else during the time when we are sleeping.
There is another important function that metabolism does aside from converting foods to energy – it is responsible for breaking up harmful substances such as drugs, alcohol and other chemicals that might be in our food intakes.
The rate of our body’s metabolism actually, as per study made by experts on metabolism, is controlled in some ways by several hormones coming out from our endocrine system.
Our thyroid glands has the capacity to dictate if how fast or how slow will be the metabolic rate of our body through its ability to release a hormone known as Thyroxine which has the natural function to either increase the metabolic rate of the body or slow it down.
And likewise, it has been verified that many disorders of the body are somehow directly or indirectly related with the body metabolism.
Further, advanced studies has discovered that these disorders which has now come to be popularly known as Metabolism Syndrome, have one common cause - Insulin resistance disorder.
Many factors such as lack of physical exercise, genetics, unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, drinking excessive amount of alcoholic drinks, lack of rest or sleep due to excessive night life and unrestrained sexual appetite might lead to Metabolism Syndrome.
Once you have this kind of disorder, and you will not be careful, the possibilities of hearth disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes and other diseases might afflict you at any time.
Obesity and diabetes are now one of the more pressing health problems of many people. Aside from children, obesity among the older generation is fast becoming a problem for many people.
That is why the moment your weight is on the rise, do not waste time before you decide to do something about it. Act on it immediately and effectively, through plenty of exercise and cholesterol free diet.
If you take a look a little more closely as to what may be the cause of metabolic syndrome, you would come to know that cholesterol and metabolic rate are quite closely interlinked with each other.
A person who do not exercise nor play sweat soaking games like basketball, lawn tennis or any activity that can make him burn calories and is just given to sitting, sleeping and eating cholesterol rich foods would then be a good candidate for Metabolic Syndrome.
Boost Your Metabolism - How Exercise Affects Metabolic Rate
For several years now, several teams of researchers have been trying in vain to relate exercise with the rate of metabolism in relation to energy expenditures.
This relationship is simply mind boggling, as their individual research shows that exercise does increase metabolic rate and there are also findings to the contrary, that exercise can even lower the rate of metabolism.
Alright, let us act out as researchers ourselves and let us examine the many conflicting studies made by previous medical scientist on this matter which is the relationship of exercise to metabolic rate.
But before we do that, I think it would be worth our while to know something about TDEE, which simply mean Total Daily Energy Expenditures.
This TDEE is the amount of calories we burn in a 24 hour period or in a day. It goes to show that our total daily energy is divided on the time we are resting,
During the time we are eating and digesting and also on other daily activities. The sum total of these TDEE would have to be 100 % of total calories burned for the day.
However, because of extra activities like exercise, we will have to burn more than the total percentage of TDEE within a day. Energy spent within a day would show that there is a great effect of exercise.
This is shown by a group study whereby the increases of metabolic rate were recorded well within the time frame of 24 hours after an exercise was made.
Aerobic and other form of exercises related or similar to it would tend to make the metabolic rate of persons right after the exercises.
It was thought of that gender might have an effect on the rate of metabolic change relating to exercise, as most of the scientific studies made based their findings and observations on an all male subjects.
The available data on women shows not much of a difference on their metabolic rate of change which would Indicate a lower burning of calories at rest for women.
Drawing a conclusive result on these various studies is not in any way feasible considering the differences on experimental procedures and the myriad of many research data gathered expressing differing results and observation.
A number Of selected observation with definitive results are as follows; a- Muscle tissue burns faster than fatty tissue,
Thus it would be to your advantage to increase the mass of your muscles through exercise as it would tend to improve your muscle to fat ratio.
b- Women are less affected by exercise in changing their metabolic ratec- Metabolic rate can be enhanced even during normal working day if Rigorous exercise is done daily Looking at the over all studies made by experts on metabolism,
It would still remain inconclusive as to the over all effects of exercise to the body metabolism. Either the exercise enhances metabolism or it does not, has still to be studied carefully.
Anyway, so long as we sweat during our exercise, at least we know we burn energy. So, let us continue doing it the healthy way – good diet and proper exercise, to shake those weights away.
Metabolic Rate And Cardiovascular Disease
The relationship of metabolic rate to cardiovascular disease is related to the metabolism disorder known as the metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome is a symptom that is associated with several disorder that is somehow related to metabolism. Having these disorders will open you to the possibility of heart disease.
Metabolic syndrome would include disorders like obesity, diabetes and hypertension. This disorder would also result to a very low level of HDL, which is considered as a good cholesterol.
These conditions, if left untreated, will likely lead to cardiovascular disease. Actually, metabolic syndrome is due to a kind of lifestyle that is barren of exercise and other physical activities.
Consumption of cholesterol full foods, drinking of alcoholic drinks and even cigarettes chain smoking. Added to this would be staying out late at night and other unhealthy habits.
The usual or natural way of treating metabolic syndrome would be easy if you have the needed discipline to do it. All you have to do is follow a good or clean way of living.
First and foremost, avoid drinking of alcoholic drinks. Stop cigarettes smoking which is a very unhealthy habit that would tend to give you other kinds of diseases.
After you have licked these two, you can now proceed to concentrate on improving your health. Start your new lifestyle with early mornings jogging or walk.
Start on a short walk or jogging during your first try, and gradually lengthen it as you go along. Join physical activities like aerobics and other form of health dancing like ballroom dancing or if you can, sport dancing.
For men, try to play games like basketball, lawn tennis, or even table tennis. Always remember that exercises to have an effect on your body should be done regularly. Thus, as much as possible, always do your exercises regularly.
Next to physical activities, train your focus on the way you eat. You have to observe a balanced diet and follow a recommendation from a research about improving your metabolic rate.
This suggestion deals on the schedule of your eating. It is recommended that first; you should eat your breakfast daily.
The reason for this is that your dinner the night before has already been fully digested and since there is no more food to be digested, your digestive system would be at rest, making your metabolic rate slow down as there is no more energy to produce for digestion.
Now, by eating your breakfast, you will again make your metabolism work to produce energy for digestion.
The study would further suggest that instead of eating three full meals a day, adjust your eating habits by making it six half-full meals a day.
By doing this, you will be spreading out the time whereby your digestion would work six times a day instead of only three times a day.
The result will be a continued digestive processing of foods and also a continues production and usage of energy through metabolism.
This schedule of meals should be followed until such time when you have already reached your desired weight.
Surely, these processes, if followed very well will make your metabolic rate higher and would result to cure Metabolic Syndrome and avoid any cardiovascular diseases.
Metabolic Rate And Weight Loss Relationship
There are just so many weight loss products in the market today that if you are in the market for one, you will be hard put to remember them all, much less their individual function to make you lose weight.
In this respect, I would advise you to stop your hopeless search for the right product. If you are serious about weight loss,
All you have to do is increase your metabolic rate because by doing so, you will be burning more calories which will lead to lessen your body fats toward a leaner body.
Of course your basal metabolic rate is not in anyway connected in your pursuit of weight loss as you cannot change it.
What you need to change here is your attitude in terms of physical fitness and the need to change your eating habit if you wanted to lose weight.
Plenty of exercise and eating the right foods will enhance your metabolic rate and will surely help in your quest for a leaner body.
Your eating habits are a factor that can increase your metabolic rate. In a research by medical specialist, they were able to devise a way of eating schedule that can surely improve your metabolic rate.
The very first thing you have to do is eat your breakfast. Studies showed that eating your daily breakfast would tend to increase your metabolic rate during the day.
Instead of eating three full meals a day, change it into six times a day with just half of your full meals. This way you can still have your required meals a day, only it was divided into six times a day instead of three.
The reasoning for this as based on the researchers study is taking your meals six times in a day will make our body metabolism to work faster because of the processing of food in greater number of times in a day, which definitely will improve our rate of metabolism.
Now, if you can follow the six meals a day and do not forget to eat breakfast, your metabolic rate will increase and this will lead to additional increase in burning of your fats for weight loss.
Additionally, choose your food that you will eat. Limit your carbohydrates and also those fatty foods. Stop eating chocolates and other sweet foods.
It was also indicated in a study that eating green and leafy vegetables, lots of fish and fruits will hasten your metabolism as these foods are easy to digest and its nutrients can be easily absorbed by the body.
Lest you might forget, you have to limit you calorie intake, so I would suggest you take the time to surf the net and get hold of a copy of foods table with calorie approximation.
This way you will know what foods to eat that contain the least amount of calories. And finally, compliment your right eating habits and diet with the right and proper kind of exercise.
Choose that kind of exercise that will make you sweat profusely, because at least you know you are burning many calories by the sweat you make.
Aside from these exercises, you can also join group sports to make you spend more energy like sport dancing, ballroom dancing and aerobics.
Overview Of Metabolism
Actually, metabolism is the body mechanism that is responsible for converting the nutrients of digested foods coming from our digestive system to become energy to fuel our body.
It is a biochemical process that is mainly composed of two alternating and opposed process known as anabolism and catabolism whose task is to build molecules for cells and tissues and also to destroy food nutrients molecules known as calories to produce energy for the body.
Even as the body sleeps, metabolism provides the body with energy to fuel its continuing operation like digestion, blood circulation, hearth pumping action, breathing and snoring, and even the brains while it is dreaming of far away places and beautiful women.
Researchers of metabolism have labeled the amount of energy expended by the body during the stage where it is sleeping as the Basal Metabolic rate.
Since metabolism is a process by which it burns calories to provide the body with energy, making your metabolism burns calories at a faster rate will surely make you loss weight faster.
That is, if you also control your intake of calories. Actually, if you think about it, to effectively loss weight, you have to limit your calories intake and increase the amount of calories you burn.
And if you are thinking about how you can increase your metabolism, there was a study made in relation to that matter.
In the study, they pointed out that you can increase your body metabolism by eating you breakfast each day.
Their observation have indicated that during the time that the body sleeps at night, metabolism will begin to slow down especially so when the food that was eaten for dinner was already fully digested.
This slowing down of body metabolism will continue until you have breakfast when your digestion begun to start and your metabolism again will start to process the nutrients and burn calories.
In relation to this study, they have suggested that you can increase further your rate of metabolism by changing your habit of eating. They suggested that instead of taking three full meals a day, you change that to six half-full meals a day.
This schedule of eating they said will enable your metabolism to increase since it will have to burn more calories for the energy required to process six digestion processes instead of just three.
Exercise on the other hand, will greatly help your body metabolism. According to a research conducted by a group of medical scientist, physical exercise and metabolism has a close relationship.
A regular daily exercise can boost the level of your metabolism, but an endurance exercise can even boost it further. When it comes to exercise, try to do exercises that can make you sweat profusely.
If you wish, you can also join group exercises like aerobics and dance sport. Doing an early morning walk or jogging would be good. For men, playing basketball, lawn tennis or table tennis, soccer and swimming would be very good for metabolism.
When it comes to food, control your calorie intake. You can browse the net and look for sites that offer free food tables where you can find different kinds of foods with corresponding calorie content approximation.
If you still do not have the table for calories, play it safe by eating fish and leafy green vegetables. Also, eat a lot of fruits like bananas, and apples.
It would be thus worth noting that you can have a good body metabolism through good diet with scheduled time of eating and proper exercise.
Healthy Way To Lose Weight - How Does your Weight Relate To Your Metabolic Rate ?
If you are into weight loss, then surely, you will have to concern yourself with your calorie intake and how to burn faster your huge calorie reserves or your fats.
And one of the things that will concern you also will be your metabolic rate because metabolic rate measures how efficient your body burns calories for each day, and having a higher rate of metabolism will speed up your weight loss.
In studies related to metabolism, it was established that weight affects metabolic rate;
That a light weight person has a faster metabolic rate than a heavy weight person which simply show that a person with a slim body has a healthier or faster metabolic rate than a person who is heavy with fats.
And talking about muscles, you have to take note that muscles burn faster than fats. In this respect, being slim and having muscles is always preferable to being heavy with fats, metabolism wise.
Our metabolism rate is an ongoing thing even if we are sleeping. It is the rate at which we burn calories to have energy to support our organs vital function – our digestion, our breathing, our blood circulation, even our snoring.
Every one of us has our own individual metabolic rate. This rate will vary according to our weight, age, gender and structure composition.
In a study relating to metabolic rate, it was established that women generally has a lower metabolic rate than men. This is due to mainly to the fact that women tend to have more fats than men.
Metabolic rate can also be hereditary as indicated in the study. It has now been generally accepted that as a rule, the more leaner a person is, the higher will be his metabolic rate.
And conversely, the fatter a person is, the lower will be his metabolic rate. Actually, a person can be on the heavy side and still have a high metabolic rate for so long as his weight is accounted for more by muscle instead of fats.
These facts would clearly indicate how weight affects the metabolic rate of a person so that if you are on the leaner side you can be sure of a higher rate of metabolism and if you are on the fatter side a slower metabolic rate.
For weight watchers, exercises that tend to make you sweat profusely will be a good thing. These kinds of physical activities will tend to make your metabolic rate higher.
Another good thing will be to play games or sports that involve a lot of physical movements like lawn tennis, table tennis, basketball, swimming or you can involve your self in aerobics or even in sport dancing.
Surely, having a continued and good dose of these perspiration filled activities will make you physically active and can make your metabolic rate go upwards towards your goal of losing weight.
If you are thinking of other things that would make you loss weight in a short time like those rapid weight loss programs, forget about them.
Those things are outright dangerous to your body. What you should do is indulge yourself in plenty of exercise and sports and eat healthy and low calories foods like fish, vegetables and fruits.
For sure, this will result to having your metabolic rate increase and would surely make you lose weight.
Review Of Products Used To Increase Metabolic Rate
There are now many weight loss products in the market that are advertised as effective in increasing your metabolic rate. Here are some of them.
1. Optimum Nutrition CLA – Very good for men and women who want to lose fats quickly. Their CLA soft gels are most sellable. Every gel contains 1000 mg of CLA One.
This product will enhance your metabolism so that you will burn fats faster. Combined with a low calorie diet, you can be sure to lose fats in a faster way. The following are the benefits of CLA;
It helps to decrease abdominal fats
It helps to improve muscle to fat ratio
It helps to improve energy
It helps to optimize cellular environment
it helps to improve the immune system
It helps to maintain normal triglyceride level.
It helps to maintain normal insulin level
This product is used only as a dietary supplement and is taken 1 to 3 tablets a day. This will be taken only as per suggestion from your physician or licensed nutritionist’s advice.
You have to realize the fact that this product does not carry the approval of the US-FDA hence; this product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any body disorder.
2. Metabolic Thyrolean boast of a three way mechanism or approach That can boost metabolism towards a faster weight loss program. Guggle-sterone is the centerpiece of this formulation that increases and preserves thyroid production.
It is very helpful in preventing bad cholesterol and aiding good cholesterol Increases metabolic rate in a very natural way even without the need of stimulants.
It facilitates the laying out of substrates for the making of neurotransmitters line epinephrine and norepinephrine which are needed for increasing the metabolic rate towards a faster weight loss program Fast and safe weight loss will result to users of this formulation.
It is suggested that a low calorie diet should be followed to effectively and successfully attain or reach your desired body weight.
3. Medical researchers at Ultimate Nutrition have undertaken an extensive research and development to finally come up with a balanced thermogenic
formal called Ultra Ripped.
It is very effective in increasing your metabolic rate and you surely will be pleasantly surprised at how effective it can be in bringing about a fast and safe weight loss. This product is available online and can be purchased at good discounts if you buy in volume.
4. Genesis Today, 4Weight Control. This actually is one sample of the many herbal food supplements sold in the market today for the purpose of weight control.
As the manufacturer would say, this product is safe to use and very effective in weight loss. The herbal formulation of this product will greatly help in increasing the rate of metabolism which would result to weight loss.
Aside from the fact that this formulation is effective, they also claim that it is safe to use considering that it is all natural in its composition.
Metabolism Disorders - What Are The Types Of Metabolic Disorders ?
The most common causes of metabolic disorders, as indicated by a scientific survey related to this matter are genetic malfunctioning that would preclude the normal production of energy through metabolism.
There are times, however, that metabolic disorders can also be caused by toxic compounds or simply due to improper diet or Nutritional deficiencies.
Our organs are susceptible to different kinds of diseases and once they got infected the body metabolism will also be affected. If this happens, then we can say that the metabolic disorder is caused by a genetic disorder.
Usually, defective enzymes that are in the metabolic pathways of the differing nutrients being recycled from our food intakes like carbohydrates, protein, fats and amino acids are the ones responsible for triggering these diseases.
Hereunder are some kinds of metabolic disorders;
Amino acid metabolism disorders
- Phenylketonuria is triggered by en enzyme that is considered as defective and in most cases; this would cause severe mental retardation. The enzyme is phenylalanine. Dietary adjustments would be needed to alleviate the situation.
- Tyrosinemia Type I and II disorders would indicate liver failure and nerve damage. This would likewise include irritation of the corneas of the eyes.
Liver transplant and dietary adjustment would be the most appropriate solution here. Diet should be strictly low in phenylalanine and tyrosine content.
- Alkaptunoria disorder is mainly due to tyrosine breakdown. You can identify this disorder through the symptoms of having dark colored urine, arthritis and would usually include other types of bone disease and hypercoagulability of the blood.
- Hyperhomocysteinemia is usually due to the many insufficient formation of the needed methylcobalamin form of vitamin B12 metabolism.
The indications here would include elongation of the eye lens, thinning of the various bone structures, and also, in substantial cases, mental retardation or psychiatric imbalance.
Treatment for this kind of disorder is through a dietary adjustment that would have to include vitamin B12, betaine and folic acid.
Organic acid metabolic disorders
- Propionicacademia is usually due to a deficient propionyl-CoA-Carboxylase. Indications manifesting for this disorder will be severe malfunctioning of metabolism that might even cause death.
Treatment would include diets that have to be strictly monitored as amino acids should only be in very limited amounts. You have to be careful with the amount as amino acids acts as precursor to propionyl-CoA
- Carboxylase multiple deficiency would appear to have no indicative symptoms and what is usually applied to rectify this disorder is biotin.
An immediate application of biotin the moment this disorder would be discovered is suggested.
- Methylmalonic Acidemia is a vitamin B12 metabolism disorder most often triggered by a malfunctioning enzyme system The only cure here would be to have the patient take a lot of B12 dosage to have the disorder corrected.
Fatty acid metabolic disorder
- Hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia is mainly due to the abnormal usage of Lipoproteins. Cardiovascular disease will normally be the usual symptoms.
The use of drugs would be very much needed here to prevent fatty acid synthesis.Modified diet is also recommended in this disorder.
- Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorder is mainly due to the many effects of hydroxvacyl-CoA dehydrogenase enzyme - Glycogen Storage disorder is the natural result of the breaking up of the body’s glycogen.
Speed Metabolism - Ways To Speed Up Your Metabolic Rate
Indeed, each one of us has our own unique rate of metabolism. I call it as unique simply because each one of us has a different rate of metabolism considering the many factors involve that will have a bearing on the rate of metabolism that.
Each one of us will have. Increasing your rate of metabolism will result to a faster rate of weight loss because your body will burn more calories. Here are Ways in which you can increase the speed of your metabolism.
Increase Your Lean Muscle Mass - Building up your muscle mass by strength training is a good way to improve the rate of metabolism. There are many exercises relating to muscle mass build up that you can learn.
It would be much better if you have the time to visit a gym and have the gym instructor teach you the right and proper way in building your lean muscle mass.
It would also be advisable to exercise your lean muscle mass build up several times a week. The higher the frequency of your exercise schedule,
The better it will be for you so that you may experience the many health benefits of having a build up of your lean mass muscles aside from the fact that it will increase your metabolic rate much earlier.
Do Not Put Yourself Into a Crash Diet Program - Crash Diet will never do you good. It will only harm your body. In a medical research, I was revealed that our body metabolism slows down the moment there would be no more food to digest.
Thus, if you put yourself on a crash diet, your metabolism rate will be greatly affected and even when you go back to your normal diet, your metabolism,
Having adjusted itself to a very low level rate of metabolism during the length of time you are on a crash diet, would still be on a low level,
Resulting to a stockpiling of calories without being utilized due to slow metabolism and would thus result to more fats in your body.
It is worth noting that the body should have at least had a minimum intake of 1200 calories a day. Do not go below this level as it will already be bad for your body.
Engage in Physical Activities – Try to be active in whatever ways you can
Taking the stairways instead of an elevator or escalator will help. If you can help it, try to look for opportunity in which you can move your body.
If you are in your office, avoid sending papers thru the messenger if the distance is only several tables away. Do it yourself.
At least this way, you can personally convey what Other instruction you may have for your officemate. Join other physical activities Like aerobics or even sport dancing or ballroom dancing.
Dancing actually is a good exercise aside from the fact that you will be enjoying it if you do it as a group. Try to make it a habit of waking up early and have a walking exercise even just around your block.
If you happen to live in a subdivision, it would be nice to take an early morning jog or walk around the perimeter of your subdivision to increase your body metabolism towards attaining your desired weight.
Understanding Metabolism Rate - What Is Basal Metabolic Rate?
When we are sleeping, our body still functions. Our blood circulation continues to circulate through out our body. Our hearth continues to pump in order that our blood circulation will be maintained.
Our lungs continue to function to enable the body to breath and even snore. Our digestive system keeps on digesting the food we have taken for dinner.
Our liver and kidneys goes on with their cleaning function. Our brain as we sleep goes on functioning to give us dreams.
All of these body functions as we sleep are made possible because of energy produced by our body metabolism.
This amount of energy produced by our metabolism to power the entire body requirement as we sleep is called as the Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR, while the unit of measuring the energy is called calories.
If you happen to be in a weight loss program, your individual BMR is crucial in determining the amount of calories that you are losing and likewise in determining the amount of calories that you need in your food intake.
However, you have to understand that your BMR is dependent on many metabolism factors. Age is one factor that influences your BMR. As you grow older, your BMR also lessens.
Genetics or hereditary factor is also one of the things that will make your BMR higher or lower than other persons. In a study conducted by medical Scientist, they have learned that men have higher BMR than women.
They noted that the cause for this is the fact that men have more muscle masses than women and women have more fats than men.
In terms of body tissue, they found out that a body with a lot of fats will have a lower BMR compared to a body with lower fats and more muscle tissues. Body temperature also affects your BMR.
A body with a higher temperature will also have a higher BMR as compared to a body having a lower temperature. This precisely is the reason why your BMR would tend to increase when you have a fever.
Aside from these discussed factors, there are still other things that can affect your BMR. The amount produced by the thyroid glands known asThyroxin can affect your BMR.
The more thyroxin produced, the higher will be your BMR. If your thyroid gland lessens its production of thyroxin, you can be sure of a low BMR.
A positive thing that can happen to your BMR is in your eating schedule. Scientists have found out that eating daily your breakfast can increase your BMR.
Also, they suggest that instead of eating three full meals a day; adjust it to six half-meal a day. This way they say, your BMR will continue working instead of slowing down once there is no more food being digested.
And of course, the final way to increase it is through exercise. By having a daily exercise like aerobics, sport dancing, jogging, distance walking and other forms of exercise to make you sweat profusely, you can effectively enhance your BMR. And your diet should also be made to lessen your calorie intake to the daily minimum needed by your body.
Basic Metabolic Tip - What Is Considered A Good Metabolic Rate ?
Actually, a good metabolic rate is one that is sufficient to burn calories very efficiently to provide for an enhanced body fats reduction.
When we talk about metabolism, we talk about two biochemical processes that work in opposing direction to build body elements and destroy nutrients for energy production.
This destruction of nutrients for energy will be used efficiently if the metabolic rate is in good condition.
Otherwise, if the rate of metabolism is slow, the destruction or the burning of glucose will be inefficiently done and the unused glucose will be stored in the body as fats.
And with regards to the Basal Metabolic Rate, it is the total amount of energy needed to enable our body to function normally.
Basal Metabolic Rate is the total energy needed to enable our body to function while we sleep. It is the energy that makes our circulatory system function.
It also gives energy to make our digestive system, our respiratory system and even to our cleansing system like to the liver and kidneys.
This energy that keeps our body working while we sleep is the Basal Metabolic Rate. If you are into weight loss, it will be indeed to your advantage if you can improve the rate of your metabolism.
There are many ways you can improve on your metabolism. One of these is by eating your breakfast everyday. It was found out in a study that by eating your breakfast daily, you can increase the rate of your metabolism.
Also, the researchers suggested that instead of eating three full meals a day; make it six half-meals. This will make your metabolism higher to effect a more efficient burning of energy.
The medical researchers explained that by distributing your meals six times in a day, your metabolism will thus be made continuously resulting to a higher rate of metabolism.
Another way you can have a good metabolic rate is through plenty of physical activity. Researchers would tell you that there are three effective ways you can have a good metabolism.
And these are through eating your breakfast daily and scheduling your meals; having a good diet with plenty of vegetables and fish and the last, plenty of exercise.
When it comes to exercise, it would be good to join aerobics classes, sport dancing and even ballroom dancing. Early morning walk or jogging would be a good exercise also.
For men, sports that you will profusely sweat are encouraged like basketball, lawn tennis, table tennis soccer and even swimming.
For your diet, it would be better if you can keep track of calories you take. You can visit your nearest friendly book store and look for food calorie tables.
There are many pamphlets sold in the market for weight watchers. Or the other way around here is to surf the net and look for sites that offers these food calorie tables for free.
Remember that proper diet and exercise and eating schedule can surely give you good metabolism. Once you have a good metabolism rate, try to keep it that way.
Evaluating Metabolism Boosting Products
The ever increasing demand for weight loss products has lured many businesses to gain foothold in this very lucrative business that to date is already considered a multi million dollar industry.
And they are now training their sights on producing products that will increase the rate of body metabolism to burn fats faster so as to affect a faster weight loss.
There are many weight loss products claiming to have the right formulation for enhancing metabolism to make you loss weight effectively in a fast way.
There is however, apprehension with regards to the affectivity of many of these product because of the absence of certification of approval from the Foods and drug Administration supporting their claim.
Most of these products are herbal based. Buying one of these products even without the Food and Drug approval do not necessarily mean that the product is not effective.
I have known several people who have professed on the affectivity of these herbal weight loss products even without FDA certification.
Of course, I have to believe them because it shows! One way to ascertain if the product is effective in enhancing metabolism to give you an effective weight loss is by asking around.
Try to inquire from your friends or relatives if they knew of someone who has used the product.
You can try to observe your fellow office workers and see if there are some who may have reduced their weight considerably and are now sporting sexy bodies far different from their once barrel sized figures.
If you happen to spot one, make friends with her and see if you can pry open her secret to weight loss.
She might actually be using the product you are intending to use which is a herbal based formulation that can enhance the body metabolism for faster and effective weight loss.
Another good way to snoop around for information as to the most effective weight loss product which is metabolism related is by going online and join forums regarding weight loss.
Here, you will be able to read differing opinions about a particular product for weight loss. Of course, we cannot avoid the fact that there are biases of opinions here.
But just try to as much as possible filter out the opinions of those paid forum posters because you can just as easily sort them out.
Concentrate more on those negative details that might be posted by an irate buyer and then it would be much better if you can connect with her to get the full details.
If after your snooping around and you cannot still determine for yourself if what is the best weight loss products that you will buy particularly the one that can improve the body metabolism for faster weight loss, then do not buy anything at all.
Instead of buying those quickie solutions to weight loss, go for the natural thing – plan your diet and do regular exercise.
This way, you can increase the rate of your body metabolism towards a healthy body and effectively lose those fats!
Increase Your Metabolism FAQ - Why Does Your Metabolic Rate Slow Down As You Age ?
Tags: Metabolic Rate, Resting Metabolic Rate, Increase Your Metabolism
It is needed that we should have a full understanding first if what does metabolic rate means before we take on the task of knowing the reasons behind why do it slows down with age.
In simple terms, metabolic rate is the amount of energy measured in a calorie that makes our body function. It is interesting to note that even while the body sleeps, our metabolism continues to function to provide our body energy.
The usual belief that the loss of muscles is related to the slowing down of metabolic rate because of age, is now being reevaluated.
As the latest study shows that the loss of muscle mass as a person age, is not only the reason behind the slowing down of metabolic rate.
Latest study shows that irrespective of the loss of any muscle mass, metabolic rate can slow down due to age. One reason for this is in terms of exercise.
A person, who constantly exercise during his younger days and has a high rate of metabolism, when he gets older, might already be exercising a lot less than his younger days. This situation will of course result to a slow down of his metabolism.
Another reason for lowering of metabolism during old age would be a person’s calorie intake and the foods he takes in relation to the workings of his digestion.
It should be known that a person desire for foods also lessens with age. Thus, in consideration that the metabolic rate of a person is directly proportional to the calories that he takes in to his body and also to the workings of his digestive system,
An old age person, although physically active, will have a much lesser food intake that would make his digestive organs work in a much shorter time.
In this case, his metabolic rate will be considerably lowered as the energy to be expended to support his food digestion would also be for a shorter period of time
These findings would tend to support a line of thinking that age will not be a great factor in slowing down your metabolic rate so long as you do the right ways to have a good metabolism.
In this respect, a group of persons in their late forties and who were already experiencing a lowered metabolic rate were made to undertake to help in a study about metabolism.
Before the start of the study, approximations of their individual metabolic rate were recorded. The study involved the strict implementations of the six half-full meal per day,
The daily eating of breakfast, the strict recording of calorie intakes plus the daily exercise that were scheduled to them individually.
When the results were reviewed later on, the results pleasantly surprised most of the team that were under taking the study.
Every body in the group that was the subject of the study recorded increases in their metabolic rate. In this respect, we can indeed say that being past the middle age,
We can still avail ourselves good metabolism even as we age, so long as we follow the needed steps towards having good metabolism even as we age.