How to Cut Trans Fat from Your Diet: Eat Less Bad Fat to Lose Weight

How to Cut Trans Fat from Your Diet: Eat Less Bad Fat to Lose Weight

Common weight loss advice is to cut fat and calories from your diet. Counting fat grams can be confusing, but learning how can help you lose weight.

Counting calories is pretty easy to do. There is one straight forward number on food labels. Weight loss websites like Calorie King and Sparkspeople make it even easier to find out the calories in the foods you eat and to track your daily calories. Counting fat grams, however, is a little trickier.

Learning how to count fat grams and cut them from your diet is important for your weight loss success. There are good and bad fats. Dieters need to know which foods are good fats and which are bad fats and be able to detect them on food labels in order to make healthier choices. Don’t let all of the different terms on food labels confuse you.

Trans fat is something you want to avoid. These are hydrogenated oils that are bad for your health. Trans fats are commonly found in fried foods and packaged junk food. Trans fats are unnecessary chemicals and cause heart damage. These are bad fats.

Saturated fat is another one to avoid when dieting. Sources high in saturated fat are meat and dairy. In addition to causing weight gain, they are the fats that cause high cholesterol and lead to heart problems. These are also bad fats.

Polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fat, however, are fine to eat in moderation. Foods high in these good fats include: fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil. These are good fats. They are oils that are essential for lubricating your joints and keeping your organs healthy.

Now that you can identify good fats and bad fats you can make healthier food choices by reading labels. Look beyond the calories and see how many calories are from fat. Then read the ingredients label and scan for trans fat and saturated fat. Avoid these artery hardening foods as much as possible to maintain ahealthy heart.

High Fat Foods to Avoid

Baked goods
Ice cream
Whole milk and dairy products
Cream based sauces

Easy Ways to Cut Fat from Your Diet

Use reduced fat or fat free condiments
Replace butter with olive oil
Grill, broil or bake foods
Use a nonfat cooking spray
Eat lean poultry, fish or meatless meals
Trim off visible fat from meat and poultry
Choose fat free milk and dairy products

It isn’t necessary to avoid whole food groups to lose weight, but if you are able to identify which fats are healthy and which are unhealthy you can make smarter food choices. Eat bad fats on occasion, if you must, but try to include a little good fat in your daily diet.
Lovely Ladies

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